Aliens didn't abduct me!
No I am still here sorry to say....
Just been super busy with projects and RL stuff so I have had really no time or energy to post. Sorry to my two fans oiler and Bama. I'll try to be better about it...
So updates.... hmm where did I leave off let me go look.... wow has it really almost been a week.. damn
I'll post a some stat days
Ok first one is the 11th.
The 11th was a "good" day. I topped the WW and TW on the 8th and started getting them ready for an early flower this weekend. Finally some strains from seed banks to add to my stash. I added Cal mag as I had forgotten it in my scheduled res change. All was well!
On the 12th the TW smacked a wall! almost literally. when I was swapping it around in tubs etc it basically fell almost out of the top. It still must have had weak root structure and was just too loose in the clay. Well it didn't seem all that bad after some delicate time spent working on it.
wrong.. .. very wrong... It had to have damaged the roots attachment point to the stock. The roots looked good but.. the plant rebelled. I mean all the fans got all droopy and wilted shriveled to nothing. New growth halted.. ppm's and ph good but I was watching it over a 48 hour period die.... Every other plant was like hey whats up homey! ... TW was like ... Thanks for givin it a try bud.... see yah... We'll get back to this story.
Then this one is the 13th.. Things are pretty good overall
This one is today...
I experimented with the humidifier in the room to lower the high humidity but it hasnt been an issue yet so I am not sure why i did it cause it made room temps go up a lot. Fans handled it but added more electricity etc and felt sorta not needed. i run good loose fan in the tent and room so I haven't had issues yet...
I added a utility tub to the grow room with tap 40 ppm water and a drain Yipppeee that made life so much easier. Tonight was flower tub changes and new pump and sink in place it was 30 minutes for 20 gallons out and back in with freshies!
Just trying to keep on dialing it in.
I added a metal rack shelf next to sink to hold supplies. It isn't a large room but I am using the space pretty efficiently.
So going back to Veg the TW yesterday stopped dying on me.
It is really looking pretty sad at the moment. I am ok with it though cause it will just have to sit in veg for another 4 weeks I guess. I topped a PC clone to go with the WW or may just give the WW a tank on its own. Like I am doing with the PC now. The TW top leaves perked back up and the other leaves seem to stabilize some. I kid you not it was like it couldn't get any food or water anymore and just couldn't support itself or something. It probably barely has working roots anymore... All good though take it in stride... Lots else happening I mean look at the rest of them.
WW showed some very slight edge leaf burn on some lowers so I dropped about 100 ppm tonight. The top is just starting to split and grow. This and a pc clone i topped as well will go in flower next week. I know it is early but I am trying to do something different than this explosion!!
The stretch is unbelievable... I have no idea what that much stretch will do to yield if it will help or hurt but I wanted to try it. This much stretch the LED is shining way down in there,. This is day 30 on flip. So only 3-4 weeks flower depending how you look at it. So if the next phase is to start soon and the fattening is in the same explosive fashion this should be good.!!!
I have totally forgotten about my HPS light i mean look at this. I can't grow them like this or I will only have like 3 in flower at a time due to lack of space. I am sure the HPS would be doing the same.. but the LED it more than adequate and more manageable. More will come soon.. on the list...
Flower at the moment is my teams strength.. Funny we have always been a Veg excelling team... Back to fundamentals I guess!
That's about it for now.... I'll try to be better about posts. Probably not as much daily though even though I spend plenty of time checking on the grow at various times.
Does look more impressive this way....