Pennywise Strikes Again

penny could you give me your suggestion on what i should do. perhaps run me throw this hydro grow?
Good news is i don't have PH problem like last time
Thanks TC should end up with a couple of keepers this run
I Gotta figure out how to keep keepers I really don't want to lose these strains. I may just have to grow them out enough to take clones and then do the same with each set of clones and killing off the donor or mother plant as soon as the new cutting takes root maybe I could keep them that way. I know I have A Lot of seeds to work through as well so I would have to be very selective in what I keep.
I Gotta figure out how to keep keepers I really don't want to lose these strains. I may just have to grow them out enough to take clones and then do the same with each set of clones and killing off the donor or mother plant as soon as the new cutting takes root maybe I could keep them that way. I know I have A Lot of seeds to work through as well so I would have to be very selective in what I keep.
i thought of doing it that way to but im not going to be here for 2 mos. next summer so i cant keep moms the only thing i can do is take cuts send them to someone thats going to keep them so i can get cuts later but you would need to find someone thats reliable and wants that strain.
i thought of doing it that way to but im not going to be here for 2 mos. next summer so i cant keep moms the only thing i can do is take cuts send them to someone thats going to keep them so i can get cuts later but you would need to find someone thats reliable and wants that strain.
And when you get the cuts Check them well and keep isolated at first so you don't get some unwanted pest
The BH tastes like a spicy moldy basement.
I love that description. My Killer Haze has an aroma that I can't quite get a handle on, but your description could be close. I was kinda thinking mine smelled like a wet dog, but there was also a bit of spice to it. Maybe a wet dog that rolled in a pile of pine needles and nutmeg. :laughtwo:
I was hoping more incense but it still has time to cure more.
Same here. I just finished harvesting my Haze (took me 6 days to trim ) and after a couple days in the turkey bag, they are smelling a tad better - more spice, maybe even incense.
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