Pennywise Does SOG Pheno Hunts Fall 2018

thankfully all good following waterfall bedroom re designs , shorting electeics and trying to murder the ladies with overnuted mix. heehee been a rough one but they are bouncing back with a vengeance now thankfully. hows you and the ladies ?
Lots of good things in your grow room. Too bad about the leak. To every life rain must fall
@Blazinjones make up your capsule supply from 2 separate strains. I find that when I vape 1 strain for awhile the effects diminish. If I switch to a different strain the effects intensify for awhile so I just switch back and forth. Would be interesting to see if oils work the same way.
Haha, All alive so far. One is a future goner I dropped and am watching. She turned into a tri leafed thing.
sounds interesting. there are a coupke of members who specialise in these so could be of use too. angybird should put you onto someone. mutants can create some crazy bud.
@Blazinjones make up your capsule supply from 2 separate strains. I find that when I vape 1 strain for awhile the effects diminish. If I switch to a different strain the effects intensify for awhile so I just switch back and forth. Would be interesting to see if oils work the same way.
That’s a great idea! Worth a try at the very least, right?
I’m not sure if I’ve said hello on this thread yet so, high!! :ciao: I’ve been following along for a bit, so I guess I was being a lurker. But I will lurk no more! :D Happy to be following along and seeing what you got going on Pennywise!
@Blazinjones make up your capsule supply from 2 separate strains. I find that when I vape 1 strain for awhile the effects diminish. If I switch to a different strain the effects intensify for awhile so I just switch back and forth. Would be interesting to see if oils work the same way.

Hmm I never thought of it that way. I'll be inadvertently doing that test shortly cause my cbd critical cure is about a week or 2 from being done. An I'll be turning most of her 2 capsules to help with pain an stress since barneys farm says its what it's good for. Plus this paticular strain came highly recommended from sweetsue on here to try for pain control. So I'm in Hope's it will start to help again an I can use this strain for alil while to help come down off my meds some more. So thanx for bring tht 2 my attention about switching strains. I'll have 2 keep some record as 2 the effects I feel an how effective it is an keep using it till I notice it starting to drop its effectiveness. Then switch strains an do the same thing. That way when I go back to original first strain I can see if it's more effective or goes back up or what? Like u said it will be interesting to see if it works like tht for oil or not?
I always let my mutants flower just to see what they become, I remember Reeferman saying his mutants often were very special in the end.

Lol I usually do the same thing unless said mutant is weak or sumthn to the point of dieing off. I actually have a mutant going rite now that has double branches. I topped her one time on one of the branches an got 4 tops an u can see they r in the same spot so it's not like jus a lower node started catching up an became a top lol. Actually I mite have a picture of her sumwhere if I do I'll come back n post one of her if u dnt mind penny. But yea somtimes the most craziest herb comes from the weirdest looking plant. Idk about every1 else but I love a gud mystery every once ina while an getting somthing ur not expecting an it ends up good well that's always a gud thing right hahaha well mostly anyway.
Don't touch my ballon! Otter I'd give her a corner and see what she does.
Ok Ok! I fear balloons anyways.
Lol I usually do the same thing unless said mutant is weak or sumthn to the point of dieing off. I actually have a mutant going rite now that has double branches. I topped her one time on one of the branches an got 4 tops an u can see they r in the same spot so it's not like jus a lower node started catching up an became a top lol. Actually I mite have a picture of her sumwhere if I do I'll come back n post one of her if u dnt mind penny. But yea somtimes the most craziest herb comes from the weirdest looking plant. Idk about every1 else but I love a gud mystery every once ina while an getting somthing ur not expecting an it ends up good well that's always a gud thing right hahaha well mostly anyway.
Maybe I'll give the new on away then. She's starting to catch on.
I had 4 really crazy looking Xmas Bud plants but even though they were cool to look at they didn't produce 1/3 of what their normal siblings are. I culled all 4 before I pollinated the normal ones.
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