PCaddict's Second Grow Featuring Budget LED, Growing Amnesia Fast & Sweet Tooth

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Yeah that one has become a bush , It is wider then my 10 gallon pot. When it starts perking up a bit more I will tie down the mains
I did mess the small NH up a little when I was trying to get it out of the #1 pot it tore some roots. I am hoping not too bad
I’m about to cut the roots back on my BH mom. Need to pick up some razor blades first.
im going to be doing something like that im keeping the third wq cut for outside in the ground next summer if im not successful getting the fems ill grow that in the ground one more time the rite way but i would prefer to just plant a seed next spring less hassle
im going to be doing something like that im keeping the third wq cut for outside in the ground next summer if im not successful getting the fems ill grow that in the ground one more time the rite way but i would prefer to just plant a seed next spring less hassle
You will have it all worked out by then, I hope you get a female
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