PCaddict's Second Grow Featuring Budget LED, Growing Amnesia Fast & Sweet Tooth

I also went into the new area and seen the Panda film had come loose from the top and was all laying down on the floor. No plants were harmed . I re taped it and I am hoping it stays up this time. I did get the exhaust hooked up to the duct and it is venting outside
Today's pictures
My plants were needing water yesterday so I watered them. I think the biggest two need transplanted so now I have to wait for them to dry out so I can up pot them
Finally PC you topped them..lmao..just playin brother :passitleft: are you going to transplant soon? Cant wait, PC..these girls are going to explode. Buckle up bro, once you flip.:passitleft:cant wait to see how the turn out, might need a step ladder bro
I flipped them a week or so ago. I topped the hell out of them. My mentor told me to take that much off . I meant to transplant them today but forgot yesterday and watered them so I need to let them dry out a bit then up pot to the 10s , These things grow like, well like weeds Lol
Looking good, PC! I'd love to grow one of those crazy sativas! Definitely will happen when I've got more space!

Any pics of the mushies??
No pics of the mushrooms yet the grain bags are colonizing right now so not much to see yet. I will get some pics when I fill the tub.
Remember to harvest before the veils open!!

your NHs have not missed a beat with that topping... those new tops have exploded in 24hr!

looking proper in here PC, nice work. Got some monster girls in the upstairs tent. You flipped them already, correct?
I will post pics when I fill the mono tubs. There is a little white mycelian in the grain bags so far but I have to wait to for it to fully colonize then put it in my mono tub
Remember to harvest before the veils open!!

your NHs have not missed a beat with that topping... those new tops have exploded in 24hr!

looking proper in here PC, nice work. Got some monster girls in the upstairs tent. You flipped them already, correct?
Thanks Chef yeah the big girls got flipped on the 17th. Its really crazy how fast these Sativas grow.
What is harvesting before veils open ?
Thanks Chef yeah the big girls got flipped on the 17th. Its really crazy how fast these Sativas grow.
What is harvesting before veils open ?

He means to harvest them when they still look like little willys! Don't let them open up and spread out else you'll lose potency
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