PCaddict's Second Grow Featuring Budget LED, Growing Amnesia Fast & Sweet Tooth

Do you know which your water source uses? Chlorine would be gone after 48 hours of bubbling.
I never checked, great question shed. My tap usually runs around 60ppms, now i throw it in my Berkey that lowers it in the low 20s. My supersoi could have been weak or veg too long in my old pots
Ascorbic acid will get rid of chloramine, not citric acid. Citric acid is for PM.
My mistake It is Ascorbic acid and not Citric acid that I have in my cart
If you really want to give your girls a thrill...after you rid the chlorine or chloramine pump some air bubbles through a couple of gallons and use that within a few hours. You can add nutrients or other things after bubbling. Some air stones and a couple aquarium pumps does the job.
I gave my buddy my air pump and air stones so I would need to buy a couple of those and mix it in with my drenches and do like 4 gallons in a 5 gallon bucket so it doesn't bubble out too much then just water from the 5 gallon buckets In my 8x8 Sativa room I will have 4 20gallon pots that will probably drink around 4 gallons each so being able to use my tap water would be a BIG help. I will also be running 10gallon pots and they will be drinking a good bit too
If you really want to give your girls a thrill...after you rid the chlorine or chloramine pump some air bubbles through a couple of gallons and use that within a few hours. You can add nutrients or other things after bubbling. Some air stones and a couple aquarium pumps does the job.
I know adding in water that has bubbled for 24 hours or more adds Oxygen which helps the plants
If it's just chlorine, leave it out for 48 hours and save yourself a ton of cash on buying water. If it's chloramine, simple cheap ascorbic acid (plain old vitamin C) will remove it.

@AdaminCO said:


I had 30mg for 8 gallons of water in my notes from internet searching.
All good info. PC there’s got to be a water report somewhere out there. I found mine and it’s only chlorine and ph is 7. I’ve only been leaving it out 24hrs, I’ll switch to 48hrs now. I’m always trying to add microbes of some kind to fight it...
All good info. PC there’s got to be a water report somewhere out there. I found mine and it’s only chlorine and ph is 7. I’ve only been leaving it out 24hrs, I’ll switch to 48hrs now. I’m always trying to add microbes of some kind to fight it...
Thanks Fudo I will get a report and see what's in it and figure out a plan. Use the ascorbic acid and get a pump so I can bubble it for 24 hours or so and start using my own water I would have to do it outside in the cold freezing weather
I got another batch of soil cooking today my buddies actually did it for me due to my breathing and COPD and my bad back so they were really helpful today. Hawk4200 was one of my buddies that were helping

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