PCaddict's 1st Grow Journal

Great morning to ya PC and friends. With taking pics of our plants while in 'bloom'! All you need to do is wait till the lights have been on for a lil while (an hour or so) then simply turn off timers for a few min's. while taking pics. That's all i ever do . i don't like messin with a camera flash before the lights actually come on. Its just sumpin i never mess with . That's why i wait for the lights to come on. Then simply turn them off and take a few pics, then turn lights back on.
Anyhow PC ...not sure of wat Drench is next .....lets try and stop some mid bloom fade and get those buds to thicken up some. Next crop when you are able to get another light , or two in there, u will see wat a big difference in bud density can be when they get loads of light.
Are you happy so far PC?
Today's pictures

The ladies are looking fiiiiiine! Know I've said this before, but, amazing canopy!!
How long into bloom are they now?
The ladies are looking fiiiiiine! Know I've said this before, but, amazing canopy!!
How long into bloom are they now?
They were Flipped 30 days ago and going with the 10 days after flip they are 20 days into bloom. Thanks for the encouraging words
Great morning to ya PC and friends. With taking pics of our plants while in 'bloom'! All you need to do is wait till the lights have been on for a lil while (an hour or so) then simply turn off timers for a few min's. while taking pics. That's all i ever do . i don't like messin with a camera flash before the lights actually come on. Its just sumpin i never mess with . That's why i wait for the lights to come on. Then simply turn them off and take a few pics, then turn lights back on.
Anyhow PC ...not sure of wat Drench is next .....lets try and stop some mid bloom fade and get those buds to thicken up some. Next crop when you are able to get another light , or two in there, u will see wat a big difference in bud density can be when they get loads of light.
Are you happy so far PC?
Hay Duggan I hope you had a Great vacation. I was waiting for you to get settled back in after your trip and having to harvest I know you were Super busy yesterday. I am have lots of fading. My last drench was yesterday and they got their first Cat drench so next will be one more Cat drench then to GI because they all got TP the drench before I started Cats. I gave them a light Brix foliar spray on Wednesday the 12th I will order Snake Oil as soon as it is back in stock. You can see some of the yellowing and dyeing leaf's in todays pictures there is a lot more of them on the bottoms too. My light will be here tomorrow and I am going to get my tent cleaned out and hang the light and move the drivers out of the tent. I think I will try to use just two of my Mars COB lights in the middle of the two Budget LED lights and see what my temps and humidity are like, if it is still a little high I will just use the two Budget LED lights
Thank you so much....trip was fantastic...lots to talk about!
Yup...all sounds proper, no worriez! Great to hear about the new light going in there . Try and leave all the lights in there and turn up to 100% if not already there. Temps as high as mid to high 80's are ok .Low 70's when off is good. All else sounds 100% correct.
About mid bloom fade. As soon as u get the SO from Doc, use it ok. Mix it at 25% strength of Brix used OK.
Spray a max. of two times over about a week, then NO more. This will slow the yellowing down , but i must warn you , it's much easier to avoid the mid bloom fade than to stop it , once it has begun , ok.
You are doing everything you can... stay the course. The new light will really help with thickening and bulking up , of all the bud sites. Good on ya for sacrificing other important things to get that light. I get it bud....cheers , and good on ya PC.
Thank you so much....trip was fantastic...lots to talk about!
Yup...all sounds proper, no worriez! Great to hear about the new light going in there . Try and leave all the lights in there and turn up to 100% if not already there. Temps as high as mid to high 80's are ok .Low 70's when off is good. All else sounds 100% correct.
About mid bloom fade. As soon as u get the SO from Doc, use it ok. Mix it at 25% strength of Brix used OK.
Spray a max. of two times over about a week, then NO more. This will slow the yellowing down , but i must warn you , it's much easier to avoid the mid bloom fade than to stop it , once it has begun , ok.
You are doing everything you can... stay the course. The new light will really help with thickening and bulking up , of all the bud sites. Good on ya for sacrificing other important things to get that light. I get it bud....cheers , and good on ya PC.
I am like a kid at Christmas about getting that other light. :yahoo::cheesygrinsmiley::headbanger: Come to think about it maybe three of those lights would work Great in there and fill my tent with light, Maybe in a couple months I can get a third one. I will need it anyway if I can clean stuff up and use my gest bedroom as a flower room and move my tent to the basement for Veg. Doc said my temps are too high and my RH is too low. I got another Humidifier and it has brought my RH up some. I think I was just being a mother hen over these plants and was worrying too much. But like you said its easier to avoid the problem then it is to try to fix it
OK then...u and me, ..we on the same page.... :passitleft:A third light ...now your talkin.:slide: Three of those (with the four lil cobs) will allow you to completely fill the space with dense , stinky buds....u know it PC...:high-five:
Part of my reason for getting the other light was so I can get those Hot ass Mars lights out of the tent. I can move the drivers out of the tent on the @Budget LED lights but I cant move the Mars drivers out so they are really raising my temps in the tent and causing lower RH due to the heat the drivers produce. The cords are too short from the driver to the plug in so I couldn't use the Mars lights or they wouldn't be on the same timer and I have enough trouble setting timers I don't think I could get them to come on and go off at the same time and I am already hitting as high as 88f and my RH has dropped to the low 20s at times. It usually stays in the 30s but putting another light in there without putting the drivers out will cause the temps to go too high so I think I am going to try using the two Budget LED light and two of the Mars COB lights in the middle that way I will only have two drivers in the tent but I do want a third Budget LED in there I think that would Rock :headbanger: :yahoo:
ok, just offering it up, and yes I know what you mean. You do not trust my advice. The truth is that your soil or your seeds really dont care about pH as long as you are not coming in so acidic or base that you would be burning them. The only reason we pH adjust is to activate chelated nutes. Since the flush isn't involving nutes till the end, there really is no reason to go to that bother of being in a certain pH range until then... but there is no harm either in taking this step. Just trying to help.
I’m a old farmer, bin doing this way years never had a problem. So it would b som
serious breach of prod call for me to poor in tap instead of PHed. much easer and
faster tho. Old habits die hard I’m gonna roll this around in my head awhile. I may
try it out next harvest. thanks for the advice Emilya .Growers luv
Seedling knows me..... :high-five: ... PC, about the timers and setting them. Please , no need to worry about getting them to come 'on' and , or 'off' at the very same time OK. As long as they are within 30 min's. of each other , all is good ok. Doesn't matter, in veg, or in bloom. Just try to get them both as close as you can, is all, no worriez K.
OK I will try it and move the Budget LED drivers out side of the tent and see what my temps are with the COB lights in there too. I am just worried that in the summer when I cant open the window the heat will get too high but I will try it
Great morning to ya PC and friends. With taking pics of our plants while in 'bloom'! All you need to do is wait till the lights have been on for a lil while (an hour or so) then simply turn off timers for a few min's. while taking pics. That's all i ever do . i don't like messin with a camera flash before the lights actually come on. Its just sumpin i never mess with . That's why i wait for the lights to come on. Then simply turn them off and take a few pics, then turn lights back on.
Anyhow PC ...not sure of wat Drench is next .....lets try and stop some mid bloom fade and get those buds to thicken up some. Next crop when you are able to get another light , or two in there, u will see wat a big difference in bud density can be when they get loads of light.
Are you happy so far PC?
I just realized I did answer your question about how I like using Docs products. I LOVE it. I think last year we ended up with like three ounces from 3 plants, One was an auto that was basically a stick we got at most 1/4 ounce out of it so this is my first real grow. I do believe I would be dealing with lots of issues from any other growing system and I wouldn't have any idea how to deal with them. Docs system is really good and really simple and I know I will blow that 3 ounces out of the water this time. I am Really happy with how things have turned out so far and I am Very Happy you are mentoring me through this.
My pleasure my friend! I wanna see your face when you start seeing the results,...filling jars and jars with the bestest produce man can grow...
Im also very happy you have realized just how easy and reliable Doc's gear is and how much fun growing can be when the system we all use produces such a kick ass final product. We all have our very own Doc Bud to thank for all our sucess, lets not forget about all the reasearch/work that went into this system.
Your next grow will be more challenging , but i feel you are ready for it and with the experience you gained /gathered from this grow will go a very long way in your future success growing ANY variety , as the knowledge base is now there. Cheers PC...keep up the fantastic work and diligence .
I am waiting on my new light to get here then I will move the plants out move the surge protector and timer so I can move the drivers to the Budget LED light and hang the lights but with UPS I never know what time it will be here We have gotten packages at 9:30pm so it could be any time today. I hope it gets here before the wife gets home, she don't know I ordered another one :cheesygrinsmiley: o_O
I am waiting on my new light to get here then I will move the plants out move the surge protector and timer so I can move the drivers to the Budget LED light and hang the lights but with UPS I never know what time it will be here We have gotten packages at 9:30pm so it could be any time today. I hope it gets here before the wife gets home, she don't know I ordered another one :cheesygrinsmiley: o_O
Hahaha come on ups get there before wifey does... :nervous-guy:
I am waiting on my new light to get here then I will move the plants out move the surge protector and timer so I can move the drivers to the Budget LED light and hang the lights but with UPS I never know what time it will be here We have gotten packages at 9:30pm so it could be any time today. I hope it gets here before the wife gets home, she don't know I ordered another one :cheesygrinsmiley: o_O
I’m so tempted to do just that because I still have at least 7weeks left. But she would freak out.
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