Pawpaw Medicine Tent 2.0 Perpetual Grow Journal

Day 51 flower so that means Im about 2-3 weeks from harvest tops Ill start looking at trichomes this week. I will be looking for mostly cloudy Sativia and amber trichomes are like a oxy moron I dont want couch lock I want COUCH LAUNCH ! thats when ya take a couples B's the gears start turning and WHAM your up doing 17 things at one time and if ya get lucky you will actually finish one of them. as you already know I am doing the grim Truffles and Apollo from Brothers Grimm. But before I get carried away I still need to focus on my Dry and cure. I waited a little to long on my last big grow but I got lucky andf other than a few seeds from a nanner it was great smelling and tasting and double locked my azz to the couch. although my current grow was full of mistakes an smaller than I wanted if I do a good Job on the finish I can save face or at least get high enough not to care lol
This is my dry cure method. Everyone has their own but this is the one that works best for me. Hang whole plant upside down do not remove fan leaves this allows for s slower dry. Once branches snap I cut them into 1 foot segments and place them into oven bags and then into plastic home depot bins. I open the bins and bags once a day for about 5 days then I remove buds from branches and repeat the process for 5 to 7 more days then I trim and put in grove bags for storage. I've used the mason jar method and I think the buds turn out stickier and stinkier in the Turkey bags
Ironically I mimicked your methods on my last grow I did a few things a little diffrent but pretty close to the way you mentioned. and it was amazing BTW I got my purple cow and My dog didnt like it so I guess Ill put my plants in it (inside joke, they sent me the right stuff not dog food lol) along with that I also stole your Sip Idea. I got to talk to the developer of the soil I may be mistaken but after talking to him he sounds like a pot growing hermit whop lives off the grid who had a awesome soil recipe, very friendly and helpful. so ya might wanna check my next grow and see how things work out. on a special note he said PC will really preform in a SIP, time will tell

* I can't seem to get good pics but as bad as my plants look there are mad trichomes especially since I went to a full hr of the UVB light. I just wish I had a full canopy
@Bill284 I think I found the ultimate way to rid myself of GNATS ,NO IT ISNT TAKE A BATH!🛀 it involes DUNKS kinda I got BITS which is BITS of DUNKS Guess what Ill be top dressing with? of course I read it is almost impossible to get rid of Gnats in Airpots they say it is a Gnat high rise. But one thing for sure there were in the soil I used the same big bag of FFOF every plant I am growing from that bag has Gnats even my son has them and we learned 1 infested plant will infest a tent. well ill call it a SLAM DUNK!🏀🗑️...........Cant remember who told me about dunks?

@Bill284 I think I found the ultimate way to rid myself of GNATS ,NO IT ISNT TAKE A BATH!🛀 it involes DUNKS kinda I got BITS which is BITS of DUNKS Guess what Ill be top dressing with? of course I read it is almost impossible to get rid of Gnats in Airpots they say it is a Gnat high rise. But one thing for sure there were in the soil I used the same big bag of FFOF every plant I am growing from that bag has Gnats even my son has them and we learned 1 infested plant will infest a tent. well ill call it a SLAM DUNK!🏀🗑️...........Cant remember who told me about dunks?

I have heard many people sing the praises of the mosquito bits
@Bill284 I think I found the ultimate way to rid myself of GNATS ,NO IT ISNT TAKE A BATH!🛀 it involes DUNKS kinda I got BITS which is BITS of DUNKS Guess what Ill be top dressing with? of course I read it is almost impossible to get rid of Gnats in Airpots they say it is a Gnat high rise. But one thing for sure there were in the soil I used the same big bag of FFOF every plant I am growing from that bag has Gnats even my son has them and we learned 1 infested plant will infest a tent. well ill call it a SLAM DUNK!🏀🗑️...........Cant remember who told me about dunks?

Good morning. :ciao:
I ran airpots inside for 5 years, never got Gnats.
So they may love the dam things but it's not their fault. :rofl:
Are you going to mix it in with your soil?
Too bad it comes pre-loaded with them, dam things.
Hopefully that does the trick.
Take care Amigo.
Talk soon.

#VIVOSUN #Love What You Grow
Bill284 😎
well things might be coming to a end sooner than expected, I bitched and moaned about how bad this grow was. I really need to learn to be more thankful I say about 2 weeks left How long do you guys think?
well things might be coming to a end sooner than expected, I bitched and moaned about how bad this grow was. I really need to learn to be more thankful I say about 2 weeks left How long do you guys think?
Wishful thinking.
I bet they are still drinking regularly, draining their pot still?
Those white pistils tell me a touch longer than 2 weeks. :Namaste:
Absolutely beautiful though. :bravo:
Hope your doing well.
Take care Amigo. :high-five:

#VIVOSUN #Love What You Grow
Bill284 😎
@Bill284 I am so glad to hear that I was looking at 9-10 week flower time and im on week 7 the trichomes are turning cloudy and I have lower bud that need more time I dropped my light about 8 inches about 18 in above the canopy hoiping that will give me more penetration a lot of small buds I can say this the UVB light is doing a excellent Job check these gals it smells like tangerine all thru my house I have to give a lot of Credit to SUPER SATIVA SEED CLUB thier genetics have always been amazing
@Costanza ,will do I listen to him about 90% of the time the other 10% I spend wishing I had listen to him lol. While I got your attention I am changing up my plans and not do the GF in the sip between talking to Em and Keffka Im doing the purple cow Indicaja and My goal is to not use any thing else except the soil and the SIP I am going from a solo cup to a 1 gallon fabric pot with a transplant velcro strip lol then to the ac infinity Bags I assume I dont want to use the SIP till I go to the 5 gal How id you start your pot on the SIP ? did you add water to it or just run off? I assume you start by top feeding/water til the roots meet the wick? one thing for sure I wont have to worry about Gnats if I bottom feed God I hate Gnats
@Costanza ,will do I listen to him about 90% of the time the other 10% I spend wishing I had listen to him lol. While I got your attention I am changing up my plans and not do the GF in the sip between talking to Em and Keffka Im doing the purple cow Indicaja and My goal is to not use any thing else except the soil and the SIP I am going from a solo cup to a 1 gallon fabric pot with a transplant velcro strip lol then to the ac infinity Bags I assume I dont want to use the SIP till I go to the 5 gal How id you start your pot on the SIP ? did you add water to it or just run off? I assume you start by top feeding/water til the roots meet the wick? one thing for sure I wont have to worry about Gnats if I bottom feed God I hate Gnats
I water slowly around the base of the stem and do not water to runoff until the leaves of the plant are wider than the pot. Once I start seeing the roots come out the bottom of the pots its time
@Bill284 I am so glad to hear that I was looking at 9-10 week flower time and im on week 7 the trichomes are turning cloudy and I have lower bud that need more time I dropped my light about 8 inches about 18 in above the canopy hoiping that will give me more penetration a lot of small buds I can say this the UVB light is doing a excellent Job check these gals it smells like tangerine all thru my house I have to give a lot of Credit to SUPER SATIVA SEED CLUB thier genetics have always been amazing
I find that as long lower leaves are getting light the buds will ripen together.
It's a bit premature to be checking trics but everyone loves to see the crystal shine. :thumb:
Keep tracking nutrient uptake over the next two weeks.
They will tell you when they are done flowering. ;)
Those pistils will be red and crinkled in by then.
And those buds will have time to finish swelling and turn purple. :yahoo:
Check my thread, Stacey got a puppy. :green_heart:
Come meet Charlie. :ciao:

#VIVOSUN #Love What You Grow
Bill284 😎
@Bill284 Im getting some burnt leaves I realize with the Nitro defency I self inflicted that the leaves are prone to being easy to burn But this is the first time I used this light with your medic grow big boy do you crank it for flower? Mine isnt ad big its a 760 but in spinal Tap terms I turn my light up to 11. is there any benefit to the light being set so high I stay about 20 in above the canopy. it looks like hell Im embarrassed to show a picture But I need to look back at it next time i try to take short cuts.
this poor plant looks like its been thru a war But the the buds are so stinky, sticky and frosty. the grow that wont end
I dont see many Gnats anymore, next time predator mites BTW I fed and watered her since I took this pic she looks a little better the leaves perked up and the buds swelled up so I quess she still drinking and eating like ya said Bill
@Bill284 Im getting some burnt leaves I realize with the Nitro defency I self inflicted that the leaves are prone to being easy to burn But this is the first time I used this light with your medic grow big boy do you crank it for flower? Mine isnt ad big its a 760 but in spinal Tap terms I turn my light up to 11. is there any benefit to the light being set so high I stay about 20 in above the canopy. it looks like hell Im embarrassed to show a picture But I need to look back at it next time i try to take short cuts.
this poor plant looks like its been thru a war But the the buds are so stinky, sticky and frosty. the grow that wont end
I dont see many Gnats anymore, next time predator mites BTW I fed and watered her since I took this pic she looks a little better the leaves perked up and the buds swelled up so I quess she still drinking and eating like ya said Bill
Good morning Amigo :high-five:
Are the gnats finally gone?
Garden looks good. :thumb:
Hope your doing well.
I had a rough weekend. :rolleyes:
Winter is killing me.
Hope your weekend went well.
Talk soon.

#VIVOSUN #Love What You Grow
Bill284 😎
Fek a dam Gnat, they are under control in my big tent in my Vipar grow I dumped out 3 in of soil and top dressed it with Dunk crumbs. these little shites will be chillin with the cockroaches after the apocalypse Talking with Nunyabiz I think Im going to predator mite and Rove beetles. Im learning about them now from what I under stand you mix them in with the soil Im also going to add some red worms or start a worm bed this purple cow is going to be a trial run and If I like organic and then see if my son is up to it and make a batch.

@Bill284 when you go into flower with your 1000 watt light do you crank it up to 100% Im getting some burnt leaves but it may be the UVB light I have read conflicting ideas on using it I been using it for a week or two early most users say the last 3 weeks I have 5 weeks after I harvest

Take care and stay safe
Fek a dam Gnat, they are under control in my big tent in my Vipar grow I dumped out 3 in of soil and top dressed it with Dunk crumbs. these little shites will be chillin with the cockroaches after the apocalypse Talking with Nunyabiz I think Im going to predator mite and Rove beetles. Im learning about them now from what I under stand you mix them in with the soil Im also going to add some red worms or start a worm bed this purple cow is going to be a trial run and If I like organic and then see if my son is up to it and make a batch.

@Bill284 when you go into flower with your 1000 watt light do you crank it up to 100% Im getting some burnt leaves but it may be the UVB light I have read conflicting ideas on using it I been using it for a week or two early most users say the last 3 weeks I have 5 weeks after I harvest

Take care and stay safe
When I flip my lights I have them at 50% I then gradually increase them to 100% in the first 30 days of flower. I found that this helps
Fek a dam Gnat, they are under control in my big tent in my Vipar grow I dumped out 3 in of soil and top dressed it with Dunk crumbs. these little shites will be chillin with the cockroaches after the apocalypse Talking with Nunyabiz I think Im going to predator mite and Rove beetles. Im learning about them now from what I under stand you mix them in with the soil Im also going to add some red worms or start a worm bed this purple cow is going to be a trial run and If I like organic and then see if my son is up to it and make a batch.

@Bill284 when you go into flower with your 1000 watt light do you crank it up to 100% Im getting some burnt leaves but it may be the UVB light I have read conflicting ideas on using it I been using it for a week or two early most users say the last 3 weeks I have 5 weeks after I harvest

Take care and stay safe
Good morning. :ciao:
I'm a fan of light energy.
I usually have the lights at 100% long before they go into flower.
There wasn't any uvb on that 1000w unit.
So can't say about that.
I don't waste time getting my lights upto full strength in veg.
Never get issues with burning.
Crank em up.;)

#VIVOSUN #Love What You Grow
Bill284 😎
@Costanza ,will do I listen to him about 90% of the time the other 10% I spend wishing I had listen to him lol. While I got your attention I am changing up my plans and not do the GF in the sip between talking to Em and Keffka Im doing the purple cow Indicaja and My goal is to not use any thing else except the soil and the SIP I am going from a solo cup to a 1 gallon fabric pot with a transplant velcro strip lol then to the ac infinity Bags I assume I dont want to use the SIP till I go to the 5 gal How id you start your pot on the SIP ? did you add water to it or just run off? I assume you start by top feeding/water til the roots meet the wick? one thing for sure I wont have to worry about Gnats if I bottom feed God I hate Gnats
Was wondering if you ever heard of Sohum living soils. It’s designed specifically for weed. It’s a little pricey but has great reviews. CL🍀
Was wondering if you ever heard of Sohum living soils. It’s designed specifically for weed. It’s a little pricey but has great reviews. CL🍀
actually Cap' I was looking at it and almost tried it I found a little more info on the purple cow and went with that depending how it works out I might try the sohum. I have always used Fox Farm OF after talking to a few organic farmers here at 420 I wasnted to get a taste of it and see if it is for me I belive Sohum is like Purple cow one use and you have to add amendments I am considering making a mix something like subcools recipe and never have to buy soil again but then again it might be easier for to start fresh every grow.

are you still dealing with heat issueI had to relearn how to control my environment growing inside I have more heat issue during the winter becuase of the heat being on. I tried a few diffrent things that worked for me but in the long run I got a portable ac unit My son got a floor vent that converted to a 4" or 6 in Duct and ran the duct to his tent
actually Cap' I was looking at it and almost tried it I found a little more info on the purple cow and went with that depending how it works out I might try the sohum. I have always used Fox Farm OF after talking to a few organic farmers here at 420 I wasnted to get a taste of it and see if it is for me I belive Sohum is like Purple cow one use and you have to add amendments I am considering making a mix something like subcools recipe and never have to buy soil again but then again it might be easier for to start fresh every grow.

are you still dealing with heat issueI had to relearn how to control my environment growing inside I have more heat issue during the winter becuase of the heat being on. I tried a few diffrent things that worked for me but in the long run I got a portable ac unit My son got a floor vent that converted to a 4" or 6 in Duct and ran the duct to his tent
I’m having to run my intake fan constantly to run my light @60-80%. Whoever designed the Fold-6 without having a detachable driver was a genius, not! Prolly out of my price range but how much was your ac unit? CL🍀
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