Papay/Jungle Wreck and "living dead"

Gosh thats horrible, thank GOD you guys are all ok and a few buds a little early is a small price to pay. Good luck and hope everything gets fixed up in a timely manner. + rep for some luck
Hi Sonzor, we had a rain day and the workers didn't show so I went and got the herb so I can put it in jars. The buds got all mixed up cause I didn't think I had much time before someone would be here to inspect the roof damage and so I can't really be sure what is what, I can only be sure of two buds, they were the ones I tagged for the seeds. I will post pics tonight. Thanks for everything and take care.
Jesus What a night and what a fright. Sorry for what happened. So glad your all safe. I know how much you love your family.
Gotta hand it to you, your already looking at the bright side. :yummy:
If ya have fire place now you have wood.:slide:
Truly glad you are all OK:ganjamon:

Hey OMM, You know I was only freaked out for our life for a moment, after I saw the tree it was like Damn! other than the sparks from the line that came down I was sure we would be OK and the damage was not as bad as we thought. The trusses are ok and the roof only needed like 3 sheets of plywood and all new shingles. The roof got patched up and is not leaking so far...
I was in the dark with the flashlight and candles trying not to rip all the buds off and then I cut all the stems and just put it all in one bag. I guess I am gonna have to do it all over again just to have full potency. So far I have smoked a few small joints and I can't tell what it is. :rollit:

This is a bud from the JW
Looks like a nice haul and thats a nice frosty bud. Enjoy, you deserve it for sure. Good luck...
Siscokid, still, all and all it looks like a decent yield of some very great weed. Should keep a smile on your face till the next grow is up and running. I salute you bro! To persevere in the face of disaster.
Morning GMT, Yes I am very happy with the second part of my first grow. I do believe that what was learned is that patience is key. I look at the herb that I harvested in the first part of the grow and that lasted me a good 2 weeks, so I think I am doing OK for the holidays coming up and the cold snowy days. I am looking forward to stellar results from your 2nd journal, looking great so far and with the new light system going in I'm sure you'll have enough meds for all of your patients and maybe a lil left over for your head. See ya around and take care.

Looks like a nice haul and thats a nice frosty bud. Enjoy, you deserve it for sure. Good luck...
Sonzor thanks man, I am feeling pretty good (smoked a lil hit) this morning, I am starting to get a fruity smell from the buds when I open the jars but still have a sort of freshly cut lawn smell. I took the bud out and rotated from bottom up so I can try to cure it evenly, I'm not really sure if it does anything but just for piece of mind it works. I harvested about 60 seeds from JW and only about half of the PapayaxWreck, I am trying not to jump right back in and later say "I should have waited a little longer". Now that I have the closet all torn down I am going to work on purchasing a better exhaust system and light. My ultimate goal is to take my new strain and let it pollinate itself until it is stable, I have never done this before so I am thinking that its going to be pretty hard knowing when it has become stable or if this is truly the correct way to go about it.

Well thanks for sticking by my journal and for the support everyone, I wish I could share this feeling of accomplishment and a bowl with you all. I would also like to say that I grew weed and smoked it and still don't feel like I did anything to harm my fam. neighbors or my gov. nor do I feel like raping anyone, but the coffee tasted better and the morning air smells fresher and the kids have a fun dad to play with.
Siscokid, I commend you on an exemplary attitude bro. It sounds as if you have a very fine smoke which will get better as it cures. As for the stability of the strain, I remember reading that it takes about 6-7 generations for the strain to be stable. I was reading up on autoflowers at the time, but assume it applies to all strains. Commendable job bro, looking forward to your next grow and the application of all you have learned from this one.
Siscokid, I commend you on an exemplary attitude bro. It sounds as if you have a very fine smoke which will get better as it cures. As for the stability of the strain, I remember reading that it takes about 6-7 generations for the strain to be stable. I was reading up on autoflowers at the time, but assume it applies to all strains. Commendable job bro, looking forward to your next grow and the application of all you have learned from this one.

6or7! then I better get my shit Ok lets see Miracle grow, cfl, SOG?
Thanks Omm, the insurance co. had to go into the attic the next morning to look at the structure, I was sort of worried about the smell up there but it must have aired out enough because it did't smell. Both these strains have very low odor which I really like cuzz you can have some on you and you won't stink like it. Thanks again for your comments and take care.
:hug::hug::hug::hug:siscokid:hug::hug::hug::hug:Oh Honey!!!!! Dammit!!!! Thank God you and the family are all ok... and a bit of extra thanks that you got a bit of a harvest, even if early.

I'm primed for what you do next with a grow... when you are remodeling, maybe you can squeeze in even more of a grow area??? I am sure grateful you and the family are all safe and sound. Bless yer heart! Let me know when you start a new journal - please???? pretty please???

Love stopping by your grow Sisco. Great Job!!!! and i'm all for Rep Ron Paul, hes a great leader I think we should all teach our kids about. Vote for Ron Paul.

Musik \\\vVv///

I dont know him good but words saying something new to me if i look to position of candidate to some part of goverment!
I dont live in USA "currently" , but if there would be some president or some thing like that in goverment i can bet he would make things better !
And then i would take any first chance to move for live in USA!
People there vote for it make life as you want , life should be free to choose what to do and what not to do!
My unreallistic dream:
To move in some big island and make my own country with pot-free laws!
This actually sounds stupid and very dreamy but big group of people can do anything! :peace:
I dont know him good but words saying something new to me if i look to position of candidate to some part of goverment!
I dont live in USA "currently" , but if there would be some president or some thing like that in goverment i can bet he would make things better !
And then i would take any first chance to move for live in USA!
People there vote for it make life as you want , life should be free to choose what to do and what not to do!
My unreallistic dream:
To move in some big island and make my own country with pot-free laws!
This actually sounds stupid and very dreamy but big group of people can do anything! :peace:

Hey Cigo, I'm sorry for what the damn ass holes have done to your grow. I think "kids with guns" the man has nothing better to do. They don't go after drug dealers cause they are affraid, scared of a real challenge..

Thnks for dropping in and wish you the best of luckl wherever you may be.

Wow man...glad to hear nobody was hurt in your pre-Halloween incident! That could have been pretty serious, I've seen plenty of large trees in/on houses after hurricanes down south and you can't help but wonder if anyone got hurt. Looks like you had a damn fine grow going on too...sorry to hear it had to be scrapped but at least the tree can't take your experience away!
Wow good load of buds and some nice tricome on it too. Smoke until the next harvest.

Hi Sonzor, we had a rain day and the workers didn't show so I went and got the herb so I can put it in jars. The buds got all mixed up cause I didn't think I had much time before someone would be here to inspect the roof damage and so I can't really be sure what is what, I can only be sure of two buds, they were the ones I tagged for the seeds. I will post pics tonight. Thanks for everything and take care.

Hey OMM, You know I was only freaked out for our life for a moment, after I saw the tree it was like Damn! other than the sparks from the line that came down I was sure we would be OK and the damage was not as bad as we thought. The trusses are ok and the roof only needed like 3 sheets of plywood and all new shingles. The roof got patched up and is not leaking so far...
I was in the dark with the flashlight and candles trying not to rip all the buds off and then I cut all the stems and just put it all in one bag. I guess I am gonna have to do it all over again just to have full potency. So far I have smoked a few small joints and I can't tell what it is. :rollit:

This is a bud from the JW


F!$@ I LOVE The colors and smells of FALL.... Just wanted to share a pic of my world with ya... Smoked a joint from a quick dry on a JW bud.....Take care all.

man what a lovely place on earth - i bet you have spent a few trance like hours out there :)

got some wr bud shots up now :)
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