Papay/Jungle Wreck and "living dead"

Now, your finally getting the attention and awards you deserve :ganjamon:
I have to tell you, these plants are strong! I tried to kill them several times since they were seedlings, I have to give my endorsement to both these strains Papaya from Nirvana and Jungle Wreck from Seedsman. I thank all of my grow communities for the help and support. I prob. wouldn't have gotten this far and learned this much about the basics. I still need many more practice runs until I can identify these two strains clearly and compare to a new one like my Papaya Wreck which is going to be my long term project. New ground is being broken every day here. What was I saying? (re-reading) Oh yes! and I would like to thank all the little people too.
Thanks OMM for standing by!:cool:

That is one great vid and the stars of the movie deserve an oscar. Great looking ladies...
Lookin good sisco! One would think you've got some HPS in there with those fat buds you got. Professional results my friend, bravo!
nice screen man, great job, super looking bud. I really like the video tour.:goodjob::goodjob:
I can't rep you again or rate you but the thought's there.
Hey all thanks alot for the support and all, I am sad to say that there has been a very bad incident here in the house and now the grow is done. There is no more that I can say and I am very sad about it all. Thanks and take care.... Siscokid

terrible news sisco, I hope there's no lasting impact, whatever the situation may be.
Sorry for the sudden ending, but that just goes to show you how things can just happen. The reason I had to pull the girls and get rid of all the "evidence" is because we were having a very windy evening here. a 60+ year old tree decided to make our roof its new home. It put a hole in the roof and took 2 sides of the house siding and windows off. I was lucky that it happened on the opposite side of the bedrooms. My wife and I thought someone was busting the front door down, it did! The front door was on the floor.....

I panicked when I realized that there were gonna be people crawling thrue the house, so the grow ended with me tearing them out and disassembling my closet.

Thank GOD for insurance, I had a guy come and put a front door on and temp. close all the windows.

I have the herb hanging in my shed I hope it drys OK. I have a hell of a time ahead of me with people getting the house back to normal. The tree is now sitting in pieces out back. After I got all those damn leaves picked up!
SiscoKid, sorry for the bad luck bro. Noting you could do about mother nature. Just glad to hear no one is hurt, Plus, ya still have some damn fine buds bro. After the work is done, you could start a new journal and grow. Just glad all is "safe". Good luck the repairs, hope they go quickly. We are here for ya.
hi sisko, so sorry to hear about your misfortune but thankfully no injuries. I'll be waiting to sit in on your next grow when you get the rebuild completed. Good luck with the repairs.
SiscoKid, sorry for the bad luck bro. Noting you could do about mother nature. Just glad to hear no one is hurt, Plus, ya still have some damn fine buds bro. After the work is done, you could start a new journal and grow. Just glad all is "safe". Good luck the repairs, hope they go quickly. We are here for ya.
Thanks GMT, I'll be around still learning and getting myself prepared for the future, The work is getting done, I love the fact that for a low deductible we are getting new stairs, roof and siding! The Lord works in mysteries ways.:smokin: THANKS for concern and take care.
hi sisko, so sorry to hear about your misfortune but thankfully no injuries. I'll be waiting to sit in on your next grow when you get the rebuild completed. Good luck with the repairs.
Yeah, were lucky it happened when no one was in the living room watching the boob-tube, I was pretty sure it was the S.W.A.T. team coming thru the windows...LOL I was so happy and confused when I saw a dark tree top at my front door. Thank you for stopping in and Yeah next time I'll use what I learned here on the first go. Take care.
Sorry to hear that sisco happy that you and your wife is ok at least you will have something to smooth the stress down in a few day I suposse. Hope to see your next journal soon. Take care

Hey peace, thanks for the concern and yes another journal will come when its the right time. I looked at the buds for a little while when I was hanging them but I haven't had the time to go in yet and that driving me nuts! I hung them up after having them in a paper bag for 24hrs. stashed in the corner of the shed and the next morning I went in and hung them. I will have some alone time with them as soon as these guys are done with the repairs.
Wow, what a wild, unexpected and abrupt ending to a great Journal...

...sisco, I had a similar incident two years ago, with an old oak tree that I should have taken down many years prior. Well, Mother Nature took care of it for me. Took a week to cut it up all the wood and get it organized for removal.

Give your Fam a big hug - lesson learned: Nature DEMANDS respect.

Hope to see ya back at it in the near future!:grinjoint:

Hey Andy, thanks for checking in and for keeping tabs on all the "dead" journals. I guess the only thing left here is for some harvest pics as soon as I can. My kids and wife is all that really matters, the house can't feel a thing. So yeah, big hugs and chocolate milks for everyone! I'll def. be around. Thanks again.:smokin:
Gosh thats horrible, thank GOD you guys are all ok and a few buds a little early is a small price to pay. Good luck and hope everything gets fixed up in a timely manner. + rep for some luck
Jesus What a night and what a fright. Sorry for what happened. So glad your all safe. I know how much you love your family.
Gotta hand it to you, your already looking at the bright side. :yummy:
If ya have fire place now you have wood.:slide:
Truly glad you are all OK:ganjamon:
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