Outdoor Organic Balcony Stealth Quadlining: White Widow/Gorgonzola

DD, thanks for the detailed response. I could learn so much from doing that, I haven't a clue as to how to make rosin, though I do smear some on my bass bow now and then. Hard as glass to imagine. It's a real concentrate, isn't it?
As a concentrate, I’ve got to say I love the simple elegance of it. It seems obvious, once you make it, that the juice was in there for the taking. I wish I had thought of it as a kid.
I was intrigued the first time I heard of it, shortly before coming to 420. I remember explaining to the young guy who told me about it what the rosin is that gets rubbed on the horse hair.
This stuff isn’t Kauri gum or amber, but the best of it is that colour so I suppose that’s why the word got mugged, bundled into the boot of a car, and treated this way.
I'll start will the aroma, it was very evident during the grow that it's smell was different from the other plants, a diesel/fuel/chemically smell, which I assume is natural to the plant, I have seen other strains also described similar. After drying and curing the smell has matured somewhat and I have to say I rather like it. It is a bit like opening an old wooden box and smelling the smell of old leather, when fresh it was something like Laphroaig whiskey which is a very peaty whiskey and folks either love it or hate it, There is a nice familiarity to the smell now, I like it, altho it's scent still hangs in the air and alerts the disapproval of my wife when it is given an airing. It is one of my current 3 varieties, which isn't much of a choice so I am glad I have it because it is easy to feel a tolerance when limited to smoking/vaping one strain.

In strength the WW feels like the strongest of the 3, it was described as good for 'lift off'. Next is the WG and still the day time favorite giving a lovely enhanced lifted feeling while interactions with others are surprisingly clear and easy. The GGa is a warm safe relaxing high, and some who have tried the 3 have a preference for the GGa.

I can see the value of having a variety to select from. I imagine having the choice of even more varieties to choose from would be better to avoid the sense of tolerance developing, like having a choice of different strains good for day time, and several for evening times. Of course with CDB and terpene awareness these days, having some good medical strains would be good too.

I now wonder if I could have given the GGa a better soil during it's grow, as I germinated the seed straight into the only pot I had available from which I had just chopped a 3.5 month old male. I had wondered whether the soil still contained sufficient nourishment, however the GGa appeared to grow well, but next time I'd be interested to grow one in a properly pre-amended container. That was my first auto so I didn't really know what to expect.

I now have a good reserve of jarred bud from the harvest of those 3 plants so I probably wont grow any of them in my next grow which I will kick off in September. I have 3 new strains on hand that I haven't grown before which I will try (Gold Leaf, Chronic Widow & Californian Dream), and at least all going well that will bring my jarred selection up to 6 strains!
You are saying that you will still have jar stock from this year this time next year?!
You are saying that you will still have jar stock from this year this time next year?!
I imagine so, there is a couple more people I'll give some to when I next see them, and I will look at doing something with decarbing and doing an oil infusion but I haven't yet got around to it as it is really more of the tinctures that interest me but then I guess I'll need some sort distillation glass ware to persue that, that would use a little bit up too, but for my vaping needs I have learnt to be frugal with it from not having much in the past. But after last season's yield I remind myself there is no need to toke the hell out of it as I now have enough stored in jars to throw the spent herb into the ABV container when I'm not getting good clouds. I really want to have something like a couple of years worth of buds in reserve, because some year soon the house will need repainting or need some repair and then that will stuff up/abort my whole outdoor grow for that year, so yeah, ideally I'd like to have sufficient in reserve to cater for that eventuality. If it was just me and the missus I'd probably get a grow tent/cabinet and then be able to have a non stop grow going. It does seem like having all your eggs in one basket when relying on an outdoor once a year spring/summer grow. :ganjamon:
I imagine so, there is a couple more people I'll give some to when I next see them, and I will look at doing something with decarbing and doing an oil infusion but I haven't yet got around to it as it is really more of the tinctures that interest me but then I guess I'll need some sort distillation glass ware to persue that, that would use a little bit up too, but for my vaping needs I have learnt to be frugal with it from not having much in the past. But after last season's yield I remind myself there is no need to toke the hell out of it as I now have enough stored in jars to throw the spent herb into the ABV container when I'm not getting good clouds. I really want to have something like a couple of years worth of buds in reserve, because some year soon the house will need repainting or need some repair and then that will stuff up/abort my whole outdoor grow for that year, so yeah, ideally I'd like to have sufficient in reserve to cater for that eventuality. If it was just me and the missus I'd probably get a grow tent/cabinet and then be able to have a non stop grow going. It does seem like having all your eggs in one basket when relying on an outdoor once a year spring/summer grow. :ganjamon:

We indoor growers be like join usssssssss :laughtwo:
You've probably seen this already, in this morning's news?

Yes that came out earlier in the week. Helen Clark was prime minister here in NZ for 3 terms and since then has been very forward in coming out and talking positively for legalizing as prohibition is costing too much and penalizing people too much. So that is great that she been stepping up and promoting it. She has just recently been put in charge of the Covid response enquiry at WHO which will take a lot of her time so I hope she'll still be able to continue to put her face out there for cannabis.
You've probably seen this already, in this morning's news?

Thanks Em. I hadn’t seen it
I’ve always had a lot of time for uncle Helen.
Just briefly ;) I heard a young political science graduate on the radio (circa2005). As a kid his dad taught him that all politicians are liars. He decided to do his thesis on testing that. He went through our entire (not very long) political history and compared election promises to policy outcomes.
Simple enough, huh? Wanna hear what happened? Oh okay, since you asked.
Whatever your stripe the fact is our most honest three have all been Labour leaders.
David Lange (at third) disappointed me with a score in the high twenty percents.
Second was Norm Kirk in the low thirties.
Helen Clark took first place at an astonishing 82%. So far in front of any other leader (except possibly Queen Cindy) I am perplexed that she hasn’t been more widely recognised as the outstanding individual she is.
I can only add that the newly graduated doctor of political science was a national voter and disappointed with his own conclusions. Most risible.
She really said it well, trying to enforce a ban on cannabis is just a stupid waste of resources, with comparisons to alcohol and tobacco. I say bravo Helen! She is the kind of leader that is needed and NZ is lucky she speaks up on important issues. I wish we had someone like her in the WH.
Yes too often when you hear the words of the leaders or those aspiring to be leaders, they just don't ring true because they're saying whatever they feel will convince you to buy in to their story. I'm sure she'll do a good job for WHO because she has that quality as a person to do the best job she can for what she is tasked to do.
Awesome journal! Quadlining is on my list for the next grow
Cheers Tim but I wouldn't go so far to say that, you've clearly been smoking something dodgy again! :hookah:

The Quadlining training approach seems to work well, I utilized supercropping for the first time and found it to be very straightforward in spite of the apprehension of intentionally causing damage. It shows how versatile and tough these plants are.
I am yet to decide what to grow, as I am space limited it'll be down to 3 or 4. I am currently in the midst of putting a bean order in so if that comes thru that will open up my selection choice!

Ever think about some "low" odor strains?

Figured best to have conversation in you journal.:dude-knocking:
She really said it well, trying to enforce a ban on cannabis is just a stupid waste of resources, with comparisons to alcohol and tobacco. I say bravo Helen! She is the kind of leader that is needed and NZ is lucky she speaks up on important issues. I wish we had someone like her in the WH.
I concur!
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