That's a good point, but I feel it may be not so straight forward. I must say I have no academic expertise in that to be speak of. But yes, I can toke to a point where I get the peak experience and then any further toking doesn't seem to add much if anything to my high, which would fit with the idea that the receptors are all filled. However, when having the same bud as an edible, too much can really be a challenge as I found on recent fishing excursion with my brother, he thoughtfully had made some cannabutter with buds that I am familiar with (the WG), where the result of eating a bread bun spread with it rendered me with extreme cotton mouth and so blown away I could barely talk a sentence where I had to stop fishing because for half an hour I could only just sit there while I attempted to hold it together! I could never get that blown away on that same bud when vaping it!
... I not sure what the definitive answer is.