Outdoor Growing With BeezLuiz

:Namaste:A magnificent pair, Luiz!
Gorgeous bushy Ladies!!
I'm partial to the GDP, but both of them are looking awesome!
And sooo healthy...:welldone:
Absolutely stunning Beez! :high-five:
Big beautiful bushes BL...on point!
They sure stand at the front with few peers. outstanding work Beez.
Thank you everyone for your kind words and encouragement!
Sorry about the lack of updates, Everyone - it's been a crazy busy week for me. After repairing my 35 yr old deck, I decided it was time to repaint the pergola on my back patio. 11 yrs of sun and rain (it doesn't really rain here anymore), the paint was flaking off and the bare wood was starting to rot. I'm still not finished yet, but "pictures or it didn't happen".
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I do have a bit of an update here. The autos are pretty much harvested now.
Zamaldelica Auto
Last Sunday, I took down what was left of Zamaldelica. After the caterpillars ravaged it, the aphids took over. I thought not a big deal because it should be ready in a week or two. However, for some reason, the plant started putting out fresh pistils (stigmas and bracts).

Anyway, parts of the plant were done and parts weren't, but the aphids kept on multiplying and I had to either harvest it or toss it. Ideally I would have liked to wait a couple more weeks. Here's a couple pics of the trichomes. I didn't have the heart to take any more pictures of that sad sad plant.
Considering how many of the buds were tossed or relegated to the "topicals only" bin, I'm satisfied with the harvest. If I like it well enough, I have a couple more seeds.

Gorilla Cookies
At one time, this was the prettiest auto I had ever grown. Unfortunately, the aphid infested Zam, decided to share with the GC. At 96 days (breeder estimate was 70 days) it was pretty close to ready anyway, so I took it down on Wednesday.
I was pretty happy with the buds on this plant. They are very dense and very frosty, and the smell is fruity. It will probably be my largest auto yield so far.

I'll try to update on the clones and photo plants soon. Until then, here's a view of the Purple Plants that I photographed from the top on my pergola.
I love that post but I don't love you standing on top of that pergola!

The autos came through asbestos they could given the outdoorsy quality to the insects, and they sure look good all harvested and trimmed.

I sincerely recommend the Safers insect soap. Once I knock them back I spray at least every Saturday morning and rinse them on Sunday. Been working well so far.

Great job on the deck and I'm glad the heat has passed! One last question...what's the level for if the beams are already in place?
I love that post but I don't love you standing on top of that pergola!
After 4 days of up and down, I think I'm finally finished with the topside work. Thanks for your concern.:green_heart:
I sincerely recommend the Safers insect soap.
Yes indeed, I even have some on hand. I don't know why I didn't use it.. I've made a bunch of stupid mistakes on these autos. :rolleyes:
One last question...what's the level for if the beams are already in place?
The joists were sagging, so I had to put a car jack under each of the beams to raise them to the proper height (hence the level) and then secure them in place. :cool:
Congrats on the harvests, Beez-
Those GC nugs look heavy, and the pergola looks like new!

I got some Bonide insecticidal "super" soap at Home Depot- it's got a little Spinosad in it, I guess that's the "super" part....I was looking for the Safer® brand, but they didn't have it....
I don't have aphids yet, but I'm sure they're coming soon...
You know, with all the outdoor plants I've grown, I've only once seen aphids on one of my plants (a pitiful little DDA) until now. Fortunately, no sign of any bugs on my two large photo period plants. A couple weeks ago I began weekly spraying of BT on my Purple Haze. So far so good.
That’s good to hear - I hate aphids just about the most of all my pests - they’re usually just non-stop from spring until fall. But hardly any this year.

Oh wait - I’m not growing any outdoor cannabis this year!
Today's update will be on the clones I started back in July. While cleaning up my Zamaldelica Auto I decided to try cloning one of the cuttings. It was already starting to flower at the time. The clone rooted and I transplanted it into a 1/2 gal pot. When it grew new pistils, I decided to pollenate it with my What Widow pollen.
It looks pretty pitiful, but seeds have formed! :yahoo:
So far they are a little more than 3 weeks old. I've read that it usually takes about 6 weeks for seeds to mature. I hope the plant can stay alive long enough. :nervous-guy:
While taking pictures, I noticed a few tiny bugs - probably aphids. I took my can of compressed air to try to remove a couple of them that were in my view of pictures, but when I sprayed the air, one of the seeds popped out.
It looks pretty good for only being 3 weeks old. Will be interesting to see if it is viable.

I also took a couple cuttings of Purple Haze, and one of Granddaddy Purple. Shoved them in some soil and forgot about them for a few weeks. Here's what they looked like a few days ago:
As these are under artificial lighting, I decided to flip them on 9/3. The new growth is coming in kinda yellowish so I bumped up the nutrients and finally transplanted them into larger pots. They were in 1/2 gal pots, now they're in 3 gal pots. They seem to be liking their new digs.
I hope they don't outgrow my tiny space, but we'll see. Have a great day/evening everyone. I hope to update on the photo bushes soon. Until then here a shot of them basking in the sun. :cool:
Great job on the clones, Beez!
It's good to have backup- just in case the 2 outdoor girls don't produce much....:rofl:
Highya Beez,

What a fun hobby we have!! Making seeds is always fun. I'm hoping for viable seeds! That last picture with the ladies basking in the sun looks so gorgeous!! I love looking at my ladies and watching the sun light up the leaves knowing a whole lot of processing is going on! They look so nice!! Looking forward for the next update. Happy Smokin'
That's a clever way for making some seeds
I was just going to pollenate one branch, but that little clone was only on branch. :laughtwo: I'm thinking I might pollenate one of the PH clones and the GDP clone with the remaining What Widow pollen.
I'm sure they'd be happy to finish up outside. ;)
My original plan was to do just that, but by the time I decided to flip them it was too late into the season to let mother nature do her thing. They probably won't be ready until Thanksgiving.
Yum Beez! That Zam's beautiful to us!
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, I guess. :laughtwo:
Nice job on the seeds! Good luck on getting some Autos.
Thanks, Felipe. I'm really curious what those seeds will create... autos, photos, something in between. :nerd-with-glasses:
It's good to have backup- just in case the 2 outdoor girls don't produce much....:rofl:
:laugh: Yeah, I was worried about that!
What a fun hobby we have!
When I retired a few years ago, my friends said to get a hobby, so I did!
Wow, that granddaddy purple and purple haze! Just….. wow
Thanks HH :green_heart:
Photo period plants from @Weed Seeds Express
They are both doing fine, and so far caterpillar-free. :yahoo: As of today, they are now 161 days from sprout and have been flowering for about 63 days.

They are both starting to get the usual leaf fade at this stage of flowering. I've slowed it down somewhat by increasing the base nutrients. I feed the plants every other day and give them each 3 gallons of bloom nutrients at the recommended rates. I am now giving them 1 gallon of MC at 6g/gal with my bloom supplements, and then 2 gallons of the usual bloom nutrients, but at a higher than recommended dose (7.5ml/gal instead of 6ml/gal) since these plants are probably much larger than what the nutrient company considers to be typical. I'll watch and adjust as needed.

Granddaddy Purple
GDP finished its stretch at 42 inches tall and the flowers are bulking up nicely. The smell from GDP is awesome - sweet fruity aroma, and very fragrant. Having "purple" in its name, I was expecting some purple to show in the flowers, but so far it's just your typical green buds - still pretty, but not purple. I have been, by the way, feeding the plant Purpinator since the first signs of flowering began.

I continue to prune out the small shoots and popcorn from below and within, and the natural leaf fade aids in the removal of some of the dense fan leaves. Here's a view of the lower portion of the plant.

And finally, a word about my caterpillar cage. I think it's working nicely, however, I did find a moth inside the netting with the plant one recent morning. :eek: I underestimated the tenacity of these buggers! As a result, I did indeed spray GDP with some BT.

Purple Haze
PH finished its stretch at 61 inches tall. The plant is getting a bit floppy as the flowers develop more bulk. I've added several more bamboo stakes to help support it. I've been spraying this plant with BT once per week since flowering got under way. So far, no sign of caterpillars.

The flowers are long, narrow and sativa-like, but still very pretty. Much like the GDP, I was expecting more purple than what I'm seeing so far. The smell is not nearly as fragrant as GDP's flowers, but also have a fruity aroma mixed in with some juniper/pine.

Since I had moved the furniture out from under the pergola during the painting/restoration project, I thought it would be neat to move Purple Haze into the space to give some perspective on its size.
And since I put up some mood lighting in the area, I thought a couple nighttime shots would be fun.

I hope you all have a great end of to your workweek and beginning of the weekend. :Namaste:
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