Outdoor Grow in Switzerland- 1300m- Fully Organic - InSoil- Spanish Strains and Autos

Re: Outdoor Grow in Switzerland- 1300m- Fully Organic - InSoil- Spanish Strains and A

i wish it was that exitng, its the log burner for the house lol
Re: Outdoor Grow in Switzerland- 1300m- Fully Organic - InSoil- Spanish Strains and A

its not too late sara :) the party begins when the post man brings me a parcel !! welcome to my journal :)
Re: Outdoor Grow in Switzerland- 1300m- Fully Organic - InSoil- Spanish Strains and A

I just looked and done some defol on the lady blues, err someone tell me this isnt tzurning hermy on me?!

Re: Outdoor Grow in Switzerland- 1300m- Fully Organic - InSoil- Spanish Strains and A

Don't get sunburn,that sun is too strong:straightface:

yeh man sunglasses is a must today! to tell you the truth most days this summer has been like this lol
Hey whats your opinion on the plants pcs above? should i be worried?!
Re: Outdoor Grow in Switzerland- 1300m- Fully Organic - InSoil- Spanish Strains and A

Yea in my area is also cloudy weather for whole summer.Don't know to say,don't look like hermie.It looks like calyx to me.Wait for a few days and you will be shure what is it.I am looking for hermie because i want some seeds.I can also see that you want sinsemilia plant,ofcourse you want.You have great strains and you have a lot seeds so you want pure buds ...:high-five:
yeh man sunglasses is a must today! to tell you the truth most days this summer has been like this lol
Hey whats your opinion on the plants pcs above? should i be worried?!
Re: Outdoor Grow in Switzerland- 1300m- Fully Organic - InSoil- Spanish Strains and A

ah man, nah its not good to have hermie plant! i find that in every female there are atleast two healthy brown seeds :) my plants are from my last years females :)
Re: Outdoor Grow in Switzerland- 1300m- Fully Organic - InSoil- Spanish Strains and A

She obviously didnt like my witty name change its defo man flowers!!

Normally when i see this, the plant must die, but as i am in a house for once, with a job , i can afford to buy toys :) so i will buy her/him a tent and she/he can fucking stay in it alone to think about what shes done lol.. and ill put the tent in the other cellar far away from other plants lol..
Im only doing this because of DaTenchi, and after writing this update i will research on the benifits of an unstable genitical hermie :)
Re: Outdoor Grow in Switzerland- 1300m- Fully Organic - InSoil- Spanish Strains and A

yeh man, everything happens for a reason!! and i wil lmake the most out of it :) ive read lots of things about keeping a hermie, but not sure whats true after a google search, ill look on here too :) one thing i read says that the seeds will all be females?
Re: Outdoor Grow in Switzerland- 1300m- Fully Organic - InSoil- Spanish Strains and A

i know the obvious basics like how far pollen can travel etc, but if anyone has already kept a hermie then ill be glad to hear your reasons for keeping it and also how it went :)
Re: Outdoor Grow in Switzerland- 1300m- Fully Organic - InSoil- Spanish Strains and A

Some people use colloidal silver to produce seeds,they force female plant to produce male pollen sacs.Since there are no male chromosomes,the pollen is female and will produce female seeds.I think it's same with hermie,i am not shure 100%.
Re: Outdoor Grow in Switzerland- 1300m- Fully Organic - InSoil- Spanish Strains and A

hello, my friend. :):) i am wonder one thing , how do we know whether the seed is female or not:):). haha. sorry for my poor grow experience. :)
Re: Outdoor Grow in Switzerland- 1300m- Fully Organic - InSoil- Spanish Strains and A

Everybody buys feminized seeds.I think that you have also bought it once...How can you trust seed bank?I know that hermie plant can only produce female seeds or hermie seeds but not male seeds.
hello, my friend. :):) i am wonder one thing , how do we know whether the seed is female or not:):). haha. sorry for my poor grow experience. :)
Re: Outdoor Grow in Switzerland- 1300m- Fully Organic - InSoil- Spanish Strains and A

I've not had real personal experience yet, but I read that hermie seeds have a tendency to become hermie plants as well. The plant that I wrote about in my "introductory" post (jeeez that sounds awful :D) was planted from a hermie seed and became one his/herself.
Re: Outdoor Grow in Switzerland- 1300m- Fully Organic - InSoil- Spanish Strains and A

I have read about seed production.I have foun here on 420 site journal how to make seeds with colloidal silver.If plant becomes hermie and pollinate her self seeds will be hermies 99%.If you take pollen from hermie plant and pollinate other female plant seeds will be 99% female.If it's not true why growers use colloidal silver and forcing plant to become hermie,why do they need hermie?
I've not had real personal experience yet, but I read that hermie seeds have a tendency to become hermie plants as well. The plant that I wrote about in my "introductory" post (jeeez that sounds awful :D) was planted from a hermie seed and became one his/herself.
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