Our Veggie Gardens!

cheers dutty,,


beacon hill park, victoria,, maybe 100 miles, not even,, from you now,, bet the tree is still alive,, that pic about 30 years ago

so I was 4. Kick ass picture
There already 25% bigger

Garden plans this week.

Till 4 beds that are 2'x 30' for corns
Till 16 beds that are 2' X 15' for other veggies.

Build sunflower area by the house old chicken area

Start stirring in all the amended pumpkin shit soil into a 10' X 10' hole that's 5' deep. It's full of manure and other pumpkin loving stuff supposedly

Fence entire garden parameter and potentially cap with netting for ducks safety.
There already 25% bigger

Garden plans this week.

Till 4 beds that are 2'x 30' for corns
Till 16 beds that are 2' X 15' for other veggies.

Build sunflower area by the house old chicken area

Start stirring in all the amended pumpkin shit soil into a 10' X 10' hole that's 5' deep. It's full of manure and other pumpkin loving stuff supposedly

Fence entire garden parameter and potentially cap with netting for ducks safety.

... and buy mouse traps :)
In all my effort I've never got one with those old school traps. I've even lathered the trap mechanism with peanut butter. Few days later, trap still set, peanut butter licked clean.

Have you had luck with them before?

Now, I just put bait traps filled with chemicals down in areas my kids won't find but the mice will.

A few times a year we notice a death smell in the house,, and I can usually find the dead feckers.

But, other than getting a cat, which I'm not in favor of due to my area mostly, I'm not sure if I can get another method to work.
I was always opposed to killing the mice, so I made Dale use a trap and release variety. When we caught the bugger he very carefully took it out of the house. Two blocks away he released it into an open field. Then he stood there and watched that mouse make a bee line right back to the house at top speed. :rofl:

That story always reduces us to a puddle of laughter.

The next time he took it over the hill to the edge of the bluff. We patched up the entry hole and repaired the dripping pipe that was attracting mice to the house. We had cats too. Not that they would kill mind you. Our cats were more likely to play and release to play another day. :laughtwo:
That's funny Sue. Reminds me of a wild dog I was forced to get rid of when I was stationed in Greece. Our CO made us get rid of the dog, he became a platoon mascot and the CO was a prick. We drove the dog farrrr out in the countryside, found a farm, knocked in the door, explained our problem and the nice farmer was willing to help. Three days later the dog found our platoon out on a run,, and he followed us back to base. Lol. After that the CO finally gave in and let us keep him. Good old Kirby. We named him after Eddie Murphys imaginary dog in, Boomerang the movie.
It works for me. Unfortunately last night one was triggered and found on the ground a few feet away. I'll get some I post a kill count a pictures. Currently I have contracts on there heads but our assassin cats unfortunately are not allowed in the greenhouse
It works for me. Unfortunately last night one was triggered and found on the ground a few feet away. I'll get some I post a kill count a pictures. Currently I have contracts on there heads but our assassin cats unfortunately are not allowed in the greenhouse

:420: forbids posting pictures of dead vermin- including insects. :whoa::hmmmm:
Posting mummified flowers is just fine! :yummy:
Still reading, Subbing in.

I have a bit of a garden growing currently myself. We have carrots, radishes, onions, lettuce (was), spinach, and pea's in current harvest cycle, lots of stuff growing like weeds. I will update with a picture or two tomorrow. My potatoes are taller then my tomato for context.
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