Our Veggie Gardens!

Dutty and I would like to invite you to our outdoor veggie gardens! Dutty has a greenhouse which he has graciously given me access to half. We spent the better part of today transplanting and sowing seeds. Peppers, tomatoes, corn, lettuce, broccoli, chilis, peas, garlic, pumpkins, and more.

I'll be posting pictures of both my gardens at my house and Dutty's, and he will be adding his. You are all welcome to include your own gardens here.

We are both relatively new to this, but we have a solid base of related experience and knowledge, and hope those that follow will help and learn here as well.
Companion Planting

A Crop-by-Crop Guide to Growing Organic Vegetables and Fruits: Our Complete ?Crop at a Glance? Collection - Organic Gardening - MOTHER EARTH NEWS

Alpine Strawberries (Fragaria x vesca)

These low growing, small fruited plants are perfect for the front of a garden bed, container, or tucked in among low growing flowers. They grow into a 6-inch tall mound and, unlike other strawberries, don't send out runners, so plants stay relatively contained. Alpine strawberries are also day neutral so they produce all summer long until frost. They need full sun and well-drained fertile soil to grow their best, but tolerate a little shade better than larger-fruited strawberry varieties. The fruits are 1/2-inch long and wide, but pack a strong strawberry flavor. They're great for munching in the garden or adding a handful to cereal or desserts. Spaced about 1 foot apart in the garden, the plants will eventually form a solid mass and may need dividing after 3 to 4 years. Some good red fruited varieties to try are 'Alexandria' and 'Mignonette'. The unique 'Yellow Wonder' variety has light colored fruits that birds don't bother.
At my house I have a 4x6 raised bed I built last year. I planted peas, carrots, lettuce, cannabis, onions, and strawberries. This year it will have strawberries and herbs.

I have one 5x9ish raised hugelkulture style bed I built a few weeks ago, and will be making another. I plan on building various size boxes and pots for more growing.

I was thinking of adding sunflowers, marigolds, and roses in pots nearby as well. Add some color and bees.

Thoughts, comments, and ideas are encouraged!
Pictures weren't uploaded to the correct spot. Talking about gardening and veggies weren't in the right spot before.

Pics will be uploaded again in a day or two. No wonder more people don't do this. Have to jump through hoops to post pictures of peas lol.
Pics 2.0 Thanks again Colorado High

No commentary this time...

Subbed. You have me missing my garden. The smell and feel of spring beds. Ahhhhh. :love:

Edit: How exciting to see so many hugekultur beds going this year. Yeah!!!!
nice job guys. :goodjob:

I put in my garden last year.

I tilled up the area the fall of 2013, then again in spring after adding more compost.

4 2'x8' beds along the fence. carrots, peas, beets, bell peppers, green beans, crook neck squash, zuchini, spaghetti squash
3 4'x8' beds - brocolli, potatoes, strawberries (permanent),
4 4'x4' beds - 3 have blueberry bushes in them, but put some bush beans with them last year. The other is an asparagus bed.
1 'star' or 'flower' raised bed. It has a higher center bed, 2'x2', with 4 'petals' or triangles coming off each flat side. I had more potatoes in the center. One lobe was more beets, and the other were basil, lemon verbina, and parsley.

Then we had stuff in the ground: watermelon (none finished :( ), corn, onions, garlic, LOTS of tomatoes, jalapenos, and sunflowers.

It is a LOT of work to get everything going the first year. I was looking forward to it being easier this year, but now we're gonna move before I can harvest, so no garden this year. Not sure if I am taking my boxes with me or not. :blalol:
Yeah, I'm all over this. Great idea, love the sharing! But, I am jealous as all heck cause I still got a foot of snow on my gardens, so I can't share anything just yet.

Here is a short video I did a few years ago when I had a gardening blog, I've since doubled that garden:

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