Our Ongoing Grows

I really like your approach to journaling. You get a taste of everything going on in your garden, few veg, some flowers and fantastic bud shots. For me trying to up my game it is great just to see what you have going on and your strains are always interesting. Thanks for still bothering to keep updating us!


Same! Loving the updates, looking forward to reading and learning more! :thumb::volcano-smiley:
stuff never really lasts around here :rofl:

Yeah, I was gone for over a year and when I came back I didn't have to even sub to most of my favorite threads. They were just still going and waiting for me in my "Threads with new posts". Your journal, Pot Chimp, B.A.R., Light Addict, and this one of course! I am likely forgetting one or two at that. This really is one of the more consistent forums I have ever seen.

well when i said stuff i meant cannabis doesn't really last around me lol
Thanks Bob. Really it's Just another day in the life. Good to hear your getting a crop or two in. Each will build a confidence, and you do learn every grow. Ya get to read plants. I've pretty well kept a ongoing grow since, well say forever. Does have it's own set of problems, more really than a crop flip.
Welcome Stoney. Glad you enjoy her. I just keep plugging away. Hey CHH....
Just going to make acouple comments on these auto's I'm playing with, you figure you get a cutting, 10 lets say 2 weeks to root, veg it acouple weeks and make it 4 weeks, flower for 7 weeks, that makes it what 70+ days. Doesn't save a lot to have a girl auto that finishes say 85 days? The one thing here is key to getting a crop in is weather. Damn if we don't almost ALWAYS get rains Oct 1st. Makes for a short season. Now a plant that will flower afew weeks earlier than a photoperiod plant,,, Them girls will get harvested and at peak periods too. Now I've got 6-7 auto's under my belt. I've sampled 3 and 2 have been pretty descent pot, yielding 1 1/4 oz's per. I think grown at optimum time of year outside they wood yield a lot better, closer to 2 oz's of mid September Buddage. I did cut that one auto looking like 4 oz's. She's be a nice one to do outdoors. Give her more elbow room than I did in a 3 gallon pot and she might have did more.
Well side tracked again, I have that male starting full bloom. I cut a slick piece of cardboard with a slot to cover the top of the pot and in turn it catches the pollen from me tapping the main stem. I can tell she's,,, well he is the same as the 'not so short' stuff strain from short stuff seeds. Well I also have another, a female that looks real close also, and she's about 2 1/2' tall and just started flowering,,,,,,, so I thru her in there with the male so he can have his way with her, besides just kicking me pollen for storage. Least I know I'll have a lot of regular seeds from Short Stuff to play around with.
I also started another Blueberry strain. I've been looking for 'The Blueberry' since I moved here. I got a personal gift from DJ Short of a F4 Blueberry abit back,,,, didn't impress us enough to keep it. I'm going to try a shot from Dutch Passion. Also got a G-13 Haze seed cracking. That is yet to be determined if she starts.
Well pretty bad get a drink and a joint in me and I babble. Thanks all for looking in Keepem Green
Sorry I got to wandering around with a camera inhand. And that leads to trouble. But I did want to throw up afew pic's of the next auto I'm going to yank. She's almost 3' tall. Solid...... And been in the ground for almost 80 days. Reasonable I figure. Might go 2 oz's. That is one big bud. Should've throw something up for size. Trust me she's big. I'll get a better with something for contrast. Another grab-bag seed. About all my auto's are. My fem seed ran about 3$ a pop, while regulars were about 5$ per. I'm going to have ALOT of regular seed up and coming. Here's the pic's;



Well off to laa laa land,,,,,,,, Keepem Green
Keepem green Woody...
Well just acouple fast pic's before she get too stale. This is a bottom bud off a auto I just started flushing acouple days back. Looking like a 1 1/2 Oz's off a 3 1/2 footer. She's running in the 75 day time frame as of now.


Can't keep saying I need to catch up so soon I will. Looking at the amount of posts I've done in the time I've been here, it's a wonder they still let me post. JK Keepem Green Everyone
I was kind of tripping on how fast time flies. But anyhow I did get a pic or two tonight. Had that pollen project agoing. I ended up with a fast flowering male from Short Stuff Seed. I seem to have a very similar pheno growing in flower, so I threw her in with him to gain afew seeds along with some regular pollen for future thinking's. But here's afew of that story. Hey I did something tonight.....

I used a slick cardboard to make a pollen catch under him. I had cut most of the leafs and minor branches before he really started. Alittle pollen goes along way they say. Believe me..... I've lost afew trips like for rouge pollen,,, or stupidity on my behalf more than likely......
Here we go again;

and tonight;

Also took and cut this one. I grew a lot of different looking auto's and have seen acouple worthy prospects for good herbs. Afew lame ones to,,,, But it's easy to identify some. Some of the larger ones seem to lack alittle punch. 3/4 been good weed so far. That big 4+ oz'er wasn't all that. I'll let ya know what this one is like in a week or two,,, but she's a impressive bud. Great single cola plant. And I could see where cutting all the smaller side branches allowing a bigger main bud wood've worked great on this one. Unknown strains can be bad or good....


Well of to laa laa land after a joint of Crippled Rino. Keepem Green
good looking male :thumb:
Thx Conradino. He's blushing................... like I said a lot of the strains I'm starting to get the feel for. This girl here is pretty, yet her close sister didn't do so well in the quality department. I mean she was smoke,,,, probably better cookies than smoke tho. This strain of auto seems to way out rate is the smoke department. She's covered in trichomes,,,,, not that that usually means anything, cept most the time. I took afew of a better looking one. It's a big one just not a heavy one grown inside. Name???????


and one more;

This baby is one of the grab bag from Buddha Seed. I have to say they have some impressive seed. Like 125$ per 50. I'm dying to see what Alaska#1 came up with in his. I'm planning on kicking him some pollen for a gift seeing he's likening the idea of auto's also. Mind keeps going back to that Muary Thai from flash seeds.
Muay Thai (by Flash Seeds) :: SeedFinder :: Strain Info
Or something like that. Man I can see potential. Even at 140 days. Bigger the better as long as she blooms early as you plant her................ Keepem Green
It has a potential I mean it's gonna be diluted sativa-wise, but might punch you just in a right way to justify having her around :thumb:
Bob some been good, some not so. But it's sure fun to grow the different ones. I have to say I've done pretty good with the few I've grown out. Outdoors, under full sun, I can see more than not great plants with a good 2+ oz's per. I've gotten one I think was of magnum look, it was the best yield, but lowest on my thoughts of quality.
Here's another I've just cut,,, so another to judge;


Man my last post was all over the place............ Shows what alittle Kentucky Windage will do...............
I have afew new strains agoing. Hey man something I ever hate to say,,,, but happens. I missed watering my Space plant. She was dropping real bad by time I seen it. After rehydrating her,,, well all the fan leaves dry as a bone. MY BAD.
Hopefully Conradino she'll be worthy. Keepem Green
I have to BOW down to this icon....... Man I've been partying to him since I was a kid.................. Keepem Green
And been suffering every morning after since. Isn't a lot going on unusual,,,, every time I do a seed trip I find acouple seed pods on the flower room. I kind of should stay away from it I guess after making pollen???? Duh... Oh well lets me start acouple flip soon. I have all in veg amost ready. I love the look of the GSC's. I good acouple piss poor shots of her. Sorry the HPS's but lazy as I am right now it will have to do. She is impressive and if she continues I'll be glad of the clone. Short plant fat leaves, which have to be trimmed on this one. Not going to win a prize come yield for sure but if she is anything like they say they had back in my neck of the wood's, it was a game changer. Cali Contection's GSC's;


Some other time I'll get a good sharp picture of her. I did find acouple seed pods on her. Has to be crossed with that damn auto flower. And I'd not care to have to cube a strain of auto GSC's. That's a lot of babies. But the thought did cross my mind.
Got another God Bud baby just showing tap roots. I didn't fair well with a G-13 I started. She damped off, probably from the cold weather outside. I know the cold effects all my joints. Not to say about the steel in me. But life.... Well I have afew strains that have afew seed in them. Everyone at that point of flower has acouple seeds. A Space, Cookies and Kush, Sweet Amnesia, Berry Bomb, and GSC's. Sounded like a great start up string. I do still have them so soon. Well just another day in the life.......... Hope all's growings is good,,,,, Keepem Green
Damn what alittle fire water will do............. I even pulled the GSC's out for a photo section. But all I got was afew mid grade photo's. Believe me she might be gold'. Even if Mackenna's.............. Here they are;


Keepem Green
Id really need proper lighting to really sport her. Close to my last God Bud grown. Have a side by side soon.................. Keepem Green
Thx Jaga,,
I might babble for a minute on that question. BTW some of them auto get huge. I've done afew Short Stuff seed and 4'. But still only yielded 2 oz's of 6+ herb. But anyways,,, I bought the first High/Times mag issue back when I live in Venice Ca. Riding skateboards and hanging with afew Dog Town boys. I guess I was 14. Grew out a plant some what a plant, was a female and I thought you smoked leaves and the tips of immature tops WAS the bud......... Them white hairs showed up and I kind of freaked...... So 40 years...... Wasn't anyone to ask cept this old boy up in Clear Lake. This Man gifted me plants afew times.. But about 5-9 years of that I was kind of unable to grow, due to living space, or the damn CO woodn't 'LET' me grow. CDC I kind of had to catch a chain afew years here and there.
But I loved the guerilla grows. Back in Arkansas. I had seed, and she grew monster size in that rich soil, I called Razor Bud. Growing back up in some ox-bow lakes off the Mississippi River. Hide and seek from the hunters,, ,lost afew plots every year, so I'd plant afew grows of like 5 females. I've always said since time, plants can grow to allotted size giving Unlimited roots in good soil with good sun and acouple good months of veg and a 5 pounder was common. They did need sticks and attendance to hit 5. Donkey dicks wood touch the ground and rot damn near. Ah youth. Hell can't even hardly manage a good grow any more. I means I get 'product' But right now a man well gumpshin should be making some money. Damn the Portland weather. If I had this yard in say San Joaquin Valley'''''''''''' I did grow on the top of a place called Altamont Pass outside The Bay Area. Man,,,,,, that was grow heaven. Seasons were really geared to buddage growth. You harvested when you wanted not when you have to. Big diff. Still babbling ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ And here,, I'm winding down. And I should be keeping up. I can't believe it,,,,, a dude my age, followed his dream. Fools got a private jet................. WOW
But I did want to least post my humble attempt,,,, BTW it works for us,,,,, Miss J and Myself. First that God Bud from BC Bud Depot;

Afew more to get going;

And they do alittle more. I do have all the strains I have in flower here in veg. I KICK MYSEF!!!!!!! but I see isn't a lot of seed here. But seed is seed. I don't ever want any of these seeds. Unless I wanted to play doctor for a GSC's Auto.
God Bud is opening up in that soil. God Bud has to be some of the oiliest, most coated trichomes matt I ever seen. Sorry to draw shit out. Help with the 'Old Windage' Keepem Green
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