Original source seeds from the 70's: Yes I have some

Actually it is 10 seeds. I wanted to make a sign: SEED LIMIT 10. For medical card holders its 50. But the number varies and I have never seen anyone busted in Oregon for Cannabis seeds.

Not sure where I saw it when I looked around online, but was trying to figure out why the few Dispensaries that even did sell seeds in town sold them in packs of 5 only. Went to THC Fair at the fairgrounds here and there was only one outfit selling seeds at their booth when there was 3-4 last year selling seeds, so wasn't sure if they cracked down on that or being a pain about it or what, as I had heard a rumor that seeds had to be tracked like the plants for Rec or some stupid thing (but who knows as hearsay and not something I read in their headache inducing rules ;) ).
All seeds sold are in the OLCC tracking 'system', just like every plant, clone, bud and processed mj product. The Oregon purchase limits have been the same for some time now (over 2 years). For rec sales, these are the limits as of today from the oregon.gov/olcc site:

Q: How much marijuana can I purchase?
A customer cannot purchase more than the following amounts at any one time or within one day:
  • One ounce of usable marijuana if a recreational consumer;
  • 24 ounces of usable marijuana if a registered OMMP patient or designated primary caregiver;
  • 16 ounces of a cannabinoid product in solid form;
  • 72 ounces of a cannabinoid product in liquid form;
  • Five grams of cannabinoid extracts or concentrates, whether sold alone or contained in an inhalant delivery system;
  • Four immature marijuana plants; and
  • Ten marijuana seeds.


Note also that the second entry here is not currently in effect. There is a 6 month restriction on usable mj purchased by OMMP card holders of one ounce.
Yes, early bloom and harvest. My brother harvested his Grape Apes last week. Agreed on the calyx color making it hard to see botrytis rot. Nice buds there though, tanks for sharing. And no issues on only posting about landraces here... your hybrid is 2/3 landrace. I have a lot of heirlooms and early crosses posted in my seed list above, so this is not a purist landrace thread. Nor do I care if it stays 100% on topic.

BTW: Grape Ape (at least the Mendo Purps x skunk x Afghan version) has more resin and oil than any other strain that I have grown. Last year I had to wait a month to trim the buds, they were so tacky. The sissors would gum up after trimming only one bud. Great high to it as well. There is another Grape Ape named strain floating around that is really a cut or daughter of GDP.
That purple one in my photo is nothing like her sister/cousin that's already been chopped. The chopped one has very fluffy tops w/almost no frost & zero purple (still quite good, though). (Sorry bout the not so good pic)

Did not have a lot of resin.
Obviously unstable line w/ widely divergent phenos. I'll find out what the purple pheno's like fairly soon--it's getting cut on Monday.
Yes. I only need to initiate blooming, and 6 nights is the ticket. Sometimes there will be flowers after only 4 nights. It is strain dependent, and how near natural blooming they are. The closer they are to blooming, the fater they will set under 12/12. The Mauis did not show blooms after the 6th night, but a few days later it started popping blooms. Once they set blooms, you can put them into longer light periods and they will typically not revert.

Thanks for the clarity, I'm just east of you but it's a lot colder here and I'm new to growing, I guess I always thought they would re-veg - this will be a huge leap in my next grow in 2019 if I can flower two to three weeks sooner -- thank you.
Thanks for the clarity, I'm just east of you but it's a lot colder here and I'm new to growing, I guess I always thought they would re-veg - this will be a huge leap in my next grow in 2019 if I can flower two to three weeks sooner -- thank you.

You can take this method further and get multiple crops per year outdoors. I learned this method from a guy in northeast Italy some years ago. He gets 3 harvests a year this way. The first year I tried a spring bloom I had clones from the previous year that I over-wintered under lights. I set the 3 foot tall plants outside in late March and they bloomed immediately on their own. So I put them in the greenhouse outside and they kept right on blooming through the summer solstice. I harvested the first crop at the end of June and they re-vegged and bloomed again in August. The June crop was not quite as resinous or a large, but the plants were smaller. I found that they typically do not re-veg unless you cut all the flowers off and turn the lights on longer. By growing photos, you can force them to bloom at any time. Indoor growers do this under lights. Growing indoors/outdoors, you can do a multi-year crop as I do using lights and the sun. Or growing only outdoors, you can force later blooming strains to bloom a lot earlier with light dep as I did the Maui this year. Also I drag harvested plants indoors under lights 24/0 in the fall and get them to re-veg, and then clone them from the veg growth. Lots of ways to play with light with photos.
That purple one in my photo is nothing like her sister/cousin that's already been chopped. The chopped one has very fluffy tops w/almost no frost & zero purple (still quite good, though). .
Did not have a lot of resin.
Obviously unstable line w/ widely divergent phenos. I'll find out what the purple pheno's like fairly soon--it's getting cut on Monday.

My older GDP looked a lot like your purple GA there with purple calyxes, and like Purple Urkle. GDP is a cross of Big Bud and Purple Urkle (or Purple Urple). Your green fluffy plant looks like Big Bud. It also looks like the green GDP that I have growing here now and the GA that I have growing now. My GA is being chopped now and the primo buds are drying. It is massively resinous though. GDP tends to finish later, into early October. GA finishes earlier. My GA is all green and oozing with resins. My GDP is looking like its going to finish in October. As you say, these puppies have a lot of variable phenos, resulting in earlier and later harvests, variable resins, crystals, and green or purple calyxes. Confusing as ever.

Plants of mystery! From the Emerald Triangle, or Santa Cruz.
My older GDP looked a lot like your purple GA there with purple calyxes, and like Purple Urkle. GDP is a cross of Big Bud and Purple Urkle (or Purple Urple). Your green fluffy plant looks like Big Bud. It also looks like the green GDP that I have growing here now and the GA that I have growing now. My GA is being chopped now and the primo buds are drying. It is massively resinous though. GDP tends to finish later, into early October. GA finishes earlier. My GA is all green and oozing with resins. My GDP is looking like its going to finish in October. As you say, these puppies have a lot of variable phenos, resulting in earlier and later harvests, variable resins, crystals, and green or purple calyxes. Confusing as ever.

Plants of mystery! From the Emerald Triangle, or Santa Cruz.
Thanks for the info!

Yep, it has a wide range of phenos--the lone male, which also showed about mid-july was HUGE--heavily topped & trained, but woulda easily have been 6+foot high in mid-July if I hadn't done that. As it was, I had to use my larger branch lopper to cut the trunk.

I landed on this strain because I figured it might be a bit odd. It's exceeded that expectation. As you aptly note "Plants of mystery."
@BigSur Regarding the Lebanese x Grape Ape:

I've been smoking a bit of the early non-purple, non-resiny bud. Nice high, but seems like I also detect a bit of a CBD body buzz.

In your exp., do any of the phenos have appreciable CBD?

Thanks in advance & for all the great info you've put into this thread.

Seriously: you should write a book--I'd buy it!
@BigSur Regarding the Lebanese x Grape Ape:

I've been smoking a bit of the early non-purple, non-resiny bud. Nice high, but seems like I also detect a bit of a CBD body buzz.

In your exp., do any of the phenos have appreciable CBD?

Thanks in advance & for all the great info you've put into this thread.

Seriously: you should write a book--I'd buy it!

I do not think that the GA or GDP strains have any CBD. The full body high (and couch lock) from them is more likely due to the Mendo Purps (or Purple Urkle) indica parent. CBD will not give you any buzz, per se. It will put you in a good mood though. At least it does for me if I smoke pure CBD bud that I bought, like Sour Tsunami. CBD also takes the edge of the THC if I get too high or want to stop the rushes of some stain that I have smoked too much of.

Funny, some love me and some hate me for what I post. I do not grow organic (I grow biodynamic), and I have had run ins about that here and elsewhere with all the organophiles. A lot of people also simply do not believe what my brother and I did back in the 70s. Others have asked me to mentor them, or come here to my property and learn about growing weed. I started writing a book about weed several years ago. It is a hybrid of simple Cannabis growing methods and essays on my weirder and more insane stoned out experiences in the 60s-80s in California. I have had issues with trying to publish other books though (one on Bamboo, and several cookbooks) and I have let them go. I dunno. I keep thinking that this winter I will finally finish writing something, but something bigger always comes along and gets in the way. And as Ernest Hemingway wrote (he was a very good friend of my grandmother), "If you trust in publishers, you will sleep on straw".
I landed on this strain because I figured it might be a bit odd. It's exceeded that expectation. As you aptly note "Plants of mystery."

Was looking at Phylos Bioscience Galaxy this afternoon, and they had this to say about Grape Ape:

Grape Ape has a high level of genetic variation (red indicator line).

A low level of genetic variation indicates a stabilized or true breeding line that will produce seeds (offspring) with consistent physical characteristics (phenotypes); varieties with higher levels of genetic variation are not true-breeding, and will produce seeds with very different physical characteristics.
So I think I nailed it with my Dutch Durban Poison x ladrace Durban Poison cross. Double Cross Durban. Long skinny colas and anise terpenes. They bloom a tad later than their mother, but they have the right aromas of their father which she lacked. And consistent blooming time which none of their paternal aunts had. I hope I also nailed the WAKE in Wake 'n Bake Durban. As in higher THCv levels. Photos to follow. I have the lot of Durban gals corralled in one greenhouse while this moisture event happens.
I do not think that the GA or GDP strains have any CBD. The full body high (and couch lock) from them is more likely due to the Mendo Purps (or Purple Urkle) indica parent. CBD will not give you any buzz, per se. It will put you in a good mood though. At least it does for me if I smoke pure CBD bud that I bought, like Sour Tsunami. CBD also takes the edge of the THC if I get too high or want to stop the rushes of some stain that I have smoked too much of.
I was imprecise in my post...what I meant by CBD "buzz" is the body sensation I get when I smoke high CBD strains, which I frequently do (mainly strains w/ 1:1 THC:CBD). For me, the bodily sensation of relaxation. Nothing couch-locky at all in the buzz I get from the harvested pheno.

Who knows, cannabis plants are a complex mixture of various components
My older GDP looked a lot like your purple GA there with purple calyxes, and like Purple Urkle. GDP is a cross of Big Bud and Purple Urkle (or Purple Urple). Your green fluffy plant looks like Big Bud. It also looks like the green GDP that I have growing here now and the GA that I have growing now. My GA is being chopped now and the primo buds are drying. It is massively resinous though. GDP tends to finish later, into early October. GA finishes earlier. My GA is all green and oozing with resins. My GDP is looking like its going to finish in October. As you say, these puppies have a lot of variable phenos, resulting in earlier and later harvests, variable resins, crystals, and green or purple calyxes. Confusing as ever.

Plants of mystery! From the Emerald Triangle, or Santa Cruz.
The purple pheno got cut today.

It was quite resiny (though not quite as much as a Crit Kush I grew two years ago). Super dense buds. I estimate about 4-5 times as dense as its super-fluffy cousin-sister.

Funny, some love me and some hate me for what I post. I do not grow organic (I grow biodynamic), and I have had run ins about that here and elsewhere with all the organophiles. A lot of people also simply do not believe what my brother and I did back in the 70s. Others have asked me to mentor them, or come here to my property and learn about growing weed. I started writing a book about weed several years ago. It is a hybrid of simple Cannabis growing methods and essays on my weirder and more insane stoned out experiences in the 60s-80s in California. I have had issues with trying to publish other books though (one on Bamboo, and several cookbooks) and I have let them go. I dunno. I keep thinking that this winter I will finally finish writing something, but something bigger always comes along and gets in the way. And as Ernest Hemingway wrote (he was a very good friend of my grandmother), "If you trust in publishers, you will sleep on straw".

Anyone that's got anything real to communicate will be loved and hated by dif. folks. I like J. Swift's (paraphrashing): The sign of a wise and decent person in any land is that they are surrounded by a confederacy of dunces, clamoring for their blood.

Re: growing techniques, the truth is one, paths are many. So what, really, if some don't like yr techniques that work.

"weirder and more insane stoned out experiences in the 60s-80s in California" would only make the book more interesting. I'd read it.

& you could self-publish. I know someone that did. Although it was absolute romantic pulp rubbish, she still brings in about $3K annually from sales. Not a lot, but enough for a pretty good wknd in Vegas.

Hope you do it.
The purple pheno got cut today.
It was quite resiny (though not quite as much as a Crit Kush I grew two years ago). Super dense buds. I estimate about 4-5 times as dense as its super-fluffy cousin-sister.

o_O Looks mighty tasty there.
Anyone that's got anything real to communicate will be loved and hated by dif. folks. I like J. Swift's (paraphrashing): The sign of a wise and decent person in any land is that they are surrounded by a confederacy of dunces, clamoring for their blood.

Re: growing techniques, the truth is one, paths are many. So what, really, if some don't like yr techniques that work.

"weirder and more insane stoned out experiences in the 60s-80s in California" would only make the book more interesting. I'd read it.

& you could self-publish. I know someone that did. Although it was absolute romantic pulp rubbish, she still brings in about $3K annually from sales. Not a lot, but enough for a pretty good wknd in Vegas.

Hope you do it.

Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas! I try to stay out of the casinos though. Maybe Another Roadside Attraction. Or In Watermelon Pickle. $3k a year would be OK. Pay for the indoor plant lights and heat this house in winter. Maybe get a bigger gabled GH. My dome GH is about shot.

My brother wants to collaborate on the book. We got really stoned on Grape Ape last night. We cranked up Tom Petty on his Macintosh system and reminiced about some of the insane stuff that we did that no one believes. Maybe write it as a work of fiction. "None of the events in this book are true, except for all of it." Like getting the band Crazy Horse so stoned in Santa Cruz at The Old Sash Mill one night that they could not play any more. Well, they kept playing, but it sounded like shit. They were happy though. That was on weed that a friend grew from seeds that I gave him. Very early sinsemilia, circa 1978 or so. I had a maroon '67 Mustang then. Wish I had that car now.
Some bud shots of my babies this year. This is Maui Waui Cherry Bomb, Mr. GreenGenes '78. It has light pink pistils. This is a sister plant to the earlier one I posted in this thread. This one was accelerated with light dep to bloom earlier.

Maui Cherry Bomber.JPG
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