Opioid Tapering With Cannabis: A Regimen


Sweet sue..et all...

You must ‘read’ trump’ carefully....

Death penalty for only the biggest, worst, shithead drug selling bastards in the United States ofAmerica.

I say

Ooo rah.

Purdue pharmacy family estate, billions us in ...Austin Texas.....outside city..
‘I agree with trump/ ‘ merely during Purdue’s hikers out of existence isn’t good enough.

Cease all assets.
Dig up Bernie.
Arrest an execute every executive at Purdue from 1983, till present.

Demolish all CONUS, stockpiles and production facilities , before dawn. I want flames at sunrise, LT. lol

////at least I hope he meant ..really big, really murderous, high volume with plenty of cash and real estate for ceasure..

//he doesn’t mean four black,kids and two spainish guys....does he?

He thinks all drug dealers are Superfly Marc. The man is lost in the 60s with an Attorney General another decade back from him.

You can't write stuff this bad. We survived Reagan, and I used to think that was the worst we could get. But if he wants a death penalty for drug dealers he better take a close look at the damned pain clinics our insurance providers paid for and the pharma companies that set it all up and keep fueling it. There's where the real death and destruction came from.
He thinks all drug dealers are Superfly Marc. The man is lost in the 60s with an Attorney General another decade back from him.

You can't write stuff this bad. We survived Reagan, and I used to think that was the worst we could get. But if he wants a death penalty for drug dealers he better take a close look at the damned pain clinics our insurance providers paid for and the pharma companies that set it all up and keep fueling it. There's where the real death and destruction came from.
Sue...do you know what didn't survive Reagan?
He thinks all drug dealers are Superfly Marc. The man is lost in the 60s with an Attorney General another decade back from him.

Sue, pedestrian reaction dear girllllllll.
Ah Jeff session and the famous letter...misunderstood...lol..
Not yet on these grasshopper. I hold sensitive information that would upset...upset too,many.

Let’s. Say this.

The president of the United States of America ... cue music....hail to,friggin chief.
Cannot take a position where he doesn’t uphold constitution, verbatim./fact
Congress passed 1936 MJ tax act/ 1937 MJ tax stamp act.. no stamp ever issued...lol
This is the hierarchical, governing law, in USA/fact.

It’s is completely destructive to allow. Anyone. To pay;
State official
Mayor ofgicial
Police of state or city/
There assignees or appointees.

To enable them to break federal law of these United States if America//fact.

In Nevada. For 250 bucks I get federally illegal weed for 200 bucks.
The state .rainynfund.slush fund..gets 25 bucks.
The Pooh-leash get 20 buck,
Someone robs 5..

This is objectively wrong..for America.
I actually read all 3 paragraphs of sessions letter.
It says federal,prosecutors have to follow federal law//fact/

You cannot pass a democratic bill that says..’it’s ok to pay corruption money to states ‘
‘To,pay fir protection against federal/congressional/100 year old legislation.’’
So, my demo Congress is a fool. The repub senator a fool. ..and so on..
But remain calm and factual...

You can't write stuff this bad. We survived Reagan, and I used to think that was the worst we could get. But if he wants a death penalty for drug dealers he better take a close look at the damned pain clinics our insurance providers paid for and the pharma companies that set it all up and keep fueling it. There's where the real death and destruction came from.
To be fair..
Schumer pelosi Maxine waters.. dumber dumbest ...zero. All together accomplished nothing. An embarrassment to even hear discuss anything as it always stinks,too....what to do..
I visited the orange line , outside of Kiel west Germany. Pre regan.
Sue Ronny and I,plus several billion extra dollars ,
52 continuous years of strategic air commands , flying round robin, perpetual bomb attack missions/live fire equipped/full crptyo ‘ every minute/every day/52 years.
Ronny and all, defeated the remainder of the Soviet sovislidr repnlic . Ie ussr
Ceased to exist, one day, freed 100 million people.
De stressed 200 million in USA.
Ussr. Shed billions of hectares of land ,free food for trade.
What’s left.? 126 million .russians. No .union/ he’ll Crimea actually leaves them open for repeat attacks of lsstb100 years...again.. you must be able to,play both hands in any war game

He thinks all drug dealers are Superfly Marc. The man is lost in the 60s with an Attorney General another decade back from him.

You can't write stuff this bad. We survived Reagan, and I used to think that was the worst we could get. But if he wants a death penalty for drug dealers he better take a close look at the damned pain clinics our insurance providers paid for and the pharma companies that set it all up and keep fueling it. There's where the real death and destruction came from.
To be fair..
Schumer pelosi Maxine waters.. dumber dumbest ...zero. All together accomplished nothing. An embarrassment to even hear discuss anything as it always stinks,too....what to do..

Politics...... such a PITA. They're all complicit, both sides. I personally hold the Republicans responsible for the current president. They put him out there and put the money up to get him elected. To hand the highest office of our democracy over to a man who has no qualifications and had no desire for the job itself..... they kinda crossed the line with this one.

I understand the letter. I don't understand his lack of clarity about cannabis.

Congress has no backbone and no real function anymore other than to enrich themselves. And while they play at pretending to be on our side people out here are in pain. It makes a girl just a wee bit frustrated when she lets herself go there

Which isn't all that often. All the answers come when you're playing. I'd rather be feeling for the answers than fighting with politicians.
I visited the orange line , outside of Kiel west Germany. Pre regan.
Sue Ronny and I,plus several billion extra dollars ,
52 continuous years of strategic air commands , flying round robin, perpetual bomb attack missions/live fire equipped/full crptyo ‘ every minute/every day/52 years.
Ronny and all, defeated the remainder of the Soviet sovislidr repnlic . Ie ussr
Ceased to exist, one day, freed 100 million people.
De stressed 200 million in USA.
Ussr. Shed billions of hectares of land ,free food for trade.
What’s left.? 126 million .russians. No .union/ he’ll Crimea actually leaves them open for repeat attacks of lsstb100 years...again.. you must be able to,play both hands in any war game

I'm one of those crazy people that doesn't believe that war is a necessary function to advance social evolution. All that money..... no one looks for ways that don't include munitions and collateral damage.

We weren't made to kill each other. I'll never be comfortable with war. It's against everything I believe.
Politics...... such a PITA. They're all complicit, both sides. I personally hold the Republicans responsible for the current president. They put him out there and put the money up to get him elected. To hand the highest office of our democracy over to a man who has no qualifications and had no desire for the job itself..... they kinda crossed the line with this one.

I understand the letter. I don't understand his lack of clarity about cannabis.

Congress has no backbone and no real function anymore other than to enrich themselves. And while they play at pretending to be on our side people out here are in pain. It makes a girl just a wee bit frustrated when she lets herself go there

Which isn't all that often. All the answers come when you're playing. I'd rather be feeling for the answers than fighting with politicians.
Trump did,not write session letter. He dictated it and the little elf copied it down,dutifully.
Pretty sure the “republicans of the 1982 and forward era, dispise, and fear trump , as well theynshould
Democrats will,be easily confounded bynhis every move.
Republicans want say job bush...........or Mc pain.......
Democrats wanted a socialists or worse.

We got.. a billionaire. From Queens New York.... fantastic,

Sue,’what could spoonbill go,wrong”// I know. The media. The mis direction is so strong.
It’s so much bullshit. Sue exactly the color and smell of bullshit you see in.’wel
Cannabis ‘law..ha ha
Health care syste,,, oh really?
Even Crimea.. trump,cant call Putin for congrats..really folks..
Russia helped to,defeat the nazis courage by sacrificing ,10’s////20/30/60/million soviets humans. Consumed to also,consume 1000000 Nazi panzer troops.. now that’s civlization for ya..
It frankly , the British helped by Americans also,screwed the post Stalin government , when ever they could.

Ok now, what. Lint on canhave sex with Russia.
Tu trump can’t? Oh we need to all grow up a bit more.
See it all for what it is..
Tr up don’t give a rat behind about your weed.
America’s broke, wars for 20myeras.
Obama’s sick,policies for another 8.
Trump is going to,raise the price, for,the world.
Lifting America faster.
Orrecting trade/military/ and horseshit worldwide.

Will it be nice... history suggests progress come with force. This time economic..
The 25 trillion ,national debt, is troubling.
While congress doesn’t get it enough to act.
Trump dies understand it well.

I’d load up,on highnvalue commisuty items , selling ultra big;y priced ‘securities’.
Like..cannabis furutres,,,lol
Trump did,not write session letter. He dictated it and the little elf copied it down,dutifully.
Pretty sure the “republicans of the 1982 and forward era, dispise, and fear trump , as well theynshould
Democrats will,be easily confounded bynhis every move.
Republicans want say job bush...........or Mc pain.......
Democrats wanted a socialists or worse.

We got.. a billionaire. From Queens New York.... fantastic,

Sue,’what could spoonbill go,wrong”// I know. The media. The mis direction is so strong.
It’s so much bullshit. Sue exactly the color and smell of bullshit you see in.’wel
Cannabis ‘law..ha ha
Health care syste,,, oh really?
Even Crimea.. trump,cant call Putin for congrats..really folks..
Russia helped to,defeat the nazis courage by sacrificing ,10’s////20/30/60/million soviets humans. Consumed to also,consume 1000000 Nazi panzer troops.. now that’s civlization for ya..
It frankly , the British helped by Americans also,screwed the post Stalin government , when ever they could.

Ok now, what. Lint on canhave sex with Russia.
Tu trump can’t? Oh we need to all grow up a bit more.
See it all for what it is..
Tr up don’t give a rat behind about your weed.
America’s broke, wars for 20myeras.
Obama’s sick,policies for another 8.
Trump is going to,raise the price, for,the world.
Lifting America faster.
Orrecting trade/military/ and horseshit worldwide.

Will it be nice... history suggests progress come with force. This time economic..
The 25 trillion ,national debt, is troubling.
While congress doesn’t get it enough to act.
Trump dies understand it well.

I’d load up,on highnvalue commisuty items , selling ultra big;y priced ‘securities’.
Like..cannabis furutres,,,lol

I’m loading up on love and not hanging onto my things. Except my garden equipment. :battingeyelashes:
Not to get political but they're all corrupt. Minus MAYBE a handful. Both sides. Please don't buy in to the liberal conservative is the only solution bs.... your only perpetuating their agenda to solidify their control. Only when we break free from the elephant and donkey dichotomy and stop blindly" defending our side of the isle", will any real progress be made.

Their goal is to keep us at each others throats and our attention on pointing fingers while they accomplish their true sinister plans....

Don't forget that Hilary and Billy were guests at the pres and first lady wedding. And that Donald also contributed financially to her campaigns multiple times....

It's all a big show folks. They really think they can't tell us what is best for us. Like we need big brother weighing in on every aspect of out lives...

Nothing is accomplished politically without an emotional motivator anymore. We need to spend resources on making child related cannabis cases more public. Only when we can tug on America's heart strings will the out cry for legalization of cannabis be loud enough to be heard.
Not to get political but they're all corrupt. Minus MAYBE a handful. Both sides. Please don't buy in to the liberal conservative is the only solution bs.... your only perpetuating their agenda to solidify their control. Only when we break free from the elephant and donkey dichotomy and stop blindly" defending our side of the isle", will any real progress be made.

Their goal is to keep us at each others throats and our attention on pointing fingers while they accomplish their true sinister plans....

Don't forget that Hilary and Billy were guests at the pres and first lady wedding. And that Donald also contributed financially to her campaigns multiple times....

It's all a big show folks. They really think they can't tell us what is best for us. Like we need big brother weighing in on every aspect of out lives...

Nothing is accomplished politically without an emotional motivator anymore. We need to spend resources on making child related cannabis cases more public. Only when we can tug on America's heart strings will the out cry for legalization of cannabis be loud enough to be heard.

Agreed. It was the angry and determined mothers of children with seizure disorders that forced the change we're currently watching unfold. Our politicans are owned by their donators. I'm growing weary of the disfunction and obstructionism being supported by constituencies that consistently vote against their own interests.

Give us a couple more parties to shake it up. We should be having more fun with it, don't you think?

Amazingly, this fear of giving cannabis to children is so unfounded as to be ludicrous. Children require much larger doses, and handle them with an ease that surprises everyone overseeing their care. The lack of understanding of the ECS isn't helping us in this conversation. That'll begin changing swiftly in the next few years.
.....morning love birds...

At dawn this morning... sunrise occurred.

Were you awake to see it Marc?

One of the goals of this regimen is to bring that joy of each sunrise back into people's lives, so thank you for sharing that. :hug:
I see the sun rise. It’s always wonderful. Often, wild mirning colors. Mid day burnt sky blue. Sunsets are always beautiful, too. Often, the crap from LA , blows to the stratosphere, creating and artful all dust reflecting, for 20-42 minutes right at sunset.. it’s our ‘green flash,o’ Mohave’..tm...lol. T-shirt...

I see politics is fully ... understood. We don’t need nomsyinkin papers.....
Is the correct response..

Seeking joy. I will not ... return to buy street vegetables

Sue has convinced me, I can choose to avoid, playing with them entirely....
Thus...external joy..immediately achieved. ..tricky. Does it work with adult children, as well ?
I would like to see some sunrises, but it looks like spring has not quite sprung here as of yet, lol.
I'm feeling much better now, still having the severe pain issues, but at least now I don't have an opioid issue.
I don't even think about that poison anymore.
Good deal blue.
There never is a need to , nor desire for anything from a pill bottle, fuck a needle ..
wine women weed . Pick?
Always choose, Life.. and the joyful,path,,,
Oh oh......
I'm one of those crazy people that doesn't believe that war is a necessary function to advance social evolution.

War, has been a re-occurring force on Earth since recorded time.
The problem it solves or solved at the moment in time, was food. Land water women . Later access to rivers access to seaways road . From-6000 ad till well ...right now.
Interestingly, it’s always..always the “same faces. Same places “...lyrics... tm copyright manitned please.
Fact is, current strife is an endless continuum of BS from Roman formation, dissallotiin, and revenge of the previously vanquished, ottomans proved to be no fairer or better stewards, of there conquered , either.

There fore, balkans, Far East near east , Horn of Africa, .. these lands , disputed for several thousands of years..
Wars fought for control,of life giving earth, sue .. not for drinking the blood... it’s life ..sort of..

All that money..... no one looks for ways that don't include munitions and collateral damage.
Sue tithe joy seeking model, is for internal ... interference. Mostly, our memory of joy full and less joyless past , can trigger bullshit thought. You stop,that..
‘Barbarian at the gate means you waited to long.’
Sue, mostly, the man in the street , world wide, don’t care for , “your kind” “ your river valley”.. no,part of America.

Non violent ways to halt war. All,abject failures... arguably made the ...
Ensuing wars..much worse...
League of Nations.. what’s warm wonderful idea..
all countries , all Europe, Mid East. Setting around New York.. what could possibly go wrong..


The money one uses.. is only good in the realm one is in, mostly...
When the barbarians enter your gates, your ‘community wealth. Is ceased.
Life as you knew is over.

Joyful,is wonderful.
Let’s not we detach from reality, however..

We weren't made to kill each other. I'll never be comfortable with war. It's against everything I believe.

I know sue,

Nobody is for ..death and destruction.

Sue, next quiet time.. remember ...primitive living . Camping? Cabin?
Ok, prior to 1880.
No electricity

Printining press 1480...something..
Before that.. way before that.

Imagine a typical sue day.... just for fun.
Best one. No invading hordes..
No diseases.

Just .joy.....
@Bluenoser That was good to read. :hug::hug::hug:

Sue has convinced me, I can choose to avoid, playing with them entirely....
Thus...external joy..immediately achieved. ..tricky. Does it work with adult children, as well ?
Adult children..... remember when they were tiny and full of loving? *sigh*. I got lucky, the daughter is a rock. Her brother..... We can give birth to them and raise them, but they make their own choices in life. We, as their parents, get to quietly watch as they careen through relationships and continue to love them without condition.

The joy is deliberate, despite the experience. Deliberate joy begets more joy - a simple formula for happiness.
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