Opioid Tapering With Cannabis: A Regimen

Gen 1:29

King James Bible
And God said, Behold, I have given you every herb bearing seed, which is upon the face of all the earth, and every tree, in the which is the fruit of a tree yielding seed; to you it shall be for meat.

Not sure where the devil made cannabis? Looks pretty clear to me the bible says it's God given!

Anyways 3 weeks was yesterday. Still have had sleep trouble but it's improving with every passing day. And Not a day goes by where I miss, want, or feel the need for that disgusting crap!

So glad to be free from those chains that once held me back....

Here's to freedom


Just have to remind myself that "freedom isn't free", and keep on keeping on!
Gen 1:29

King James Bible
And God said, Behold, I have given you every herb bearing seed, which is upon the face of all the earth, and every tree, in the which is the fruit of a tree yielding seed; to you it shall be for meat.

Not sure where the devil made cannabis? Looks pretty clear to me the bible says it's God given!

Anyways 3 weeks was yesterday. Still have had sleep trouble but it's improving with every passing day. And Not a day goes by where I miss, want, or feel the need for that disgusting crap!

So glad to be free from those chains that once held me back....

Here's to freedom

Just have to remind myself that "freedom isn't free", and keep on keeping on!
Great to hear Them! You're showing great strength to stick this out for you and your fam.
Gen 1:29

King James Bible
And God said, Behold, I have given you every herb bearing seed, which is upon the face of all the earth, and every tree, in the which is the fruit of a tree yielding seed; to you it shall be for meat.

Not sure where the devil made cannabis? Looks pretty clear to me the bible says it's God given!

Anyways 3 weeks was yesterday. Still have had sleep trouble but it's improving with every passing day. And Not a day goes by where I miss, want, or feel the need for that disgusting crap!

So glad to be free from those chains that once held me back....

Here's to freedom


Just have to remind myself that "freedom isn't free", and keep on keeping on!

Gen 1:29

King James Bible
And God said, Behold, I have given you every herb bearing seed, which is upon the face of all the earth, and every tree, in the which is the fruit of a tree yielding seed; to you it shall be for meat.

Not sure where the devil made cannabis? Looks pretty clear to me the bible says it's God given!

Anyways 3 weeks was yesterday. Still have had sleep trouble but it's improving with every passing day. And Not a day goes by where I miss, want, or feel the need for that disgusting crap!

So glad to be free from those chains that once held me back....

Here's to freedom


Just have to remind myself that "freedom isn't free", and keep on keeping on!

MD.... the snake inside you... is long gone...... good job.

There never was a desire for opiod “high” there is no high, no,pain relief, only misery. It’s a ‘’gig’’.

Sleep.. update n ideas..for you;

Humans have adaptaive sleep cycles naturally. In fact, we are photo tropic, cleRly photo-synchronized. Eat your last “meal at sunset, clean up. Do not wTch any mass media, look at stars, and catch the first azzz’s you can get.. do not pass on sleepy...oh after dinner,after sunset,cleanup..etc.etc.. you must let it happen.

I don’t go,to,sleep at same times,exactly. And I don’t sleep the 6-9 mdr, continuously. But I did not get 8-5/days 7.5 +/- 1.5 hours,exactly anyway. I don’t think anybody does. And if you are stressed. For,get about it...

Sir, your freedom has been paid for.
You got,poisoned.
Your free now. Here..

“It’s no dream.
Free at last; Free at last.
Free as a bird .
It’s not a dream; Make is last. “

Sues, got the the order forms...lol

Keep punching
Haha, I had that verse on my grow tent and on my little wheat grass farm back in the day, lol.
Weed is indeed a gift from God :)

Congrats on getting off the poison, that's awesome MD. I too am totally free now.

It really is bizarre that once you get off that opioid that suddenly everything just changes, and your experience in this reality shifts, for the better.

I'm still struggling with the pain, and at least can understand why I chose to go back on the pills now that I can "feel" again, but at least now I think with the suppositories I have a better pain treatment regimin and won't end up taking the bait agian and going back on pills.
I can't wait to try the topical and see how that improves things :)
Haha, I had that verse on my grow tent and on my little wheat grass farm back in the day, lol.
Weed is indeed a gift from God :)

Congrats on getting off the poison, that's awesome MD. I too am totally free now.

It really is bizarre that once you get off that opioid that suddenly everything just changes, and your experience in this reality shifts, for the better.

I'm still struggling with the pain, and at least can understand why I chose to go back on the pills now that I can "feel" again, but at least now I think with the suppositories I have a better pain treatment regimin and won't end up taking the bait agian and going back on pills.
I can't wait to try the topical and see how that improves things :)
Congrats on pulling through this time Blue! Make that topical strong and it should be a great help. :goodluck:
Thanks man, I'm all good now.

This seriously was the easiest withdraw ever.
Thanks to cannabis oil and CBD isolate powder.

An important admission, and a valuable lesson for those who follow.
I'm currently waiting for a neurologist, I was told it would be 2 years before I got in to see him. TWO freakin years of agony waiting.

I'm almost positive I have a rare condition called Adhesive Arachnoiditis Click here to read about it . It almost exactly describes all my symptoms.

I just wanted to put it out there in case others are experiencing the same things I am, so they can explore this possible diagnosis. My CRPS diagnosis fits in perfectly with this condition. Sorry if this is the wrong place to post this.

After a few months of waiting, the neurologist called my GP and told him that he has no experience with this disease, and does not know who could even diagnose me with this, let alone treat me.

I guess I'll continue to treat myself with cannabis, no matter what the condition is called, and try to heal myself.

Screw the useless doctors.
I'm currently waiting for a neurologist, I was told it would be 2 years before I got in to see him. TWO freakin years of agony waiting.

I'm almost positive I have a rare condition called Adhesive Arachnoiditis Click here to read about it . It almost exactly describes all my symptoms.

I just wanted to put it out there in case others are experiencing the same things I am, so they can explore this possible diagnosis. My CRPS diagnosis fits in perfectly with this condition. Sorry if this is the wrong place to post this.

After a few months of waiting, the neurologist called my GP and told him that he has no experience with this disease, and does not know who could even diagnose me with this, let alone treat me.

I guess I'll continue to treat myself with cannabis, no matter what the condition is called, and try to heal myself.

Screw the useless doctors.

I feel your frustration. I was just speaking with a friend who's son has seizures. The medical cannabis program is up and running in PA, but the cost is prohibitive for most citizens, and none of it is covered by insurance. We're talking hundreds of dollars a month from the family budget. PA doesn't see fit to let us grow our own.

I've lost my faith in allopathic medicine. Treat the system with cannabis. I feel you're way ahead of the lagging pack with this choice.
Our president wants a death penalty for drug dealers as a response to the opioid epidemic. Somehow he missed the memo.... the dealers have doctor's liscenses and wear lab coats.
I'm currently waiting for a neurologist, I was told it would be 2 years before I got in to see him. TWO freakin years of agony waiting.

I'm almost positive I have a rare condition called Adhesive Arachnoiditis Click here to read about it . It almost exactly describes all my symptoms.

I just wanted to put it out there in case others are experiencing the same things I am, so they can explore this possible diagnosis. My CRPS diagnosis fits in perfectly with this condition. Sorry if this is the wrong place to post this.

After a few months of waiting, the neurologist called my GP and told him that he has no experience with this disease, and does not know who could even diagnose me with this, let alone treat me.

I guess I'll continue to treat myself with cannabis, no matter what the condition is called, and try to heal myself.

Screw the useless doctors.

Congrats Blue getting off meds! Many years ago I was diagnosed with Arachnoiditis, can't remember details. Discs was degenerating and had fusion to correct. Second fusion needed as first didn't fuse. CRPS both prior and after that condition. I do relate to your pain. Ketamine infusions did help my CRPS pain and were covered by Medicare. Cannabis is listed by many with CRPS as giving relief.

Two year wait feels cruel. And, then who knows what they can even offer you. I wouldn't hold much hope or trust in their help. Keep treating yourself......
I finally found my topicals last night! They help a lot.
Hi Sue

I’m so glad to give you an update on my dad and his issues he’s been having with prescription opioids over the last couple of years due to various issues with chronic pain and arthritis.

His turning point to make the big leap was experiencing a mild opioid overdose during a family dinner with his children and grandchildren during the xmas period.

My dad has seen the medical benefits I get from using cannabis infused oils and he finally said he would like to try my oil to get off these dangerous medications.

The oil I made is as simple as can be.

I have been very generously gifted a Magical Butter machine and used it for the 1st time to make my cold pressed organic coconut oil infusion.

1gram of hash/100g coconut oil.
I made 500g oil with 5 grams of hash.
2 tablespoons of sunflower lecithin.

I set the machine onto the 2 hour setting at 107 degrees Celsius

Once that was complete I decarbonised the oil in closed jars in the oven at 120 degrees Celsius for 30 mins.

Now this oil is used by myself to eat as my regular doses and it also gets applied to the area on the back of the neck (what were we calling this spot again Sue?), where there’s a bony area at the base of the neck and the thoracic spine (upper back) meet.

This works very fast here for breakthrough relief of numerous ailments, we are talking a matter of a few minutes, including migraines, seizures, pain, muscle tension, anxiety and panic attacks etc.

This same oil is fantastic at healing skin conditions, cuts, cracked skin, psoriasis.

1 plant, 1 oil, loads of applications.

I hope this helps more people suffering out there :Namaste:
Hi Sue

I’m so glad to give you an update on my dad and his issues he’s been having with prescription opioids over the last couple of years due to various issues with chronic pain and arthritis.

His turning point to make the big leap was experiencing a mild opioid overdose during a family dinner with his children and grandchildren during the xmas period.

My dad has seen the medical benefits I get from using cannabis infused oils and he finally said he would like to try my oil to get off these dangerous medications.

The oil I made is as simple as can be.

I have been very generously gifted a Magical Butter machine and used it for the 1st time to make my cold pressed organic coconut oil infusion.

1gram of hash/100g coconut oil.
I made 500g oil with 5 grams of hash.
2 tablespoons of sunflower lecithin.

I set the machine onto the 2 hour setting at 107 degrees Celsius

Once that was complete I decarbonised the oil in closed jars in the oven at 120 degrees Celsius for 30 mins.

Now this oil is used by myself to eat as my regular doses and it also gets applied to the area on the back of the neck (what were we calling this spot again Sue?), where there’s a bony area at the base of the neck and the thoracic spine (upper back) meet.

This works very fast here for breakthrough relief of numerous ailments, we are talking a matter of a few minutes, including migraines, seizures, pain, muscle tension, anxiety and panic attacks etc.

This same oil is fantastic at healing skin conditions, cuts, cracked skin, psoriasis.

1 plant, 1 oil, loads of applications.

I hope this helps more people suffering out there :Namaste:

It’s simply astounding, isn’t it, that such a simple oil with such a small amount of cannabinoids can be so effective against so many things?

Thank you for sharing this. InTheShed tracked down the description of that pad and we determined we’d call it the DMR, short for Dorsal - back of the body - Medial - center of the body, at the spine in this case - Radii, which I believe is the name of the area where the group of unmyelated axons dangle.
It’s simply astounding, isn’t it, that such a simple oil with such a small amount of cannabinoids can be so effective against so many things?
Thank you for sharing this. InTheShed tracked down the description of that pad and we determined we’d call it the DMR, short for Dorsal - back of the body - Medial - center of the body, at the spine in this case - Radii, which I believe is the name of the area where the group of unmyelated axons dangle.
I chased away an incoming migraine this morning and a coworker got rid of the pain she has in a trigger finger this afternoon (I keep a roller ball bottle on my desk at all times :)). This oil is true!

[Coconut oil is good, fractionated coconut oil is better, and grapeseed and pumpkin seed oils are the fastest to absorb.]
Our president wants a death penalty for drug dealers as a response to the opioid epidemic. Somehow he missed the memo.... the dealers have doctor's liscenses and wear lab coats.

Sweet sue..et all...

You must ‘read’ trump’ carefully....

Death penalty for only the biggest, worst, shithead drug selling bastards in the United States ofAmerica.

I say

Ooo rah.

Purdue pharmacy family estate, billions us in ...Austin Texas.....outside city..
‘I agree with trump/ ‘ merely during Purdue’s hikers out of existence isn’t good enough.

Cease all assets.
Dig up Bernie.
Arrest an execute every executive at Purdue from 1983, till present.

Demolish all CONUS, stockpiles and production facilities , before dawn. I want flames at sunrise, LT. lol

////at least I hope he meant ..really big, really murderous, high volume with plenty of cash and real estate for ceasure..

//he doesn’t mean four black,kids and two spainish guys....does he?
It’s simply astounding, isn’t it, that such a simple oil with such a small amount of cannabinoids can be so effective against so many things?

Sue..his hashish is 1000 mg/gram of canna-love....
10mg/gram dose.

It typical...what you get in one pass.nothin fancy save your own life medicine..

Thank you for sharing this. InTheShed tracked down the description of that pad and we determined we’d call it the DMR, short for Dorsal - back of the body - Medial - center of the body, at the spine in this case - Radii, which I believe is the name of the area where the group of unmyelated axons dangle.
Sue inline..
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