
Time thank you. That's not it,then. When problem started I really poured the water to it. When it drained down I noticed two holes, one on either side of trunk.with it being caged and grown through I couldn't get a close look, but probing told me they were deep. So, I watered again except with force. Trying to collapse these holes in. Anyway, to make a long story drag out longer. I think I have a mole issue. Do you know if they'll gnaw through a grow bag?
Probably not a mole. They don’t dig deep, and they eat worms/bugs. A gopher, on the other hand, digs deep holes/burrows, and dines on roots! Getting rid of them without trashing the plant can be a pita. Lots of home remedies, from trying to drown them to putting hair or chewing gum down the hole, not all work. A gopher trap is your best bet, if you can do it without messing up the roots. Could a gopher chew through a bag, yes! Would they? As an aside when I was in college a gopher chewed through a pvc conduit and then through a 880Volt power line, blacked out the college for two days!!!!
Hydrophobic soil resists water, water runs off and does not soak in.
Probably the only part of Greek language that I can read.

Hydro is Greek for "water" and phobia is Greek for "fear" or "morbid fear". So, hydrophobic is the soil's fear of water ;).
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