Droopy girl: water?

She was droopy again this morn, but she did grow 2" since yesterday

She was droopy again this morn, but she did grow 2" since yesterday

With that plastic pot you really have to wait in-between watering.
62 f doesn't help either.
When it's warm and dry she will empty her pot regularly.
But cool temps with med to high rh reduce transportation rates immensely.
Probably contributing to the droop .
Let her pot dry well in-between and maybe a heat mat under the pot to keep the roots at a steady temp.
She still looks good. :thumb:
Take care.

#VIVOSUN #Love What You Grow
Bill284 :cool:
Hey Bill, I've been trying to let her dry out as best as I can. I have trouble lifting her. Right after I water I try an lift her an I can't budge her, it usually takes 5-6 days b4 I can budge her. This last time in an attempt to not be over watering I watered a bit less and after 4 days I could lift her.i also use a dip-stick to feel how wet the bottom 6 " of the container are, I know some poo-poo dip-stick method but it kinda works. The soil temps are a bit more complicated I can't afford to supply any heat over night so for her it's tuff it out or ... well I don't want to think of the alternative. Thanks for checking in an have a great day
Nice looking plant Canachris. I don't see any damage to the leaves so I doubt she's in danger from the cold. If cold was a problem then I would expect to see some leaf damage or color change. Indicas can handle pretty cold conditions and cold can cause some purple colors to show up or darkening in damaged areas.

I think overwatering. Drooping leaves could be a sign of overwatering or underwatering. When underwatered they droop because they can't hold up the leaves; no water in the plant structure. Underwatering is usually very evident and the pot will be very light to pick up. When overwatered they droop to shed water to the periphery when it rains as if to say I don't need anymore water, shoo. With low temperatures she probably isn't drinking as much as usual so you may be watering her as usual but it may be too much. I always pick up the pot to check the weight before watering. With large heavy pots you can lift one side or the other to get an idea.

If cold is a concern then there are some things that one can do. I make my own wine and beer and there is a heating belt that can be used to keep the wine or beer warm as it ferments. It goes around the bucket and could be used to go around a pot. It would be easier on a round pot but if necessary could be used on a square pot. If a heating belt was used at night then I expect cold would be less of a concern. If I used the heating belt then I would also wrap the pot with insulation. The insulation could be left on and the heating belt could be unplugged or set up on a timer. Just a thought. The winter is just starting so colder temps are ahead. I see insulation on the sides; you could put some on the floor under her as well. Every bit counts.

I don't see any flowering so she still has a couple of months or more to go. Hopefully, she is a she and makes it to the end. I'm rooting for her.
Sounds like you are a little too rich on the fertilizer. Indoors under grow lights plants have a reduced nutrient requirement. That's why it perks up in the sunshine.
Hey @Canachris,
I did expand her Grow box yesterday and turned on 1 more light (100 watt HLG Quantom board) could it be too much light ?
Yes, could be.

Canoeing plus droop... reminds me of this thread back in November.

And you've got red stems which is a sign of magnesium deficiency...

...which matches what @Keffka said in the Nov. thread:
I think you’re seeing your plants perform light avoidance because they’re lacking the magnesium needed to photosynthesize at the rate your environment is demanding of them. The calmag was a good call.. Be careful not to overreact now that you’ve started to narrow your issue and please keep us updated!

"And you've got red stems which is a sign of magnesium deficiency..."
That's incorrect. Red stems might be a sign of magnesium deficiency. Genetics and/or cold weather are possible causes as well. If red stems were evident at germination then genetics; if red stems began developing recently with colder temps then cold is the likely cause. I've grown many healthy plants that had red stems due to genetics. I've also grown Afghani in cold temps that developed red stems and leaves.

Other than droopy leaves the plants look very healthy. I wouldn't suspect any deficiency or overdose.
"And you've got red stems which is a sign of magnesium deficiency..."
OK, sure. "possible sign of magnesium deficiency". Which when coupled with canoeing could mean light avoidance, possibly also due to magnesium deficiency. Putting 2 and 2 together here.

Also, do you consider this to be cold weather (the grow is indoors):
My girl was very droopy at lights on this morning, it was a bit chilly over night but temps didn't get under 60 f. She was watered last Thursday so I don't think k it's watering she's still kinda heavy to lift. It's been 2 hrs since lights on its warmed up to around 80 in the grow box. Should I water?? Can't lose her now, any advise appreciated. these 2 pics are 1 hr apart
...Her soil temps, first yesterday [67°F] second at lights on at 5 am today [62°F]. So she got 5 degrees colder over night....

Lastly, genetics... @Canachris, do you see any leaf stems that are not red/purple? What strain is she?
"The first and most easy to identify sign of magnesium deficiency in cannabis plants is the leaves showing a worrying fade of green to pale green to yellow."

"In the early stages of Mg deficiency, cannabis plants will exhibit stunted growth when compared to plants with adequate Mg. Chlorosis caused by a Mg deficiency will appear as a marginal yellowing of the lower leaves."

I just cut and pasted the first two sites from a very quick search. I'm not citing the source because anybody can do a quick search of Magnesium deficiency cannabis and find likewise. I don't think they apply here. I could be wrong.

Also, do you consider this to be cold weather (the grow is indoors):
I don't know. Knowing the strain might help. My guess is she's a hybride with part indica and part sativa. Pure strains are getting rarer all the time. I would expect the indica part is fine with the temps. It could be a different matter for the sativa part. Sativas are tropical, generally speaking. Genetics is complicated and plants are complicated so one can guess and be right or wrong. My guess is she's fine with the temps but was overwatered and not given a chance to dry out quite enough. Otherwise, she looks healthy and fine. She's being provided with what she needs and is loved. Maybe a little too much. :)
"The first and most easy to identify sign of magnesium deficiency in cannabis plants is the leaves showing a worrying fade of green to pale green to yellow."

"In the early stages of Mg deficiency, cannabis plants will exhibit stunted growth when compared to plants with adequate Mg. Chlorosis caused by a Mg deficiency will appear as a marginal yellowing of the lower leaves."

I just cut and pasted the first two sites from a very quick search. I'm not citing the source because anybody can do a quick search of Magnesium deficiency cannabis and find likewise. I don't think they apply here. I could be wrong.
Yes, I'm fully aware of the leaf symptoms of Mg deficiency. @Keffka was talking about a different kind of Mg deficiency, as relates to not having enough Mg for the photosynthesis required by the environment (too much light)...
I think you’re seeing your plants perform light avoidance because they’re lacking the magnesium needed to photosynthesize at the rate your environment is demanding of them. The calmag was a good call.. Be careful not to overreact now that you’ve started to narrow your issue and please keep us updated!
This was the first I'd ever heard of light avoidance, and canoeing or tacoing of the leaves is a possible symptom of this.

I don't know. Knowing the strain might help. My guess is she's a hybride with part indica and part sativa. Pure strains are getting rarer all the time. I would expect the indica part is fine with the temps. It could be a different matter for the sativa part. Sativas are tropical, generally speaking. Genetics is complicated and plants are complicated so one can guess and be right or wrong. My guess is she's fine with the temps but was overwatered and not given a chance to dry out quite enough. Otherwise, she looks healthy and fine. She's being provided with what she needs and is loved. Maybe a little too much. :)
Yes, she does look very healthy. Perhaps too much light. @Canachris how many watts you running now, and what's the distance from top of plant?
These plants for sure look overwatered.. The problem with overwatering is it can look like so many other issues but the droopy swollen look is a tell tale sign. Do the leaves feel papery? The lower ones definitely have the papery look. Can you almost separate the top layer from the stomata layer? They’re showing signs of being swollen against their veins.

Being overwatered can cause a bunch of issues that look like deficiencies and can cause your plants to do goofy things. It’s also almost impossible to diagnose any other issue until the overwatering is resolved.
These plants for sure look overwatered.. The problem with overwatering is it can look like so many other issues but the droopy swollen look is a tell tale sign. Do the leaves feel papery? The lower ones definitely have the papery look. Can you almost separate the top layer from the stomata layer? They’re showing signs of being swollen against their veins.

Being overwatered can cause a bunch of issues that look like deficiencies and can cause your plants to do goofy things. It’s also almost impossible to diagnose any other issue until the overwatering is resolved.
OK, good point, and I am definitely not very familiar with over-watering symptoms.

The OP said at the start, "She was watered last Thursday so I don't think it's watering she's still kinda heavy to lift."

Looks like that was about 4-5 days. Perhaps the pot has a drainage problem.

Hey Bill, I've been trying to let her dry out as best as I can. I have trouble lifting her. Right after I water I try an lift her an I can't budge her, it usually takes 5-6 days b4 I can budge her. This last time in an attempt to not be over watering I watered a bit less and after 4 days I could lift her.i also use a dip-stick to feel how wet the bottom 6 " of the container are, I know some poo-poo dip-stick method but it kinda works.

It sounds like either the medium is holding the water too much, or there may be a drainage problem at the bottom, or both.
Maybe a few problems. If it is overwatering, you can avoid that in your next grow with a better watering approach, a better soil mix like Bill's perlite layering method, or a SIP. That last one gives you perfect watering every time because the plant waters itself.

A better watering approach might be the wet/dry cycle which in practice is tough to learn at first. The SIP idea can be explored over in #SIP Club.
I think you may have multiple problems, but need to rule out water not draining properly.

I grow outdoors in greenhouses in Hawaii, and get some minor droop during the night when the ambient temperature gets down in the high 60s F. In the day, the plants are back to normal.

Some questions...

What is your soil composition?

What is the container size?

What kind of holes in the bottom of the container?

Is there a gap between the bottom of the container and the tray?

When you water, are you getting run-off into the tray? If so, how much?

Your spot on cbdhemp. I do have multiple issues, after coffee an some medical Marijuana I checked her weight and if I can lift her she's dry an I could easily lift her. I'm to medicated to answer all your ?s she is in a 8 gal container and it drains really good I modified it and has gap under the bottom. I knew from the start this was going to be a challenge grow. I have very little control over heat and no control over humidity. But I persevere, all I can do is try my best

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