One Seed In The Ground

Hey Joedaddy how are you? Its been awhile since you been here. Since my journal is over with and people periodically said or private messaged asking me to tell some stories I figured it be a great time to do it in the offtime. Its in my signature under smokerjoes corner. Feel free to read comment and add your own stories. The invitation goes for anyone reading your journal. I like stories a lot and it helps us get to know each other better as a community with little touches like this. Take it easy
5eWell i planted a few more in the ground today. Can you tell? I can't theres to many to keep up with. It seems to be all females so far. What luck I'm having.


i also decided to bend the top over i don't want it sticking up to where you can see it from the front of the house hopefully i didn't start the bend to late. i also don't want to have to get a ladder out to inspect it.
You did a great job. That is pretty much exactly what I would have done. You have a lot of fruit coming my friend. :cheertwo:

since you've grown like this before how much you think this plant will yield? a few oz's
Should be able to pull in atleast a QP dry off that one plant in the ground, in all reality it depends on how much is lost to rot/worms. If you lost nothing you could prolly push this lady to produce a good HP if nutriated correctly
Amazing man. What id give to grow outside. Im very jealous. Impressive stuff joedaddy.
Good morning joedaddy. Superb photos. Just superb. I love seeing the progress over time. (Maybe I should keep a picture of me aged 20 next to the bathroom mirror...on second thoughts...)
Gorgeous! What is on the other side of the chain link fence? I see a mock cover up on the fence, but can people actually walk up to your garden and look in, or are you in a rural spot?

I wish I had a sunny spot like that in my yard. I planted so many trees for shade I am running out of full sun. That may change if we decide to chop down the redbud. It came up on its own from seed from a tree 100 feet away! We'll see.
Its actually a chicken coop. I decided to plant here cause i was hoping that the soil would be rich from all the run off of chicken poop from when it rained through out the years. That coop has been there for years. It seems to be working cause i haven't gave it any nutes.
That's so funny! I did not see the chickens, now that's all I see! So are they your chickens? If you kill them, don't tell me. I beg of you, don't tell me.

Poultry manure is excellent to use in soils so I'm certain you are reaping benefit from that being there.

I fertilized my plants this morning. It was already raining so why not.
No I don't kill them. Beyond that coop is even more chickens. We have a lot of animals. We have chickens,rabbits,quails,doves,pigeons,canaries,cockatiels,ring necks,parrots and dogs. I'm sure something else but I forget what we have sometimes.
I welcome any off topic parrot photos, videos, discussion or any part of rescue stuff be posted on my off topic non-420 Garden Journal. Use the link below. (I say that for new people.)

My girl has sinus problems. I can't shake her infection for a few years now. I get it down and liveable, not gone and I irrigated her nares twice daily with antibiotics, gave her antibiotics, brought her to Texas A&M University Veterinary to have an MRI (don't ask what that cost) and now she is getting congested again. She has allergies which is very rare in parrots. She's going to have to get her annual check soon here. That's always about 350 dollars for everything, labs, hormone shot to prevent egg laying, etc. You know how parrots go. And I just cooked her first session of forage for the day. Veggies, Harrisons Flax Bread, Roudy pellets, etc. Later she gets more things, but I hide them in things so she has to forage. I started doing that when she was younger and and her first season. She started plucking from frustration and I cured it toot sweet. Shhh. I'm not bragging on that. Don't want it to hit me in the butt again.

She is a Hahn's Macaw, 12 years old. We've had her since she was 12 weeks old and was shipped to us from New York. I bought her from Marc Marone of Parrots of the World on Long Island. He's the guy who used to be on Martha Stewart with all the tons of animals with him. He's a good friend of mine for many years.

Let's see some photos in my off topic journal...when you upload OT photos, remember not to put the 420 logo on them. Select the OFF TOPIC header when you upload...for new peeps.
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