OMM's Social Network Grow

The more we grow the more we know. Are you sure about that? :circle-of-love:

Actually the more I think I know the less I realize I know!! LoL!!
The answer is NO. I am not sure!! :rofl:
Whew, a lot to catch up on! And you already got 5 stars with just beginning this journal, that's awesome! Your plants are looking nice, after staring lovingly at your ak48, it is a little bigger than mine. I have to take pics of mine soon, it's just a lot of work pulling them in from the fire escape. I am scared of heights so I am not getting out there with

I love Queen so much.

Aww, the feeling is mutual my friend. Love you and THSea to pieces....

I bet Queen does too!!

Yessir, you better believe it!!!
Whew, a lot to catch up on! And you already got 5 stars with just beginning this journal, that's awesome! Your plants are looking nice, after staring lovingly at your ak48, it is a little bigger than mine. I have to take pics of mine soon, it's just a lot of work pulling them in from the fire escape. I am scared of heights so I am not getting out there with

Aww, the feeling is mutual my friend. Love you and THSea to pieces....

Yessir, you better believe it!!!

Hi Queen !:love:

I'm already getting excited about that AK48 too. She already looks beautiful to me.

Believe it or not...I have thought about you and that fire said what I thought. LOL:hippy:
remember queen dont look down:)
OMM and Fish, that's when I get queasy when I look down. But if I am flying in a plane, I always want the window

Not me I don't look down. Don't like planes at all...guess I've been in too many. :high-five:
Not me I don't look down. Don't like planes at all...guess I've been in too many. :high-five:

Me.... I want the seat closest to the bathroom or a good set of depends underwear!! Yeeeeeee Haw!!!

My next plane ride is going to be 13 hours and I hate planes too! I don't mind being so high in the air as much as being crammed in one little space with a bunch of people. Sorry about the depends coment. I just hate to be in a crammed area and have to go in a small space that is bouncing up and down. I won't wear depends but I will purposely dehydrate myself and prepare some edibles!
and why were you jumping out of planes? not for the hell of it, i hope. guy was jumping out of a plane over here and his chute failed to open..i never understand why people do that and bungy jumping.

Never have I bungee jumped... Too stupid to dangle there while others pull you up. Puts too many variables in to other's hands to be comfy with it.

And yes, I was jumping for the thrill of it. But I packed my own chute, and made sure the reserve would deploy if I needed it. There was very little I depended on anyone else for... Piloting the plane was about it. I maintained all my gear, replaced what I needed when it needed to be replaced, and bade sure my quick releases worked correctly on every third jump. Testing, replacing, maintaining, packing my own gear is much safer than people that do it once in their life on a weekend. You don't know WHAT condition your pack is in, nor how well it is even packed for that matter.

I maintained my gear so well, that with over 100 jumps, never did I need to cut and pull the reserve. Hell I even learned how to fluff deployment so it was a little easier on my . . . ahem. . . harness area. Decelerating form 100+ to just under 30 in 1-3 seconds can be a little painful.
You sent such a nice review on my site, that I had to check you out, I think I can learn alot from your grows, I will start reading your old journals, but that's alot of reading, and I'm trying to get the book "Danny Brasco" finished, I love true life stories. I'd like to subscribe to this grow, but I don't see any link to do that, are you all filled up? Anyway, thank you and look forward to reading some of your stories/God Bless/grace:Namaste:
You sent such a nice review on my site, that I had to check you out, I think I can learn alot from your grows, I will start reading your old journals, but that's alot of reading, and I'm trying to get the book "Danny Brasco" finished, I love true life stories. I'd like to subscribe to this grow, but I don't see any link to do that, are you all filled up? Anyway, thank you and look forward to reading some of your stories/God Bless/grace:Namaste:

Look back up toward the top of the thread, there are a few different options, click on "thread tools", and in the drop down box there is an option to "subscribe to this thread"...But, unless things have changed, you will automatically be subbed when you post in a thread. So, you should be subscribbed now! Hope that helps:Namaste:
Decelerating form 100+ to just under 30 in 1-3 seconds can be a little painful.

Good to hear and that you are still alive. I haven't actually seen you so I will take your word for it!! You definately sound alive!

The decelerating part is where the depends would come in handy for me. Probably even before the deceleration!
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