OMM's Social Network Grow

Queen, I knew there was another reason why we got in touch with each other. Im Capricorn too. It is also my avatar. Have you been able to get any more help from the court house about filing papers?

Havent heard from you and thought I'd ask. Good Luck with the fire escape thing, I love to fly and sit next to the window seat too.


I will leave it to you, Jandre. I am a Capricorn, earth sign and we like to feel the dirt beneath us. At least I
OMM - Thought I'd better say hello today. I've been dealing with more issues on the custody thing. We got the District Court here to drop all charges of contempt and they are transferring it to Tribal court. Now just have to get a statement ready for emergency custody and a hearing on why her rights should be greatly diminished. Should have everything wrapped up by the end of July. My grandson deserves a better life then being exposed to hard drug felon's, domestic abuse from his mother, assault and battery of a police officer and family such as brothers that have even worse crimes. Hes only 4 but if he could talk properly, Im sure no judge will send him back to that life.

I havent been feeling well this past few days. I have to go back to get 3 more hernia's fixed, another 6 months no lifting. My Berry Bomb's are turning amber and am hoping to harvest in a couple of weeks before i have surgery again.

Any way have a great week.
Me.... I want the seat closest to the bathroom or a good set of depends underwear!! Yeeeeeee Haw!!!

My next plane ride is going to be 13 hours and I hate planes too! I don't mind being so high in the air as much as being crammed in one little space with a bunch of people. Sorry about the depends coment. I just hate to be in a crammed area and have to go in a small space that is bouncing up and down. I won't wear depends but I will purposely dehydrate myself and prepare some edibles!

Never had problems like that. Sounds like you have a plan with edibles to get you though.:thumb:
OMM Just wanted to say hello. plants look great. looking forward to some of these "stories" i keep hearing about. if they're anywhere near as good as fish cake's i'm surely in for a treat. :peace:
I will leave it to you, Jandre. I am a Capricorn, earth sign and we like to feel the dirt beneath us. At least I

I'm a true dark aquarian. An air sign represented by water. Water is soothing, but to be in the air is invigorating. To fall through the air feels as though one is flying; a very uplifting experience for me. Not to mention the adrenaline rush, followed by the endorphins later. An all around good feeling, love of life, and an awareness of the awesomeness and of all around me. I don't mean awesomeness, as in "That's really cool", I mean awesomeness as in, "That's really LARGE, and I am so small when compared to it."

For me, to fall from a plane and to touch down on the face of the earth, is like a child jumping safely into his mother's loving arms. That child knows that mommy will always be there for him. All he needs do is love, and he will receive the same. She will give and give until it hurts sometimes and it is up the the child to know when to quit demanding more and to see that The Mother is getting stressed. That is when the child goes and hugs her, kisses her sweetly on the cheek, and whispers in her ear, "I love you, Mommy."
LOL! I've jumped out of too many to fear them.

So your a thrill seeker, Huh? Not me! :Rasta:

I think my fear of planes came long ago in Da Nang. I was on an old C123 hospital plane coming from Thailand.
When we landed to pick up wounded soldiers on stretchers. We were under fire the whole time. Bravest Nurses I ever saw. When we finally took off, there were cong waiting for us at the end of the runway. As we got airborne,
they riddled us. I got my purple heart that day, right through my side. A nurse looked at me and said to help her,
I turned around and all the guys on stretchers where blown to hell. I was a long bloody ride until we got to the Philippines.
So your a thrill seeker, Huh? Not me! :Rasta:

I think my fear of planes came long ago in Da Nang. I was on an old C123 hospital plane coming from Thailand.
When we landed to pick up wounded soldiers on stretchers. We were under fire the whole time. Bravest Nurses I ever saw. When we finally took off, there were cong waiting for us at the end of the runway. As we got airborne,
they riddled us. I got my purple heart that day, right through my side. A nurse looked at me and said to help her,
I turned around and all the guys on stretchers where blown to hell. I was a long bloody ride until we got to the Philippines.

and why were you jumping out of planes? not for the hell of it, i hope. guy was jumping out of a plane over here and his chute failed to open..i never understand why people do that and bungy jumping.

Me too Queen! Life is hard enough. :smokin:
Hello kr0nicle !:thumb:

Thanks, the girls are just your timing is just right.

You can find my stories in my blog (at least the first part of them). You can also find them in my last journal OMMSOGa below starting on post #57. Hope you like them, I think fish cake has me beat though. :Rasta:

NO WAY!you and your stories are blockbuster must READS! where as my stories are all over the place. no rhyme no reason. like I said before mine are just packing peanuts to finish filling the box:)I could never hold a candle to the life you have lived and so ellaquently tell:circle-of-love:
I am subscribed now. There is always a good wealth of knowledge and camraderie going on in your journals OMM!

Thanks for creating a new journal so I can follow from the start. Mahalo nui loa

Great shottafire. You know your welcome my friend. A hui hou :peace:
Never have I bungee jumped... Too stupid to dangle there while others pull you up. Puts too many variables in to other's hands to be comfy with it.

And yes, I was jumping for the thrill of it. But I packed my own chute, and made sure the reserve would deploy if I needed it. There was very little I depended on anyone else for... Piloting the plane was about it. I maintained all my gear, replaced what I needed when it needed to be replaced, and bade sure my quick releases worked correctly on every third jump. Testing, replacing, maintaining, packing my own gear is much safer than people that do it once in their life on a weekend. You don't know WHAT condition your pack is in, nor how well it is even packed for that matter.

I maintained my gear so well, that with over 100 jumps, never did I need to cut and pull the reserve. Hell I even learned how to fluff deployment so it was a little easier on my . . . ahem. . . harness area. Decelerating form 100+ to just under 30 in 1-3 seconds can be a little painful.

No wonder you have migraines:circle-of-love:
So your a thrill seeker, Huh? Not me! :Rasta:

I think my fear of planes came long ago in Da Nang. I was on an old C123 hospital plane coming from Thailand.
When we landed to pick up wounded soldiers on stretchers. We were under fire the whole time. Bravest Nurses I ever saw. When we finally took off, there were cong waiting for us at the end of the runway. As we got airborne,
they riddled us. I got my purple heart that day, right through my side. A nurse looked at me and said to help her,
I turned around and all the guys on stretchers where blown to hell. I was a long bloody ride until we got to the Philippines.

Gotta say it....

You sent such a nice review on my site, that I had to check you out, I think I can learn alot from your grows, I will start reading your old journals, but that's alot of reading, and I'm trying to get the book "Danny Brasco" finished, I love true life stories. I'd like to subscribe to this grow, but I don't see any link to do that, are you all filled up? Anyway, thank you and look forward to reading some of your stories/God Bless/grace:Namaste:

Hi Auntie Grace! Welcome!:thumb: Yep, I thought you were really doing well with your first grow. As you can see there are many lady growers. Something tells me you may get a few visits from them. By the way when you posted to this journal, you are member now. That's a really good book your reading, so I know the can get caught up in it. My stories are about real life...I hope you like them. Warning some are explicit, so be ready. Really glad to have you here. :thumb:
Jumped out of aperfectly good plane myself once. Only the one time for fun. 10k feet tandem. What a blast. Bungee jumped twice,loved that too. Too pricy to take up as a sport for me but for the thrill was well worth it. By the way hey there OMM girls lookin wunerful.:peace:

Hi BCBud Good on you Bud. Not my thing at all. My thrills are all on the ground.
I'll be posting more pictures tomorrow. They are starting to jump now. Always like it when you stop by.
ROFL! Had them all my life, oddly enough, just never on jump days.

Hummmm! Thrills cancel migraines..,,,,,you ever talk to a shrink about that...just saying. :rofl::rofl:
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