OMM's Social Network Grow

I was just funnin with ya!! I have never done a blog on the internet so I just sent you a picture of a blog that is in my possession!! That is what you asked for and that is what I gave you!! :rofl:
I really do hope you get the blog up. I plan on refreshing myself. I have to go to the very beginning!! I also can't wait to hear how Tao is doing!!

Hey CF! I knew what you were doing! Just giving you a hard time. :circle-of-love: Tao is doing great. His X took his kids for 2 weeks. He has stopped trying to find a lady and likes it. In his words "Not worth the trouble any more!". :rofl:
Aloha Brother! I knew I'd have some catching up to do after a couple weeks of not being able to catch up on journals, but I wasn't anticipating the 40 pages spread over two journals! Great job on the last grow and congrat's on MOTM. Even though I haven't been on much lately, you know I still managed to get my vote in for you! ;)

I'm all caught up, now, and the new grow looks to be a good one and sorry I could only leave +REPS once for all that's happened when I was gone! :high-five:
A Picture Update of the girls.

Day 49 of Bloom of the White Widow and the NYCD.

My Veg Room.......don't worry more lights to come as they grow. I'll be much more careful about the wires soon. :Namaste:

The plant with the reflector shining on it is the new NYCD.


The WildThai


The Medi-Bomb #1s




The AK48


The AK47


The White Widow



The Inside NYCD


Hey CF! I knew what you were doing! Just giving you a hard time. :circle-of-love: Tao is doing great. His X took his kids for 2 weeks. He has stopped trying to find a lady and likes it. In his words "Not worth the trouble any more!". :rofl:

I knew that you knew I was kidding! After reading your post about the asshole crack rat on Queen Tokes journal!! I just didn't want to take any chances! Gotta keep on your good side!!!

I think I understand exactly how Tao feels. Trouble is right!!!:rofl:
Aloha Brother! I knew I'd have some catching up to do after a couple weeks of not being able to catch up on journals, but I wasn't anticipating the 40 pages spread over two journals! Great job on the last grow and congrat's on MOTM. Even though I haven't been on much lately, you know I still managed to get my vote in for you! ;)

I'm all caught up, now, and the new grow looks to be a good one and sorry I could only leave +REPS once for all that's happened when I was gone! :high-five:

No problem Mr.'ve been up to your neck in alligators. No spare time! :Rasta: Thank you and Thanks for your vote. One rep is plenty! Thank You! Hope things are back to (normal?) for you! Peace Brother!:peace:

I knew that you knew I was kidding! After reading your post about the asshole crack rat on Queen Tokes journal!! I just didn't want to take any chances! Gotta keep on your good side!!!

I think I understand exactly how Tao feels. Trouble is right!!!:rofl:

I love Queen so much...he just made me mad. I don't get mad very often....not a good idea to be around me then.

Tao bought himself a big Audi and cruses in it. He does lots of work for AA. He goes all over Cali speaking. Really proud of him. One can actually change if they really want too!.

I love Queen so much...he just made me mad. I don't get mad very often....not a good idea to be around me then.

Tao bought himself a big Audi and cruses in it. He does lots of work for AA. He goes all over Cali speaking. Really proud of him. One can actually change if they really want too!.


I know you do! I like a person like you to be on my side. I bet Queen does too!! I hate men that beat and abuse women. I never could figure it out. If you don't like who you are with. Find someone else!!
I didn't realize Tao worked for the Airlines! Good for him. It is so true anyone can change thier lives if they really want to. There are a few things I have to work on myself too. Seems I am always falling in one area in my life when I am excelling in another area. I love listening to motivational speakers. Just kidding about the airlines. I know there are 12 steps to get into the plane and the pilots name is Bill!!
Great! I just find out your new journal is up...and I'm already 9 pages behind! :rofl:
A Picture Update of the girls.

Day 49 of Bloom of the White Widow and the NYCD.

My Veg Room.......don't worry more lights to come as they grow. I'll be much more careful about the wires soon. :Namaste:

The plant with the reflector shining on it is the new NYCD.

The WildThai


The Medi-Bomb #1s


The AK48

The AK47

The White Widow

The Inside NYCD


"Awwww... It's so cute,It looks as though it's swimming in all that soil!"

In other news... Lookin' good ov' hyuh! Looks to be another stellar grow for you, my friend!
I know you do! I like a person like you to be on my side. I bet Queen does too!! I hate men that beat and abuse women. I never could figure it out. If you don't like who you are with. Find someone else!!
I didn't realize Tao worked for the Airlines! Good for him. It is so true anyone can change thier lives if they really want to. There are a few things I have to work on myself too. Seems I am always falling in one area in my life when I am excelling in another area. I love listening to motivational speakers. Just kidding about the airlines. I know there are 12 steps to get into the plane and the pilots name is Bill!!

Your great CF! And you are your own worst critic. We just can't be perfect no matter how we try!

I'll see if I can find an old tape to show you when you come over...It's called the Abilene Paradox. I think you would love it!

"Awwww... It's so cute,It looks as though it's swimming in all that soil!"

In other news... Lookin' good ov' hyuh! Looks to be another stellar grow for you, my friend!

:rofl::rofl: Your right! She's so small right now......she is in a big airpot.....because she will be a big girl. She is going outside to be big...I just pray she doesn't get stolen. 100% sativa, she'll be out there a long time. Inside she just grew right on by my lights, last time I grew her. Lord y she is good smoke too! Thank you, I hope it is stellar.:cheer:
X has a bunch of blogs...Just click on the link that says "blog entries" under his name...:Namaste:

Thanks Quix! You know I'll be over there looking later tonight.:Namaste:
Great! I just find out your new journal is up...and I'm already 9 pages behind! :rofl:

Sorry Vapedogg223. I was going to post in your journal, however you weren't feeling good and were busy as hell too. Guess it wasn't a good you had to catch up. Well the thought was there! :thumb:
Sorry Vapedogg223. I was going to post in your journal, however you weren't feeling good and were busy as hell too. Guess it wasn't a good you had to catch up. Well the thought was there! :thumb:

Still have to catch up! I was trying to work on that...but I'm really too stoned to concentrate on much right now! :)'re totally right bro, I wouldn't have been able to get around until now anyway!

Hi All

Well, I've been working on the Blog and been having fits with it. I think I'll get THsea to help me next time he comes over. Hopefully I'll get it up before this journal is finished. This has been very discouraging for me.
Have patience with me....I'll keep trying.
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