OMM's Aloha Journal Part III

X a million...
Glad to hear Pop's is good,,, and Miss Jo also. He best atleast drive by and tell me things are good. Keepem Green my Friend.
ill be checking in with him soon toward the end of the month
let you all know how hes doing
I don't like all this lagging my friend. Me and Miss J are wondering WTF. Keep all good my Friend. I'll touch base soon with you. Hope you had enough food to split a gut. Don't take that seriously,,,,,, jk. Hey I'll call or WHENEVER you are up to it, getta hold of me. Keepem Green. Say hey to your better half.......
he'll get there and he'll be back sooner or later depending how long he takes to build his new box and get it up
he is ok I just talked to him and he sounded like hes doing a lot better jo is still having issues
and our buddy goes to the doctor weekly but like I said he sounds great and seems cheerfull
just thought id let you all know :circle-of-love:
Merry Old Med Man who lives surrounded by the sea!
He used to grow some truly proud trees!
Amongst the wildlife so totally vibrant, sporting praying mantis as well as arachnid.

He always prevailed come storms or sun showers, showing us all just what really matters!
Always joking and laughing, providing us all with his insights, sharing his love of all things just not quite so right.
Brightening our lives with his great off topic thread, always the perfect read for a stressed out bored head!
His love for his beloved also speaks volumes, again without effort still always he's a teaching!

So if anything else is to be said. Let it start and then finish with a simple little ebb.
He's the one we all should learn from and shout our praise loud! Thank you dear OMM you make us all feel proud! :)

Come on folks 420 pages is the target and I'll fill em all on my own if I have to lol :)
Thanks CHH,,,, but that old fool best be back up and running before the Holidays. Pops' Best to ya and Keepem Green
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