Oldsmokey Goes Hydro

Day 16 veg update
Good day everyone!
Today I changed out the reservoir and all plants got topped. I am also going to give Enzymes Komplete another try just to be fair.

Outside Temp 25F Humidity 68%
Grow room Temp 76F Humidity 42%
Reservoir drained flushed and refilled
480ml part 1 & 2 added
TDS 950 ppm
PH 7.2
70 ml cal mag added
TDS 1070 ppm
pH 7.2
67 ml pH down added
Ph 5.8
70 ml Enzymes Komplete added
TDS 1080
Ph 5.8
Res Temp 65F


Enzymes complete foams things up pretty good

Group Shot




That's all for now enjoy the rest of your weekend!
Grow On Stay Medicated :snowboating:
Bubble pots fascinate me. Not enough to switch, but still neat to watch
It has its pluses and minuses. I love RDWC. Im gonna get into soil more in the future, but I don't see ever giving up hydro. Its just so much fun growing monster plants
Foam party :party:

Congrats on topping day! I topped my two Colombian Golds this morning too. :high-five:
I got a hair cut today! I keep trying to train it, but its no good. I'm gonna SCROG it this time... Oh yeah, using Head and Shoulders monosilicic acid formula
Good morning everyone
Yesterday I said in my update I would give Enzyme Komplete another try. That was a mistake after running it in the system for about 4 or 5 hours at .25 strength I started noticing the plants were not looking happy all limp and droopy. So I drained flushed and refilled the reservoir juicing it up again but leaving enzyme complete out of the mix.

This what I woke up to today they are not looking good at all shriveled and crispy leaves.

So there not dead but they look like shit. They may recover but I am temped to start new seeds and start over. Being so early in the grow not sure I want to wait for these to recover. Then possibly ending up with a half assed grow. I should of followed my first instincts after using last time. Both grow stores telling me how great it is and they always recommend it first. Other store says it's the only enzyme cleaner they carry because it's that good. Online research had positive results so I don't understand am I the only one having issues with this product I highly doubt it. My advice to anyone thinking of trying it would be stay away I would not use it at all if I would have been running at full strength like they recommended I'm sure my plans would all be totally dead this morning.

Anyways hope your having a better Sunday than I am.

Grow On Stay Medicated :snowboating::passitleft:
Good morning everyone
Yesterday I said in my update I would give Enzyme Komplete another try. That was a mistake after running it in the system for about 4 or 5 hours at .25 strength I started noticing the plants were not looking happy all limp and droopy. So I drained flushed and refilled the reservoir juicing it up again but leaving enzyme complete out of the mix.

This what I woke up to today they are not looking good at all shriveled and crispy leaves.

So there not dead but they look like shit. They may recover but I am temped to start new seeds and start over. Being so early in the grow not sure I want to wait for these to recover. Then possibly ending up with a half assed grow. I should of followed my first instincts after using last time. Both grow stores telling me how great it is and they always recommend it first. Other store says it's the only enzyme cleaner they carry because it's that good. Online research had positive results so I don't understand am I the only one having issues with this product I highly doubt it. My advice to anyone thinking of trying it would be stay away I would not use it at all if I would have been running at full strength like they recommended I'm sure my plans would all be totally dead this morning.

Anyways hope your having a better Sunday than I am.

Grow On Stay Medicated :snowboating::passitleft:
Thats amazing. So much damage in such a short period of time. They'll come back. I wouldnt start over.
Ya just so disappointing seeing that this morning.:(
I'll bet! What did it do to your pH? It looks like a mobile nutrient issue, looks like an issue in the older leaves
Sorry about that Smokey. Not to second guess you but is it at all possible you were still giving too much. It says it's highly concentrated, and 1mL/L is sufficient in most cases. At 1/4 strength that would be .25 ml, a drop or two. I'm just thinking out loud.
Sorry about that Smokey. Not to second guess you but is it at all possible you were still giving too much. It says it's highly concentrated, and 1mL/L is sufficient in most cases. At 1/4 strength that would be .25 ml, a drop or two. I'm just thinking out loud.

They recommend 2ml liter I mixed at .5 per liter so I don't think it was to much.
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