OldMedMans's 3rd Grow AirPots and 6 Strains

Hi sWAGG :) yep, moby should have 4 colas in bloom. Lust! :)

The best time to top or FIM is when they have their first 3 real sets of leaves.
The adapt really quick when young, however, I actually topped three of my girls last grown when the were in Bloom and it worked just as good then.
I can only tell you my experience. others may chip in with some other thoughts.
More tops more yield. :ganjamon:

OMM thanks cuhz:) I'm soaking in a lot of usefull information hehe thanks to all the vetrans"spelling lol" Sick can't wait till the ladies transform:yahoo: Take care again and happy growing!
OMM thanks cuhz:) I'm soaking in a lot of usefull information hehe thanks to all the vetrans"spelling lol" Sick can't wait till the ladies transform:yahoo: Take care again and happy growing!

They should all be out in the sunshine in a bout two weeks. Let the transformation begin! :grinjoint:

I see you don't sleep either! :yahoo:
Aloha High :ganjamon:
Your just too nice to me my friend, but don't stop!!! :yahoo:
Thank You for so many kind words.

Just treat folks like you would like to be treated....you already do that well!:)

Well, things do evolve. Just think how your grows have evolved. Started very small and crowded, then it got a bit larger, and now look at you. You have done great things with what you have. I would love to see you with a big space. Out doors, you would have a ball. Ahh someday! :ganjamon:

Your building a stash slowly and surely, but you will have a good one soon. :)

Ahh Fanny. She never really had a chance to do good. She was in 12/12 from birth and was kinda like an after thought. A filler for an empty pot. I was hopping she would flower early and be done, Oppps! She had other plans. She is running out of time......but like you said she may do something yet!
I've been thinking of putting her in darkness for a few days right before I put the others in bloom. Maybe that will wake her up. What do you think?

Now, if I could get my girls to grow like yours, I would be tickled! :yahoo:

Peace my friend and keep the garden humming :thanks:
Do you set yours on books? You must teach them to grow....:laugh: I guess they like the cabinet and I like it cuz I can bug them many times a day without stress to me, so I actually do. They dig the attention I guess.

Why do I think my plants thrive in my veg cabinet. I LST. My biggest problem right now is the light intensity in my bloom cabinet and the size of both. I need a 400w or 600w on a mover to increase my yield much I fear. All my buds near the more intense HPS are bigger, fatter, denser...makes sense.

And here is my bong hit conceptualization of what occurs in the LST. For those of you with short attention span you should know this...I ramble. Hope this don't bore you guys and if I am wrong anyone please correct me, but please explain why, for I search for knowledge, for knowledge is the path to buddage...:grinjoint:

Auxin's (growth hormones that direct the glucose the plant creates with photosynthesis) are lighter than water and float in the plant to the top. The more tops in a baby, the more storage capacity for the auxins. So in a bio feedback loop, the added tops grow faster supplying more glucose for energy saturation in the "sap" that allows more overall growth of the plant. So topping removes the generated auxins forcing the plant to take a week or two to regenerate them while healing a wound. While the first pullover simply takes and redistributes the auxins all along the stalk and to the immature tops that form at leaf nodes, forcing them into fast grow mode and depending on how many nodes she had when you pulled her over will determine initial tops. A single pull over may be enough.

Whew...and I am just getting started. Let me catch my breath....:roorrip:

Plus the added factor of increased stronger overall light absorption as more tops can get closer to indoor lighting, this is not an issue for outdoors though...is why even topping doesn't make sense outside unless you are trying to control her height. The sun hits everywhere the same as the penetration is perfect as the light from the sun is all the same strength top to bottom of plant and only her own shade will inhibit that...so adding more top light blocking foliage will only hinder bottom growth...I would just let them be christmas trees outdoors...or bushes if they are indica...don't have to do a thing...but they need to veg outdoors for any of that to matter. And I think supplemental lighting might be required to maintain vegetative growth state depending on the time of year and your latitude.

So that is why I dig LSTing. If I were to be able to grow outside I doubt I would LST all my plants (would let the sativas be trees), just the ones that seem to thrive from it and only while the plants are getting ready indoors, once I put them out to bloom I would leave them alone to go super bush...:).

Well I am sure I have thoroughly bored your audience OMM...:ganjamon: and these are but the opinions of a mad man who is seeking peace.

Here is wishing you :peace: my friend....Aloha.
Aloha my man High:grinjoint:

Now that was cool:)

I like it when you talk like that :ganjamon:

You really know much more about what goes on within a plant than I do. I've read about it, but doesn't stick with me very well. Senile.

I have to admit I have been afraid to change much in my growing methods. I had such a good harvest the last time, that I would be happy with that same results again. If I try something new it could go either way. I would be crushed if it didn't live up to the last one. So fear is a driving force for me.

And I don't care much for Bushes.

Seriously, my friend, that was well written and very much true. :ganjamon:
People can learn allot from what you just wrote.:bravo:

Would you do the same with indica ? They are kind of bushes anyway.

Just wondering. :ganjamon:
Aloha my man High:grinjoint:

Now that was cool:)

I like it when you talk like that :ganjamon:

You really know much more about what goes on within a plant than I do. I've read about it, but doesn't stick with me very well. Senile.

I have to admit I have been afraid to change much in my growing methods. I had such a good harvest the last time, that I would be happy with that same results again. If I try something new it could go either way. I would be crushed if it didn't live up to the last one. So fear is a driving force for me.

And I don't care much for Bushes.

Seriously, my friend, that was well written and very much true. :ganjamon:
People can learn allot from what you just wrote.:bravo:

Would you do the same with indica ? They are kind of bushes anyway.

Just wondering. :ganjamon:

I have been reading some lately and get this...another cog to throw in the wheels that turn upstairs...your plant intakes water through two methods...suction is one. It is where leaves open their stomata in the light and allow the water to evaporate which creates a tiny vaccuum...and through osmotic pressure in the roots (through hair/feeder roots), the more hair roots the faster uptake your plant can support. (Hence why airpots work so well as root pruning forces more roots period which can support more fine feeder roots). Osmotic pressure is actually a function of the overall glucose level, more sugar the faster the root membrane can uptake the water, which is full of salts or nutes in simple organic form that fit through the membrane. So basically I always thought they would only uptake what they needed and this is just not true. They will intake anything suspended in the water they drink that fits through the membrane of the root. So here comes the controversial part. Too many nutes in solution will clog the membrane and uptake will slow from either source and from lack of water in the tips and high concentrations of salts they burn up. That is what happens during overnuting. So ideally a healthy plant comes from LOTS of fan leaves making lots of glucose to increase osmotic pressure and increase the uptake of nutes in solution. Is why hydro works so well because a well maintained reservoir will have everything the plant needs for its functions....

One other very important thing that needs to take place is the burning of those sugars in the creation of plant parts. One key ingredient is oxygen in the formation of roots especially. A key place oxygen is absorbed is the root zone. Plants in general will form air specialized roots near the top of the soil as their growth demands it (trees are a classic example, their air specialized roots get massive and come out of the ground as the soil is eroded away...my SLH is doing that too...crazy girl, overwatering turns those air specialized roots into water roots and the whole plant suffers from lack of energy as it lacks the oxygen to burn the glucose to make more plant material.

So many implications from this...So removal of fan leaves has to be bad because it is in the leaves not the buds that glucose is made.

So the key is maintaining a wet/dry cycle in soil for watering, not over or under nuting and get your leaves as much light as possible. I am still personally working on figuring out the correct nuting and trying to afford the correct light...think I got the water thing down and Hempy doesn't even have that problem if you single spot water, the air roots always can get oxygen so growth is never slowed.

DocBud is a pretty smart guy, he did what I wanted to do..figured out a stoner proof method for growing pot, have you seen his girls he grew from 12/12 in soil/hempy and OC+ versus AN. I need the stoner proof method for my really bad times in life when I feel like doing nothing, I hope and pray they never return but I must honestly accept they might and be prepared.

:thanks: OMM for your kind words, hope this isn't overload for your journal. Seemed like info someone might enjoy and like I always say, if any of my understanding is faulty please correct me for knowledge is truly the way to increasd yields and less stress...had a lot of that in my first grows...not so much anymore. Is just work I enjoy doing now.

:peace: brother and much Aloha for you and yours.

If the time of year is right and I can veg outdoors? I wouldn't do anything...nature figured out how to best utilize the sun long ago...but if I can start them indoors and then they can grow unlimited size outdoors (in the soil, no pot) sure you bet I would LST an Indica.
Wow plants is really going fast OMM:) The moby dick 4 tops looks crazy, should yeild a lot huh:rollit: Keep it up and take care. One question, is their a certain height to where you CAN'T top it anymore. Just as long as its still in veg?? Or does it have to be at a certain height? Thanks:ganjamon:

i would say to whatever height you want....i stop about two wks to a month before i put in bud....that way they are growing again....i did top a few times just as i put in bud, and i got two rounded fuzz balls .. cute little lime sized ball buds....really cute...but makes me wonder what the real bud would have looked like.... L
i would say to whatever height you want....i stop about two wks to a month before i put in bud....that way they are growing again....i did top a few times just as i put in bud, and i got two rounded fuzz balls .. cute little lime sized ball buds....really cute...but makes me wonder what the real bud would have looked like.... L

Hey lavendar:thanks: for the help bro really appreciate it. People like you and OMM are really helpfull, and others too hehe. But sounds good i'll put both of your advice to use! Happy growing thanks a lot.
They should all be out in the sunshine in a bout two weeks. Let the transformation begin! :grinjoint:

I see you don't sleep either! :yahoo:

Hahaha OMM nope im a vampire lol! Best time to be on here is night time for me soo peacefull:) I can't sleep before 3am its soo irratating. I'll lay down say 1am then i always get caught up doing something haha. Take care of yourself and happy growing:ganjamon:
Hey there OMM, just dropping by to say hi...:ganjamon:

Oh hey, I am not 100% certain of the info but it seems legit, I believe I have been wrong about auxins. They aren't lighter than the plants sap, apparently from some of my reading, seems they are heavier and as they descent from the meristem (tops), they suppress the other nodes upward (overall maybe) growth as they descend to the roots within the sap...again I may be wrong.

This is why topping is effective...you are removing the source of growth suppressant in that stalk, so the other stalks gather and utilize the resources without interference.

The things you learn by reading...:)

Aloha and :peace: to you OMM. :bravo:
Hahaha OMM nope im a vampire lol! Best time to be on here is night time for me soo peacefull:) I can't sleep before 3am its soo irratating. I'll lay down say 1am then i always get caught up doing something haha. Take care of yourself and happy growing:ganjamon:

Hey there OMM, just dropping by to say hi...:ganjamon:

Oh hey, I am not 100% certain of the info but it seems legit, I believe I have been wrong about auxins. They aren't lighter than the plants sap, apparently from some of my reading, seems they are heavier and as they descent from the meristem (tops), they suppress the other nodes upward (overall maybe) growth as they descend to the roots within the sap...again I may be wrong.

This is why topping is effective...you are removing the source of growth suppressant in that stalk, so the other stalks gather and utilize the resources without interference.

The things you learn by reading...:)

Aloha and :peace: to you OMM. :bravo:

Aloha my friend High

You are amazing my friend. You do the research and we all benefit!:)
I know topping helps and now, thanks to you I know why. My girls are starting to grow like mad now. It wont be too long before I put them in their new homes. Pictures tomorrow.

Hope all is well in your fantastic garden :peace:
Day 43 of Veg

Here's a small update of the girls, all of which are doing good

First is The Church...The largest so far of my girls :)

Another of The Church showing off :)

The Beautiful Columbian Gold :)

Another for the Columbian Gold, now with 2 tops :)

The Adventuresome Moby Dick :)

Moby Dick and her four tops :)

Here is The Super Lemon Haze finally taking off :)

The Nice Super Sliver Haze :)

Another of the Super Silver Haze :)

Well, there you have em. They are coming along OK, Wont be long now. :ganjamon:
I think they are doing more than ok brother. :bravo:

All of them girls are beauties, Funny how i thought The Church was kind of a weenie plant, then I smoked her...she is nice and as she cures she is getting more personality...and a really nice one...as I run out of her...:rofl:

And I visit Woods journal, and I seen them...the monsters that The Church becomes...she should be quite a treat to watch, her and that SLH...I can see her once she gets in her new home, trying to climb for the heavens...a 10 footer would be pretty cool...:grinjoint:

I am getting excited to see where these girls go. I have visions of sugar-bud fairies flying joyfully over giant buds glistening in the sunlight all stoned off their little asses...:roorrip: and then I let the smoke out.....woah, nice bong hit. :Rasta:

Aloha, my friend is always a pleasure to drop by portal to paradise.
I think they are doing more than ok brother. :bravo:

All of them girls are beauties, Funny how i thought The Church was kind of a weenie plant, then I smoked her...she is nice and as she cures she is getting more personality...and a really nice one...as I run out of her...:rofl:

And I visit Woods journal, and I seen them...the monsters that The Church becomes...she should be quite a treat to watch, her and that SLH...I can see her once she gets in her new home, trying to climb for the heavens...a 10 footer would be pretty cool...:grinjoint:

I am getting excited to see where these girls go. I have visions of sugar-bud fairies flying joyfully over giant buds glistening in the sunlight all stoned off their little asses...:roorrip: and then I let the smoke out.....woah, nice bong hit. :Rasta:

Aloha, my friend is always a pleasure to drop by portal to paradise.

Aloha High :ganjamon:

Don't ya just hate that? Find out as you run out of something that it's pretty good.:yahoo: Wood, is the man with the Church. He blinks and they grow gigantic. The man is a real grower. :) I give him many thanks for teaching me so much. You and he are both lucky to have good women behind you.:)

I could handle a 10 footer...I have ladders! :yahoo:

I can't wait to smoke that Church if she makes you see sugar-bud fairies flying joyfully. :thanks:
true beauties for sure...sooo, looks like quite a bit of sativa and sativa hybrids, those are going to really go for it...esp. in that sun, so green and pretty....got a bunch of pics, just havent sized and posted...weather still very warm here, but all are hanging in so far...
great looking plants omm, gonna be a killa crop....later, L
true beauties for sure...sooo, looks like quite a bit of sativa and sativa hybrids, those are going to really go for it...esp. in that sun, so green and pretty....got a bunch of pics, just havent sized and posted...weather still very warm here, but all are hanging in so far...
great looking plants omm, gonna be a killa crop....later, L

Thanks Lavendar :grinjoint:
Sativa rules this grow for sure. I don't mind a little longer wait for these girls I think they will be worth it.:)
It takes me forever to do just 10 pictures. You, with that madhouse full of girls must put in allot of time just posting yours. Course they are worth all the trouble. :ganjamon:
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