OldMedMans's 3rd Grow AirPots and 6 Strains

Day 40 of Veg

Here's the standard group shot The White Widow, now known as Fanny Will not be featured here, because from the last update to this one she has not changed. I'm beginning to think she is turning to stone.:smokin:

I want to do two things with this update. 1 is to show the growth since last update, but 2 also show off a bit of topping and FIMing. Not that I'm expert, because I'm not. Hey this only my 3rd grow! Last grow was my first time trying it had I had some good success. One can try FIMing first and it doesn't work you can then top and get the same results. So one can screw it up and still make it work. You old timers correct me if I say something wrong. :popcorn:

Here's the standard group shot :popcorn:

First up is the Columbian Gold. Mine did not like FIMing as you can see.:popcorn:

I did it again and now she is showing two tops.:popcorn:

Here is a shot looking down on her now looking at her two tops:popcorn:


Here is the beautiful Church you can see the topping on her.

Here is a close up of the topping. You can see the nub sticking up between the V.:popcorn:

And a shot looking down on her:popcorn:

This is the end of part one....part two coming up :morenutes:
Day 40 of Veg Part 2

Ok, Continuing on with topping:popcorn:

Here is The beautiful Moby Dick, with 4 tops as you can see!:popcorn:

Here is a look down at the 4 tops.

The Sweet Super Lemon Haze with 2 tops:popcorn:

An another of the Super Lemon Haze:popcorn:

The lovely Super Silver Haze with two tops:popcorn:

And one more looking down on the Super Silver Haze:popcorn:

Well I hope you enjoyed the update and the proof that FIMing and/or Topping will let you reap a better yield. I do hope this helps you new and old growers to get more from your girls.
Remember I am not expert;)
sent you email...but what i wanted to say was, was in the nursery, sitting down watering and i kept getting this spicy dirt smell every time i moved...i was thinking wow, that smells like that old time c.gold....i was brushing against the plant as i watered...looked at the tag, and it was the col. gold...was sooo thrilled...knew that smell right away and its been decades since last smelled....so it is the real stuff, so far, even the smell is right...and mine does look sativa....lavendar:hookah:

Now that's funny Lavandar :rofl::rofl: You did what I said in the post above! Don't guess we ever forget! I thought not!
Got the email and it's all done. :thanks:
those are beauts....and our leaf structure on the c.g. is the same....good....i did a fim twice on mine and have now stopped...was getting to look like queen annes lace plant....but it really does not like attention like that, and not real fond of fimming at all...lol...later, lavendar
Hello OMM plants are still looking very, very nice. Not that I expected anything less. Very nice job... Well on you way to another very successful grow...
Aloha bro, was just wondering if you gave up on LSTing? Sure would like to see someone put a LST'ed plant outside after a good veg to establish it.

Wish that someone was me, but the state I live in is embarrassed by us pot smokers but sure want to make money off us...

Girls are looking good, :peacetwo:.
those are beauts....and our leaf structure on the c.g. is the same....good....i did a fim twice on mine and have now stopped...was getting to look like queen annes lace plant....but it really does not like attention like that, and not real fond of fimming at all...lol...later, lavendar

Thanks Lavendar That makes me feel better, if your looks and acts like mine. lol
Hello OMM plants are still looking very, very nice. Not that I expected anything less. Very nice job... Well on you way to another very successful grow...

Thank You my Friend I just love encouragement:Rasta:
Aloha bro, was just wondering if you gave up on LSTing? Sure would like to see someone put a LST'ed plant outside after a good veg to establish it.

Wish that someone was me, but the state I live in is embarrassed by us pot smokers but sure want to make money off us...

Girls are looking good, :peacetwo:.

Aloha Mate

No not really, I don't get the kick that you do, when you do it. That Fanny has frightened me too! I like topping and tying my outdoor girls. I think If I grew inside I would be an LST fool!;)

That's rough being an embarrassment to the state...Damn Redneck Hippy:whoa::whoa::hippy::whoa::whoa:

Thanks for being you my Friend;)

In my first grow I kinda grew some Aurora Indica. I just dug her out and tried some :blunt: Couchlock heaven. Curring is where it's at! :cool:
Howdee OMM,

Looks like you and the kids have been busy :grinjoint: That fimming still befuddles me... maybe because my parents made me watch every episode of "Topper" :) I see dead people and their dogs, ha, ha, ha!

You definitely have it down.

Wow, I love your yard, and the situation you've made for yourself. Kudos.

Aloha Mate

No not really, I don't get the kick that you do, when you do it. That Fanny has frightened me too! I like topping and tying my outdoor girls. I think If I grew inside I would be an LST fool!;)

That's rough being an embarrassment to the state...Damn Redneck Hippy:whoa::whoa::hippy::whoa::whoa:

Thanks for being you my Friend;)

In my first grow I kinda grew some Aurora Indica. I just dug her out and tried some :blunt: Couchlock heaven. Curring is where it's at! :cool:

Yeah I like cured weed too...longest I have ever had is probably 3 months though....sad I know. One of these days I hope to have a stash hole put aside and be able to pull out some nicely cured pot to enjoy and get on a cycle of only smoking cured...down the road with my silly limits I fear or until I can get more light and space.

Ahh you sir are not an embarrassment, but are instead a model of kindness and generousity and what we all should be. :thanks:

As far as LSTing goes though, I fear you are letting the fact that your plant started revegging from too many hours of light color your opinion of LSTing. I figure with the light after sunset and before sunrise you are still at 14 hrs probably. I am guessing Fanny won't get off her ass and bloom again for another month at least (in paradise I guess the daylight drift is really slow)...I am certain that poor girl is just a hormone confused puppy right now. :goof: You could get her an outdoor spotlight (15 watt outdoor red LED) would probably be enough to keep the bloom hormones from building and let her back into veg again. Then turn off the light and let her bloom again starting in September (is when the overall light starts dropping below 13 hrs in Honolulu anyway). Bet by then you might be able to get her and that huge root system she already has to 5 ft before she starts blooming again...:hmmmm: Just a thought from my twisted brain....:)

I am sure the sun will reward you with it's goodness eventually though for all your pretty ladies.

Mahalo OMM for being an upright dude and for living the spirit of Aloha.
Wow plants is really going fast OMM:) The moby dick 4 tops looks crazy, should yeild a lot huh:rollit: Keep it up and take care. One question, is their a certain height to where you CAN'T top it anymore. Just as long as its still in veg?? Or does it have to be at a certain height? Thanks:ganjamon:
Cool OMM looks like you getting the hang of it. Some plants take to topping like a fly in sh*t. Some don't top at all. I like to toppem at the lower elevations. You top to much later in life and the plant's will get top heavy. Next run ya get, try topping the 5th set of leaves. Makes for a short busher plant. But then I wood rather have 4-6 main cola's than one from a Christmas tree. Another thing peoples might not realize, if ya start to flower before your tops getting going, it makes it hard to bud. You need to let afew sets of leaves grow before ya start flowering. I've flowered afew right after topping, and the bud seemed to 'Dead End' rite at the topping. But then I had afew grow twin buds and still stretch out alittle. Top job looks great. Even if ya have to take a second set out, it will branch off nicely after a week or so. Topping slows you upward growth like 1-2 weeks. But you make up for it on the lower Branch's that explode. Looking great OMM, when ya going to throw in the great outdoor's to flower? Or have ya. Keepem Green. Missed ya on the hook up earlier. Catch ya later's.
Howdee OMM,

Looks like you and the kids have been busy :grinjoint: That fimming still befuddles me... maybe because my parents made me watch every episode of "Topper" :) I see dead people and their dogs, ha, ha, ha!

You definitely have it down.

Wow, I love your yard, and the situation you've made for yourself. Kudos.


I loved that program when I was a kid.:ganjamon:
Didn't think it was life changing thou. :)
Try it on some young plants, if you screw it up just ahhhhh top it again! :ganjamon:

The set up just kind of evolved with each grow. As I learned more, I changed it more. I wanted to change it even more, but Joanne said no! She owns half the house so.......I did want I could. :thanks:
Yeah I like cured weed too...longest I have ever had is probably 3 months though....sad I know. One of these days I hope to have a stash hole put aside and be able to pull out some nicely cured pot to enjoy and get on a cycle of only smoking cured...down the road with my silly limits I fear or until I can get more light and space.

Ahh you sir are not an embarrassment, but are instead a model of kindness and generousity and what we all should be. :thanks:

As far as LSTing goes though, I fear you are letting the fact that your plant started revegging from too many hours of light color your opinion of LSTing. I figure with the light after sunset and before sunrise you are still at 14 hrs probably. I am guessing Fanny won't get off her ass and bloom again for another month at least (in paradise I guess the daylight drift is really slow)...I am certain that poor girl is just a hormone confused puppy right now. :goof: You could get her an outdoor spotlight (15 watt outdoor red LED) would probably be enough to keep the bloom hormones from building and let her back into veg again. Then turn off the light and let her bloom again starting in September (is when the overall light starts dropping below 13 hrs in Honolulu anyway). Bet by then you might be able to get her and that huge root system she already has to 5 ft before she starts blooming again...:hmmmm: Just a thought from my twisted brain....:)

I am sure the sun will reward you with it's goodness eventually though for all your pretty ladies.

Mahalo OMM for being an upright dude and for living the spirit of Aloha.

Aloha High :ganjamon:
Your just too nice to me my friend, but don't stop!!! :yahoo:
Thank You for so many kind words.

Just treat folks like you would like to be treated....you already do that well!:)

Well, things do evolve. Just think how your grows have evolved. Started very small and crowded, then it got a bit larger, and now look at you. You have done great things with what you have. I would love to see you with a big space. Out doors, you would have a ball. Ahh someday! :ganjamon:

Your building a stash slowly and surely, but you will have a good one soon. :)

Ahh Fanny. She never really had a chance to do good. She was in 12/12 from birth and was kinda like an after thought. A filler for an empty pot. I was hopping she would flower early and be done, Oppps! She had other plans. She is running out of time......but like you said she may do something yet!
I've been thinking of putting her in darkness for a few days right before I put the others in bloom. Maybe that will wake her up. What do you think?

Now, if I could get my girls to grow like yours, I would be tickled! :yahoo:

Peace my friend and keep the garden humming :thanks:
Wow plants is really going fast OMM:) The moby dick 4 tops looks crazy, should yeild a lot huh:rollit: Keep it up and take care. One question, is their a certain height to where you CAN'T top it anymore. Just as long as its still in veg?? Or does it have to be at a certain height? Thanks:ganjamon:

Hi sWAGG :) yep, moby should have 4 colas in bloom. Lust! :)

The best time to top or FIM is when they have their first 3 real sets of leaves.
The adapt really quick when young, however, I actually topped three of my girls last grown when the were in Bloom and it worked just as good then.
I can only tell you my experience. others may chip in with some other thoughts.
More tops more yield. :ganjamon:
Cool OMM looks like you getting the hang of it. Some plants take to topping like a fly in sh*t. Some don't top at all. I like to toppem at the lower elevations. You top to much later in life and the plant's will get top heavy. Next run ya get, try topping the 5th set of leaves. Makes for a short busher plant. But then I wood rather have 4-6 main cola's than one from a Christmas tree. Another thing peoples might not realize, if ya start to flower before your tops getting going, it makes it hard to bud. You need to let afew sets of leaves grow before ya start flowering. I've flowered afew right after topping, and the bud seemed to 'Dead End' rite at the topping. But then I had afew grow twin buds and still stretch out alittle. Top job looks great. Even if ya have to take a second set out, it will branch off nicely after a week or so. Topping slows you upward growth like 1-2 weeks. But you make up for it on the lower Branch's that explode. Looking great OMM, when ya going to throw in the great outdoor's to flower? Or have ya. Keepem Green. Missed ya on the hook up earlier. Catch ya later's.

Hi Ya Wood:grinjoint:
Folks this is the man, when it comes to topping. He's a great grower and knows what he's doing. He has sent me many "how to pictures" and really has been a mentor to me in many ways. Just look at his plants! Living proof. Even if he's from Arkansas like me. :yahoo:

Hi to Miss J Must never forget the woman behind him! :rollit:
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