Day 115 of Bloom
Well, Mother Nature took control this morning and made a few decisions for me. I had uncovered Joanne at 5 am and went to bed. Just a few hours later, I got up and looked out at Joanne and was shocked, she had broken limbs. We had and are still having hard winds today. Four of the stems had broken, even tho they were tied up.
I did tie her up some more....hope it works....the wind is still nasty.
Here is what she looks like now.
After I harvested the broken limbs.
Zeroed the scale.
Here is the results of the harvest.
An now they are curring.
Not too shabby 37g wet. Smoke report and dry weight, will be posted in a week or two.
The buds actually look like some good smoke. I'm feeling kind of happy at the moment .