Shit OMM you really are a great guy I agree no one deserves cancer If it is would she consider using RS?
She may find the thing she never liked would save her life, but still I will never forget the day that a stand in for my Doc said she was around 80%
sure that I had cancer in my colon she reckoned she could feel 3 lumps it scared the living daylights out of me so instead of going back I stayed
well away. Last week I went back down to see my Dr and this time they gave me meds for IBS.
I dont know about where you are but other here in Britain they are putting a lot into Cancer an its again all to do with the food and the shit medicines
they choose to give causing to many side effects
In Jo,s case though it really doesn't sound very good the only thing that I can do is pray for her a little Devi Puja maybe
She may find the thing she never liked would save her life, but still I will never forget the day that a stand in for my Doc said she was around 80%
sure that I had cancer in my colon she reckoned she could feel 3 lumps it scared the living daylights out of me so instead of going back I stayed
well away. Last week I went back down to see my Dr and this time they gave me meds for IBS.
I dont know about where you are but other here in Britain they are putting a lot into Cancer an its again all to do with the food and the shit medicines
they choose to give causing to many side effects
In Jo,s case though it really doesn't sound very good the only thing that I can do is pray for her a little Devi Puja maybe