OldMedMan Goes Indoors Part 2

Don't kid yourself voltron You are a big part of my journal...everyone is....that's why I love it so much. I love your sense of humor Buddy....helps with the good feeling that goes on here. I'm a little off kilter at the moment....THsea came over and helped me today. He put my girls to sleep for me while I went to bed. I started some new meds last week and they are playing with my mind a bit. I want to work and not stop for anything. Little too much so. :circle-of-love:

I'll be getting back to the story soon...there is a way to go yet...this time though it's all good! No more crazy RS.:high-five:

Granny is great! She has been joy to all of us and there is no one more truthful than her. She tells it like is and really knows her stuff. I have been an admirer of her a long time. She is the best!

I always worry in the last month a grow.....seems to be in my nature. "For Gods sakes don't fail me now!" :party:

Thanks buddy for the kind words we all appreciate them... get some rest tho, there are plenty pics here and good stories to recap on while you rest up. I believe you about Granny too:high-five: And since its apart of your final month recipe for success, then don't change a thing, just keep other stressors down when we worry about our ladies:Love: Give your family my best regards! Thsea, what a great person!!:bravo: ++reps to Thsea for always being there to help keep OMM around for all of us.
Brought a couple Pineapple Chunk(s) in.
Holy-moly....these plants STINK!
smoke report in a few days.....but really now They are Barneys:adore:
Man....the entire barn smells of these two plants! Not a "stealthy" strain at all.....oily and gooie as the buds appear, we should be making biofuel from this plant....can't imagine it'll burn in a paper....time for the glassware ;)

****pssssstt....(hey heepie....it's really fast too!)
:thumb:110 days bean to dry room

Thanks Copper......sounds really good! Of course your plants are always good! :high-five:
girls are looking good omm, i wish i had that much space! loving the story too!! :adore::peace::thumb:

Hy Buddy Thanks! It wasn't too to much more than most tents, so I went for it. The story will continue...soon as I get caught up, you know how that is. :Namaste:
:cheertwo:Hey uncle O, you must be getting ready to tag some jars up.. one day you'll have a different strain for each day of the month! :cheertwo:

The jars are ready! You just gave me a great idea, one for each day of the month. :cheertwo:

Sad news today......the lady I provide for was found dead in her house yesterday. Very unexpected for her family and me. She was a good soul. A shame. Way too early for her. Her old man beat hell out of her long ago and she never recovered. That's why I provided pain meds for her. Sometimes life is so cruel. :hmmmm::smokin2::smokin2:
Thanks buddy for the kind words we all appreciate them... get some rest tho, there are plenty pics here and good stories to recap on while you rest up. I believe you about Granny too:high-five: And since its apart of your final month recipe for success, then don't change a thing, just keep other stressors down when we worry about our ladies:Love: Give your family my best regards! Thsea, what a great person!!:bravo: ++reps to Thsea for always being there to help keep OMM around for all of us.

Thanks voltron! :high-five:
I just went to bed and stayed there until this morning. I didn't take anymore of the new meds. I feel much better today. Took Jo to the doctors today for bone density test. She still has a trouble getting around. Was actually a good day. Lots of hugging going on. Two crazy old farts!
THsea is the man! He left me a note about my girls, he checked the tricks on all of them. Hope he understands how much he means to me! :thumb:
Thanks Copper......sounds really good! Of course your plants are always good! :high-five:

not true....I've had my herms and stuff like everyone else
Just last year, I pissed away half a grow on Nirvana beans....The Master Kush was "ok" after a long cure, but I still have like 2 or 3oz of MEDUSA in jars that is a complete waste of time.
I'll never spend another dime on Nirvana beans....in fact, I'll never grow the ones left over from last season.....I have a baggie of MK seed.....I'll use the entire mess this April, for the 4/20 Bean-Drop-Overgrow
Hell.....this grow was a buggy mess....I didn't have time to spend on it, and now my yield is very low. I'll need a homerun on some fast plants this time around.
Without failure, how could you recognize success?
Peace y'all
Sorry to hear about that lady you provided for, at least no more pain....hope you doing well my friend....keep up the good work and keep on truckin:welldone:

Yep, kola bear that was a shame. :smokin2: She was good gal, THsea and I both liked her. She would over to pick up something and we made sure she was feeling no pain when she left.
I'm doing good today....so is Jo. :Love: One more xmas package to mail tomorrow and we're done.......that is, we still have to get our Xmas present, an Xbox360. So we can play games in style! Hope your doing fine too! :high-five:

That was the second of my patients to keel over. Better check my buds! Just kidding!
not true....I've had my herms and stuff like everyone else
Just last year, I pissed away half a grow on Nirvana beans....The Master Kush was "ok" after a long cure, but I still have like 2 or 3oz of MEDUSA in jars that is a complete waste of time.
I'll never spend another dime on Nirvana beans....in fact, I'll never grow the ones left over from last season.....I have a baggie of MK seed.....I'll use the entire mess this April, for the 4/20 Bean-Drop-Overgrow
Hell.....this grow was a buggy mess....I didn't have time to spend on it, and now my yield is very low. I'll need a homerun on some fast plants this time around.
Without failure, how could you recognize success?
Peace y'all

Well, you didn't have tell me! :high-five: Man you did have some bad times. No more Nirvana beans eh? I will go right along with you that, most of the time. No joke Buddy, you did have a bad time. Get those fast bloomers in there soon. :smoke2: Good Luck with this one! :thumb:
The Story Continues...............................................................................................

There is an old saying in the military "Mess up and move up"
Actually that's the nice version.

Well, I was guilty of a few mess ups.

The first is when I told "The Old Man". The Division Commander that that Battery Commander had called a men only meeting about the sexual harassment in which he told his men to not even talk to the girl. The Old Man relieved him of his command of the HQs Battery a week later, So much for his career.

Because of that firing he had to appoint a new Commander for the HQ Battery. Of all things he replaced him with an Administration Female Captain. OH! Noes!
You all know that I am not against women being in the military, however an admin person of any sex is not a good idea. They have never been in a combat unit and know nothing of how to run a field unit.

My Poor Ratt Rigs! Every commander that takes over a command has to pull an in-depth inspection on every part of the Battery. In other words every piece of equipment has to be field stripped, taken completely apart.

Here is where I had my first run in with her. I just told her flat out, if we do that to our Ratt Rigs none of them would work afterwards. She said in so many words that I was nuts. Very respectively I told her I would be the first at her desk to say "I told you so!"
Man did that piss her off. Strike one!
By the way I was right...not one worked......she was in disbelieve. No I didn't say it.
Sure wanted to though.

Next up Christmas time, The CO said that every one in the battery would work half a day, everyday through the Holidays. I went to see her again. Captain that's not being fair to our troops. Why not rotate them off one day and on the next.? My order stands Sgt!

OK, you know what I did, she went on leave and I let my folks off a day at a time.

When she came back she fired me! Mess up and move up! Let her worry about the Ratt Rigs.

Believe it or not they made me the NCO In Charge of the Division Education Center! Yay Wahoo!

As I was moving in the Ed Center, the Division Commander came in and shook my hand. Then he started laughing "I heard what you did!" That's when I moved you up here by me. "I needed a good NCO up here!". He wasn't kidding either. The LT that was the Education Officer was a mess. OK! I kinda ended up the Commanders NCO advisor. I helped him get rid of the worthless LT.
The worse thing the LT did was not counseling solders when they had trouble, which was part of his job. Case in point, on a late Friday afternoon a soldier came in for counseling, he looked awful, he needed help. The LT told him to come back Monday. I stopped the kid and asked if I could help and he said no only the LT could help. 2 hours later the kid killed himself. Good Bye LT.

The C.O and I worked together allot......he did me favors...and I did some for him.....like being the MC for the Army Ball. Actually that was fun.

To Be Continued.........................................................................................
The jars are ready! You just gave me a great idea, one for each day of the month. :cheertwo:

Sad news today......the lady I provide for was found dead in her house yesterday. Very unexpected for her family and me. She was a good soul. A shame. Way too early for her. Her old man beat hell out of her long ago and she never recovered. That's why I provided pain meds for her. Sometimes life is so cruel. :hmmmm::smokin2::smokin2:

I'm sorry to hear that uncle O...Jeezuz, so sad.. now what? My heart goes out to you and the family

I'm sorry to hear that uncle O...Jeezuz, so sad.. now what? My heart goes out to you and the family

Yea Sisco old friend was very sad. Her sister found her. The were all each other had. I'm going to find out when her funeral is and go. I liked her allot. She was a very funny and nice lady. She really did suffer badly, so this might have been better for her. She had had 6 plastic surgeries on her face trying to put it back together. :smokin2:
So sorry to hear about the woman that passed... sad sad news to hear of anyones life ending. My condolences to her family and yours OMM. I'm sure that you were a silverlining to her during your time knowing her.:peace:
My Condolences about your loss OMM. It is always sad to loose a loved one.

I absolutely love your story. When bad things seem to happen. Better opportunities come up! Kinda like one of my all time favorite movies..... Forrest Gump. I hope you don't think I am calling you mentally challenged!! LOL!!:circle-of-love:
Hi OMM and all the 420 Gang,

Just a quick visit. Hope everyone is ready for the holidays!! We still have to get the tree up and some outside lites! Grandkids will be here next week.

Love the story OMM. I have been reading online about the Korean War and Chosin Resv. My dad (USMC)was over there, F-2-1 . The engineers told of "acquiring" what they needed to repair things, bridges etc... sounds similar to your story of "acquiring" parts you needed! :high-five:
Also back in June when I was having a lot of stress, I just stopped drinking my evening/nightly wine :thedoubletake: Had to reup on my meds so saw the Dr. I asked how I could just quit drinking like that.... she said, "cause it wasn't working anymore." I thought that was interesting and maybe others would find it so. She proceeded to double my antidepressant. It seemed to help. I worked my way back to just one a day,,,cost is terrible without insurance! I do have an occasional drink now and then, but not wine and never more than 2. Usually dont want them, but do it if I have to be in a social situation. Still OCD sometimes.

We are still growing in the closet. Keeping hubby happy! :tokin: I pretty much just do the harvesting now, he has him a grow buddy :high-five:now and they can talk for way to long about fertilizer and such. He got 2 technaflora kits free :clap:at the festival in October. Dont tell:shhh: him but I :xmas:got him some very cool glass pipes for xmas when I was in Fla recently!!! :yahoo:

Sorry to hear about your friend. Cant imagine the pain she was in. She is in a better place now.

Glad to see lots of you still smokin & growing:yummy:. Tell Jo I said Merry Xmas! Hugs & :kisstwo:to all!
Miss you all
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