Old G's New Auto Grow

You nailed it OG - nice work
Wouldn't dry hanging by your clothes though, you'll be a walking advertisement lol :cool:
Thanx brother, I blocked my closet with my grow lol. I have nowhere to hang them, I have to rearrange my setup. They look so nice I don’t even care
Hello @Old g congrats on the harvest. :woohoo:
If you control the humidity you can take up to a week to do it properly.
But a lot of members get good results in 3/4 days.
It varies dependent on conditions.
What's your rh?

Stay safe
Temp is 66 degrees, humidity is 44%. It’s dry here in the winter, even with the snow last nite it’s low. I want it low don’t I
How long do you guys dry for when you have dense buds, can’t wait to put them in the mason jars
I dry mine in the bathroom where it is cooler, 60-70F, and use a dehumidifier to keep the RH at about 60%
Fat buds take about 10 days; but if they are too slow I take the buds off the stems after a week and put them in a paper bag/box, newspaper or whatever
I also let big bud dry in the pot before harvest so it uses up as much internal moisture as possible which can help
Nothing is worse than smelly mould in the jar
Temp is 66 degrees, humidity is 44%. It’s dry here in the winter, even with the snow last nite it’s low. I want it low don’t I
You want it low yes but that's a little too low imo.
They will dry very quick in there so keep a close eye.
When you can snap one of the smaller stems they are ready for the jar.

Stay safe
I dry mine in the bathroom where it is cooler, 60-70F, and use a dehumidifier to keep the RH at about 60%
Fat buds take about 10 days; but if they are too slow I take the buds off the stems after a week and put them in a paper bag/box, newspaper or whatever
I also let big bud dry in the pot before harvest so it uses up as much internal moisture as possible which can help
Nothing is worse than smelly mould in the jar
Nice thank you , will do
You want it low yes but that's a little too low imo.
They will dry very quick in there so keep a close eye.
When you can snap one of the smaller stems they are ready for the jar.

Stay safe
Nice thanx Bill, the highest it got was 65% a week ago, seems it’s always in the 40range. We have rain coming Sunday that should bring it up alittle
I chopped just the cola on my other blue dream, too many dead leaves . It was 5% amber


I have some buds I accidentally cut off the stem, how do u guys dry loose buds. Sorry for all the rookie questions
Any sort of rack on the shelf in cupboard with the buds.
The idea is to let air underneath them aswell.

Stay safe
I have a mesh herb drying rack I got off the 'zon. It does in fact work for herbs too. Got some rosemary in there right now drying over the bits of some Blackberry.
Brother what are the racks you put under your fabric pots called, gotta get some I’m gonna start my next grow in a week. I’m only gonna grow 2 plants next grow, I needed the weed this grow but I should be good for awhile now. I just love growing these
Brother what are the racks you put under your fabric pots called, gotta get some I’m gonna start my next grow in a week. I’m only gonna grow 2 plants next grow, I needed the weed this grow but I should be good for awhile now. I just love growing these
Pot elevators. I've been looking for square versions. The only ones I've seen that were square were made of wood, and I could make some like that for a couple bucks. I'm not spending $25 per for that.
These plastic ones are great though. Lots of airflow under the pots.
Beautiful winter landscape you have there. I actually like winter. Could do without -30 though.

I use paper bags to dry. They work really good IMO. I used to use a box but found even in my dry climate the bags take 4+ days to dry when packed correctly even in my dry climate.

I imagine it would work just as good to place your loose buds in the paper bags inside your controlled environment. Lots of ways to skin that cat.

The mesh racks work well too in a controlled environment.
Beautiful winter landscape you have there. I actually like winter. Could do without -30 though.

I use paper bags to dry. They work really good IMO. I used to use a box but found even in my dry climate the bags take 4+ days to dry when packed correctly even in my dry climate.

I imagine it would work just as good to place your loose buds in the paper bags inside your controlled environment. Lots of ways to skin that cat.

The mesh racks work well too in a controlled environment.
Where I live in NJ, we either have mild winters or brutal ones. We’ve had snow twice in the last 3 days, I think we’re in for a bad one this year. I don’t mind either, living a1/4 mile from the ocean makes for some interesting storms, it looked like a nuclear bomb went off when Sandy came thru. Could definitely do without another storm like that again, too much damage.But snowstorms are nice when your warm in your house .
I threw them in a paper bag, couldn’t find a rack. That’ll work. My next gro I got the fabric pots 3gallon , then the plants can grow without me worrying about root rot .
Got some more to harvest then I’ll plant my new grow
Hey guys I just wanted to thank you all for following my gro and clueing me in on mistakes. It seems to make the whole process easier, and for me posting pictures
made me feel in the safe zone because I knew if I was fing up you guys would tell me instead of just liking the pics. In my mind you all helped , seriously, thank you
This zskittles I was gonna pull early on because I thought I had a dud. I didn’t pay attention to it like the others, and it was in the back, this plant has all dense buds, I have all Christmas tree shaped buds, it’s definitely got a ways to go but I think it’s gonna produce some really nice buds


Day 77, smoked alittle just before, very nice buzz. The zskittles is gonna be a few more weeks. What a plant, if the pot is half as good as it looks growing it should be really good. Some pics I just took





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