Old Bagseeds'n Stuff: Relearning the Grow - Feel Free To Ride Along

Day 93. Day 58 of 12/12.
Little B.I.G. is entering her final week looking like a champ. I went through several plants in this journal and, while I would have loved to see a couple others come this far, I'm pretty damn proud of how she turned out after six years away from this hobby. Unfortunately my sense of smell is so shot I can't tell you guys anything other than "smells like weed for a few seconds when I stick my head in the tent".
Here she is, I will try to slip in more updates before chop time...
I would like to give a pointer to my upcoming grow, which will be here: Blueberry!

So excited to get into some real genetics that I parked the journal early :slide:
I will try to slip in more updates before chop time...
Well that was a lie...
Day 98. Day 63 of 12/12.
Tonight I am sending her into the 48 hour dark period, which will have me harvesting on day 100. I can't get any pictures right now, so imagine a little plant with a nice fist-full of decently sized buds.
She still has a couple fresh white pistils here and there, but I'm not worrying about them...
Day 100. First successful harvest, B.I.G.

126 grams wet. If I'm remembering right they usually dry to 1/3rd of the weight, so I should get around... 42 grams dry? Whatever I get, I'll be happy with it.
Her fruit is now in the tent, lights off with gentle airflow and the humidity currently sitting at 53%.
This has been an absolute blast, I'd like to thank everyone who tagged along and offered advice.


I'll be enjoying some scissor glue...


I'll post one last update when they're dry and curing, then we'll be wrapped up here.
Beautiful chunky buds AED! Yummers! Mmmmm that scissor glue!

Looks good. Seems like there's some scissor hash in your future!! Well Done!! 😎✌️
Thanks guys! It's some fun stuff 😋 I only had it smeared onto some "legal" flower but It definitely gave me a bit of a body buzz that wasn't there before.
They've turned out a little loose and airy, but not too bad though. I'm getting smoke one way or another 😎
They're wonderfully sticky at this point, and the stuff that comes off on my fingers smells very peppery I think. Big turn from the canteloupe smell she had a while ago! Hit the jackpot if I just happened to grow a bagseed with lots of caryophyllene.
The dry was going a little too fast and the bigger flowers started smelling like hay, so I put them in a plastic baggy to suck moisture out from the stem into the flower (With one of the thermohygrometers of course. Too big... Can't fit into my jars... Except the one that smells like dill pickles. I need some little ones!) I'll see if that does anything about the hay smell.
🤔 I'm starting to wonder if this is actually weed I grew here. I picked up the dryest popcorn nug and tested it. I definitely felt chill, but never started feeling high. Most of the seeds in my bagseed jar are CBD hemp seeds...
Anyways, a Blueberry is soaking in the germ jar, but it's been a while and still no movement... I only got one left (gave one away) so it better make like an ass and crack!
Whoo I forgot to give the final update :eek:

If I remember right the final weight was 35 grams. I'm still unsure if this is weed or CBD hemp, sometimes I won't feel much after a few tokes, sometimes I'll get a mild buzz. Safe to assume it's just not very potent if it is weed. The jar smell so far is nice, what little I can pick up. Like a slightly skunky chocolate muffin, and the pepper smell has dialed back a lot.

Leaving off with a couple snaps of the end product. It's been great fun getting back into this hobby.


Don't mind the already picked apart one... I shared, promise!

Onto the next journal!
Thanks y'all

amazing looking buds, wish I still had the eyesight to trim my buds that beautiful
Aww shucks. It was a little more difficult than I thought 'cause I'm blind in one eye, those sugar leaves were 🤏
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