600 Watt Old Model Mars Hydro - Autoflower - Grow

Think im going to take the grapefruit out tomorrow it isn't getting any better don't want it to ruin my train wreck auto. Just going to order some more seeds buy this strain again. see I have Better lucknext grow with it.I have photos I will start to be my last grow before summer.

Sounds like a good call must be hard though, I've seen a few people saying they like Trainwreck, its definitely on my to-grow list.

Been keeping an eye on the Twilight thread, hope they can sort it out for you.
Ya they said I can send the light back and they will send me a knew one don't know how long this will all take .I don't have the money to send it right now so who knows how long im be with out a light. Good thing I cut the grapefruit auto down today looks like I might have few grams salvage buds the rest I'll make bubble hash with when I cut the train wreck auto.
Poor girl if I would have cut her the day I noticed the root rot I'd have more bud she shriveled up while trying to save her had get her out of the water so that it wouldn't hurt my train wreck auto. Will use her for hash it got allot of trichomes still on her and some salvageable bud at the top of her she flushed for 3 days hope she flushed out enough .I had to get her out of there no choice will give the train wreck auto few more days seeing new growth today I got the cfls pretty close to her .she fatten up nice now and frosty really frosty that snow storm ultra is nice stuff really first time to use it and it works nice very frosty plants.
So I did chop off and hang my grapefruit she full of 3/4 clear 1/4 cloudy trich. Very under developed looks like there was a few grams at the main cola and side branches under that were salvageable.the rest will be made in to bubble hash with the trim .I decieded add 2 table spoons of aqua shield and 1 tbs of suger daddy to my reservoir yesterday for my train wreck it has some very nice root recovery going on and has added knew growth and I will let it go to saterday like this then put fresh water and add flush to it to flush her for good I'll give her a 4-5 day flush just want her get as far as possible she .ot showing any amber so I'm good .she be ready by then to cut.
Hopefully I get at least 30 grams from this plant it's very small .It is fat little plant mostly 1 cola .I did end up with some all right buds off the grapefruit little under developed mostly .There was some developed buds so there drying now.tested some tonight has very nice head high more uplifting then body this will get better after full cure is done.
Was expecting more from this light wasn't very big wiegh in for a 74 day grow .this was the smallest yield I've ever had .think I'm going to have to get better quality led then the 600 watt mars it did grow and harvest ,but very small yeild on this grow. I'm going try some photos under this light first if I don't get better yield the. I'm going try buy a advanced diamond series or California light works 400 watt led .theres all so the advanced platinum series im looking at will see how it does on 2 photo strains then Ill decide notice alot of people are selling these used on ebay after using them on 1 grow that says something right there they mentioning saleing this to up grade might try the reflector series it might be better light.my apollo 12 led grow light is only 540 watts with 3w diodes and tje 600 watt mars model didn't come close to the yields I pulled off with 4 plants under the apollo.they were all short stuff autos I grew way bigger plants and heavier .It could be just the strains I grew so that's why im starting new grow with photo's to see what it will do for 2 plants.I tjougjt I'd get 2-4 ounces with 2 plants for sure .giess I'll find out this next go around.
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