This is one of those times when the delete key is again the key most highly used. Not because I have any anxiety at this time, but that it would be inappropriate for me to go into too much detail here. Life is unique to everyone and that is a blessing in itself, my personal blessing is that my children will never suffer. It's wrong to type more, but there is also another facet that I would like to add to your list.
That is the ones that have lived the hell for life and know no difference, wandering around and searching for solace with their thousand mile stare.
It probably makes no sense to you and apologies for that, but dark places are sometimes everywhere and if peace of some form or another can be found with the help of MJ, I'm all for it. It's really hard for me to explain without bringing negativity to a beautiful place.
Peace mate, damn the skies have darkened and the chill is upon us. I'm going to roll and share