Oh No - It's A Green Hole! - Reverse Thrusters! - Dammit - Too Late!

This isn't exactly my first breeding attempt, but it's been a long time, and I never had a clue what I was doing. Still don't. I did various accidental crosses and made various 'shit mix' strains a long time ago. Mostly outdoors. I doubt that the Mama Thai/Stick cross will be any improvement on the Mama Thai, but it seemed worth taking the chance to make a few seeds since I had the Thai Stick male. Especially since Ace Seeds stopped selling the Thai Stick and is completely out of all Thai strains last I checked.
I'm very impressed with how fast those seeds form. Makes me realize that at least it should be quickly obvious whether a plant has been successfully pollinated or not. I'll try to do a Thai Stick/Thai Stick pollination as well.

It makes perfect sense to try to get some Thai seeds by hook or by crook or by cross -- makes me sad that so many of the landrace strains have disappeared or been hybridized out of existence. I've got nothing against hybrids, by the way (most of my favourite modern stains are hybrids) but the old strains were something special, for sure.
Looks good Chimp, how long until seeds show?
I think it should start showing swollen seed pods in about a week if it took. I'll post back with the answer if it happens.
It makes perfect sense to try to get some Thai seeds by hook or by crook or by cross -- makes me sad that so many of the landrace strains have disappeared or been hybridized out of existence. I've got nothing against hybrids, by the way (most of my favourite modern stains are hybrids) but the old strains were something special, for sure.
That's a big part of why I'm doing this breeding.
When it comes to breeding a sativa with a sativa wouldnt you have to worry about passing on hermie genes even more so since ive read sativas are more prone to that trait?

The short answer Lexort is that I have no idea. I would think that as long as the parents aren't showing hermie traits then the offspring won't be especially likely to either. The Mama Thai has behaved itself except one that grew nanners. I think it was some indicator lights on my dehumidifier that were to blame, but I killed that pheno anyway. The Thai Stick, I don't know, but PotChimp's has been behaving so far.
~Thanks for dropping in with the Thai Stick pics PC. Much appreciated. I hope these plants prove worth growing, for both our sakes. Good luck with the pollination. She certainly has a bit of that 'ravaged' look that mine did after the romantic date.

~Thanks Mello. Sorry I missed your good morning. I don't get up that early and after I did I got busy. Hopefully I'll have TS seeds to spare someday, will talk then...
I did a little attempted headscratching over on your grow room design thread just now.

~ Nice to see you pop by Glimmer. I agree. Strain preservation by crook or hook makes perfect sense to me. It's a strange sight to see no Thai seeds at Ace. I have a soft spot for Thai herb so will do what I can to keep some going for myself. :high-five:
Good morning ClosedCircuit, Lexort.
Just have been out of the grow except for about once a week as I get to zipping in all directions because of...life. I'm most often away from the grow for work and other obligations. Or, when I do pop in, it's at lights out, can't take photos and I just toss some water in there and run off again. I've made various excuses about how this journal has to be this way, as mentioned in the past. With a little luck though I may be able to spend some quality time there in the next couple days.
It's tempting to stay on my journal and chitter away about whatever comes to mind when I'm not at the grow, but... I find I'm so busy trying to catch up on my subscriptions and surfing through the rest of the forum that by the time I do the basic subscription housekeeping- I'm all chittered out.
Lately I've been working my way through B A R's journal, 40 pages in now! :thumb: Also I like to surf around and research, and answer the 'help wanted' type posts that come up, and this keeps me pretty busy too.
Will update in the next day or so. I hope you guys have a great day.
I think he was out on the trap line:Namaste:
Read up if you want to Electro, I won't try to talk you out of it, but you don't need to feel obligated in order to know how we got here today. The first couple pages shows the basic setup, then there are some ups and downs, a few harvests, a couple experiments, some rambling, some chittering, chattering, talk of squirrels, unicorns, gravitational effects, etc. the usual stuff, I can't remember.
Read up if you want to Electro, I won't try to talk you out of it, but you don't need to feel obligated in order to know how we got here today. The first couple pages shows the basic setup, then there are some ups and downs, a few harvests, a couple experiments, some rambling, some chittering, chattering, talk of squirrels, unicorns, gravitational effects, etc. the usual stuff, I can't remember.

oh damn. now i gotta read it!
A few pics.

First impressions when I went through the door. Things are looking decent. A little leaf damage here and there. The Mama Thai leaves which were healthy up to now, have gone downhill a notch. A bit discoloured.
Pineapple Chunks on the left. The Mama Thai right of that as well as the Blueberry behind her apparently were both cleverly singed by me, when I was trying to get the lights 'really close' to take a 'good picture' last week.


Oh yes Mr Squirrel I hear you scratching around in there....

I shrunk all these pictures to super low res and I see now that I have kind of outdone myself in the low res department because they look a bit blurry to me. On the other hand, everything looks a bit blurry right now cause I'm so high.
Wouldn't being high make it 'high res'...??? Hmmm...funny. And does that mean that being not high would make my vision low res...? Hmmmmmmm... It's all very blurry

Edit- Later...the cogs slowly turn as I lay here thinking of all the high resolutions I have made over the years and how they'd always be so much harder to see when viewed the next day at low resolution. Hmmm yes deep thoughts...ha ha
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