Oh No - It's A Green Hole! - Reverse Thrusters! - Dammit - Too Late!

Oh yes most of the time I just love having a good excuse to chop a few. I'd prefer just one Malawi female. But no matter what, I'll be tossing some plants fairly soon here it looks like, and trying to slow down a couple other ones using torture and starvation techniques. It's a bit slapdash.
Oh yes most of the time I just love having a good excuse to chop a few. I'd prefer just one Malawi female. But no matter what, I'll be tossing some plants fairly soon here it looks like, and trying to slow down a couple other ones using torture and starvation techniques. It's a bit slapdash.

:adore: i'm glad i'm not the only one
Very creative screen, opportunities abound for creativity,,, if one looks,,, few do,, cheers pal
Great looking plants there Weasel, they look nice 'n healthy. Do share the info on nutrients' "pot life", so to speak; I hadn't even thought about it. We've been talking of auto-watering systems and I suppose that may be important!

JoJo I'm using Botanicare nutritients. I mix things somewhat weaker than whatever it recommends on the bottle.

The veg plants get mostly the grow formula, with a splash of calmag and sometimes silicone.

The flower plants get mostly the bloom formula. Power Flower is the latest name/version of the bloom nute I'm using. It used to be 'Pure Blend Pro' but they changed the name, or the formula, or something. Flowers also get a splash of cal mag, and sometimes silicon which I've been trying lately, and that's about it.

Every once in a while I brew up a benny tea, when I get time and remember to, which hasn't been very often. I would like to feed it to the plants about every three weeks in between weekly feedings, but since I'm not usually around in between weekly feedings, they don't often get tea.

The last tea contained, in a five gallon bucket

One litre/quart yoghurt container of ewc
60 ml Hydroguard. (Beneficial bacteria)
30 ml ZHO. " "
10 ml Subculture B " "
30 ml Liquid Karma -(some trace elements and humic acid and... ?)
2 ml Grow formula.
20 ml molasses ( I am out and used honey )

Threw an air stone in and bubbled 24-48 hours.
I have not much clue what I'm doing with the teas or whether these ingredients make perfect sense, just winging it.
I forgot to mention...

~ I am using Sunshine Mix, soilless, which is mainly peat moss and perlite, and probably some lime and I don't know what else, ..not much. It's like Promix... In case anyone doesn't know this.

~ I sometimes add a little bit of Subculture M (mycorrhizal fungi) to my tea, just before I feed it to the plants. Sometimes I also dig the powder into my sunshine mix.

~Topped the Mama Thai by about 4". I won't flower her until I get a space, and she is still a bit ill so I want her to grow more for another few weeks.

~ Used a couple of the MT tops as cuttings, also took cuttings of the PCs that went into flowering.

~ At seven weeks of flowering the elder PC was starting to flop everywhere. Over the course of three days she sank down onto the screen and started drooping over the sides. My epiphany tonight was- if I can't beat her, I should join her. I gave her her wishes and arranged her flat on the screen. She was very happy about it and didn't resist. I removed quite a few branches and buds to make everything fit. This is a bit of a crappy picture, but you can see the buds. I think they will be happy growing like this and will straighten out more and fill any gaps.


~ Cut quite a few more branches off of the older PC. She is a very bad plant and shows signs of mold all over the place in spite of being in a decent RH and being in constant fanning breezes.

~ Which leads me to this- I splurged and bought two new movement fans and removed the two I had been using which sucked.

~ I mixed up several more batches of nutrients as experiments and will test the pH changes of them tomorrow, and whenever...


~ I fixed some of my drainage issues in the flowering room, and made a raised bed on the right side, lifting that side up 12". This is going to be warmer for the pots, and wonderful for dealing with some flood related issues in that corner, the details of which I won't bore you with.


~ I gave the plants their drinks of tea, and mixed up a bunch of different nutrient concoctions for the different sizes and phases of plants going on. A couple of the different mixes I have left overnight and I will test them tomorrow to observe any ph changes.
Yes. Hi Mello. I tried to find some good before and after pictures but I couldn't. Yes I just turned one P chunk screenful into a two-dimensional version of itself. I tied some of the buds down flat on the screen, and most of them I just laid down, without tying, in whatever pattern I could use to make them all fit. Now it's pretty much nothing but solid bud, laying on the screen. I think to some extent they will start to point upwards towards the light a little bit. Not very much, but the little internal budlet flowers will point upwards and everything continue to grow and fatten over the next few weeks and look more natural and less trashed. Hopefully it will work out better than floppy-style.
I see, an actual screen of green not a modified lst'ing. Interested to see how this turns out for you. We'll coin the term, BOG (Blankets of Green).

I'm not sure what you would call it.... In a true scrog the limb are laid out flat on the screen during veg and early flowering, so that buds spring up from the flattened nodes and grow vertically. I am never around enough to supervise all that stuff, and so I end up with longish budding branches growing vertically through the screen. Like I said before, a sort of candelabra shaped plant held in place by the screen. In the case of the PC, the candelabra has a habit of melting and drooping 2/3 of the way through flowering.
I'm kind of doing that scrog laying-down process now, after seven weeks of flowering, with another 5 to 7 left (?). No I don't expect the buds to start shooting up vertically. I think they will bend upward somewhat, and the upper sides of the horizontal buds will have hundreds of little budlet flowers which are growing upwards. I expect them to lay there quietly now, more like a bed of green than a sea. Kind of like the way seal or sea lion colonies look when they lay in the sun all flopped over top of each other, if you've ever seen such a thing....
Lotto buds in that there 'bud bed' ,, :thumb:
Great analogy with the seals bedding down Weaselcracker. No doubt whatever happens there will be plenty of juicy bud coming out of there by the looks of things. I've never really fancied growing the scrog way, maybe I'm just too new to growing and always have in mind that I want the plants to enjoy themselves and grow as naturally as possible. Now if only I could give them some time to enjoy themselves instead of giving them all a tortuous existence :)
A couple pictures of the flattened Pineapple Chunk. The limbs stuck up above the screen about 12 - 14" inches before I did this, but as mentioned were starting to flop over.


I hear what you're saying about the scrog method Kriaze. I miss seeing them in their natural shape. I grew in this room for a few years though without the screen and it was a lot less practical for what I'm doing, being away so much, and all... With the scrog I know that I can keep all the plants at roughly the same height. I can grow larger plants than I could without some support, and I can still shuffle them around and carry them places a bit. The plant control benefits allow me to do it this way. I started scrog for the first time a few months before I started this journal. It's still a bit new to me and I'm not tired of it yet so just trying to appreciate the plants in their scrogged state for now. I'd be happy to have less bud and have them untrained, but not happy trying to manage them that way during my weekly drive-by gardening sessions.
Thanks go to Uncle Cannabis for showing me the 'plywood standard' unit for measuring grow space. Each of my flowering lights shines on a scrogged area that is 38" wide by 48" deep, containing four screened plants. The two lights together, eight plants, cover a space 4' deep by 6'2" wide. That's just over 3/4 of a sheet of plywood for my entire flowering operation, and it's usually not full.
If I add in the vegging area, and cloning area to boot, it's still less than one and 1/4 sheets of plywood in size. So small yet so big.
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