Found a nice surprise a few hours ago.
Was looking out my window and on the edge of the woods spied several Lions Mane mushrooms about 12 feet up a dead tree.
Grabbed the ladder and harvested just over 2 pounds of perfect Lions Mane, no bugs at all.
About $50 worth at the grocery store.
I sliced one up in thick slices, fried in a dry pan with a little salt for a few minutes, then added Ghee to finish it up nice and golden brown.
Made some Fettuccine, took shrooms out of skillet and lightly browned a little garlic in some ghee, added a couple tablespoons of some kale and white cheddar Alfredo sauce and a couple tablespoons of heavy cream.
Sliced the Lions Mane up into strips and added to skillet with sauce, added the Fettuccine and topped with Parmesan and Aleppo pepper.
Was very tasty and really good for you.
I am making some spore prints right now in hopes of growing my own.