OG Kush Round 2- In Soil - 1000Watt HPS - GH utes - CO2- Flipped Now- Going For 1LB!?

Re: OG Kush Round 2- In Soil - 1000Watt HPS - GH utes - CO2- Flipped Now- Going For 1

Hi Vick -

I wouldn't worry about bending them as needed. Just try to avoid splitting them if you can. Read up on proper super cropping methods if you aren't familiar with the technique, but basically you want to pinch the stem until you hear it sort of "snap" inside all the way around. Then sort of pinch/roll the stem gently. Don't rush this and don't force it if you can help it. Though, it's actually hard to screw up and the plants will probably be fine either way... I'm sure the one you bent will be just fine and be bending itself up toward the light in about a day. It'll be pretty healed at the place you bent it in about a week, with a big strong knuckle where you did it.

I'd only bend them if you need to to keep the canopy even. I'm really impressed with how even your canopy looks already in your pics. You are doing a wonderful job my friend. The co2 and your TLC are really working for you as they are super developed for their stage (I keep saying this, but it's true!)

Re: OG Kush Round 2- In Soil - 1000Watt HPS - GH utes - CO2- Flipped Now- Going For 1

Hey X
Thanks for the positive comments!, and commending me on my even canopy! but IMO the photos don't really show how un-even it is. (maybe just to me)
Ive done a lot of research on super cropping, scrog, and defoiliation. And I think I've got enough confidence to fully commit to the defoil and supercrop. But I'm just worried because the plants seem to be progressing so rapidly as is, I'm afraid that supercropping all the taller colas will really sloth their progression. I've got about another foot of light height to play with which isn't much. And I know these OG's stretch til the end, so I may be left with no choice here BUT to supercrop everything above cage level. After my last comment, I went back in the tent and bent the rest of the colas on that plant in a saw blade pattern and tied down to the top of the cage with pipe cleaners like I did with the first one. If I see in a day or so that they responded well. I'm going to bend every other cola at cage level, give them a few days to recover, then drop the light down, and hope they rock through it. Why is it that each plant at all 4 corners of the reflector footprint, seem to stretch and explode more than than the rest of the canopy!? Like by 6".. I know the light is more concentrated (focused) at these areas, but is that enough to blow up growth like it seems to do there? I've seen this on lots of friend's grows in the past and have always wondered why.
So then I got to thinking about the supercropping more. Why not tie string across the top of the cages to create a kind of netting or support for the soon to be heavy colas. It would make for multiple tie down spots and would be like a (per plant) "porta scrog." Would make things a lot easier for moving plants around, trimming/feeding/inspecting/flushing etc. Try that with a fully engulfed scrog! Maybe I just need to shut up, grab my balls and do it to the whole frickin tent instead of just talking about it..
Re: OG Kush Round 2- In Soil - 1000Watt HPS - GH utes - CO2- Flipped Now- Going For 1

On another note, has anyone used or is using the new Raptor XXXL hood in their tent?
I'm thinking if I get one of those I'll have a more complete footprint that would better utilize the 1000 watt hps in my 5x5..
And if I got a smaller Charcoal filter, mounted it from the top corner of my tent, I'd have that whole corner to fill with colas.
Re: OG Kush Round 2- In Soil - 1000Watt HPS - GH utes - CO2- Flipped Now- Going For 1

Hey X
Thanks for the positive comments!, and commending me on my even canopy! but IMO the photos don't really show how un-even it is. (maybe just to me)
Ive done a lot of research on super cropping, scrog, and defoiliation. And I think I've got enough confidence to fully commit to the defoil and supercrop. But I'm just worried because the plants seem to be progressing so rapidly as is, I'm afraid that supercropping all the taller colas will really sloth their progression. I've got about another foot of light height to play with which isn't much. And I know these OG's stretch til the end, so I may be left with no choice here BUT to supercrop everything above cage level. After my last comment, I went back in the tent and bent the rest of the colas on that plant in a saw blade pattern and tied down to the top of the cage with pipe cleaners like I did with the first one. If I see in a day or so that they responded well. I'm going to bend every other cola at cage level, give them a few days to recover, then drop the light down, and hope they rock through it. Why is it that each plant at all 4 corners of the reflector footprint, seem to stretch and explode more than than the rest of the canopy!? Like by 6".. I know the light is more concentrated (focused) at these areas, but is that enough to blow up growth like it seems to do there? I've seen this on lots of friend's grows in the past and have always wondered why.
So then I got to thinking about the supercropping more. Why not tie string across the top of the cages to create a kind of netting or support for the soon to be heavy colas. It would make for multiple tie down spots and would be like a (per plant) "porta scrog." Would make things a lot easier for moving plants around, trimming/feeding/inspecting/flushing etc. Try that with a fully engulfed scrog! Maybe I just need to shut up, grab my balls and do it to the whole frickin tent instead of just talking about it..

Hi Vick -

I have areas where there is crossover from both lights so that it's more intense in the middle, and there is always more robust growth as a result in those areas. In my opinion, do what it takes to keep things level as you can and you'll benefit.

I've been super-cropping in flower, just like what you're doing and contemplating, and I'm a little ahead of you - the colas where they've been bent are as large or larger than the others easily, but better yet, the secondary buds just below are much bigger as a result of now being closer to the light and no longer being "under" the cola. Also, some of the shorter branches shot up with the rest of the canopy. Win, win, win.

I don't see any down-side so far, and I've been really experimenting/watching. Most of the ones I did are now straightened back up with big strong looking knuckles where they were bent. Even the ones where it split a little bit look strong and healthy now. I'm glad I did it with no regrets. Hope that helps!
Re: OG Kush Round 2- In Soil - 1000Watt HPS - GH utes - CO2- Flipped Now- Going For 1

On another note, has anyone used or is using the new Raptor XXXL hood in their tent?
I'm thinking if I get one of those I'll have a more complete footprint that would better utilize the 1000 watt hps in my 5x5..
And if I got a smaller Charcoal filter, mounted it from the top corner of my tent, I'd have that whole corner to fill with colas.

Nope, but you're making me a bit jealous with all that wattage, co2 and space!!! I really like your set-up and that hood might be great. :)

If you could keep temps in line, the real "bees knees" are the Adjust-a-Wing reflectors. They are amazing at giving you more even coverage and spread the heat well too, almost enough to not need air-cooling in some situations (assuming you have a good fan/filter going in the tent with it). But, they ran just a little too hot for my smallish tent, so I had to go air-cooled. The difference was only about 5 degrees faranheit, but that was just enough to push me out of my comfort zone for temps.
Re: OG Kush Round 2- In Soil - 1000Watt HPS - GH utes - CO2- Flipped Now- Going For 1

Hi Vick -

I have areas where there is crossover from both lights so that it's more intense in the middle, and there is always more robust growth as a result in those areas. In my opinion, do what it takes to keep things level as you can and you'll benefit.

I've been super-cropping in flower, just like what you're doing and contemplating, and I'm a little ahead of you - the colas where they've been bent are as large or larger than the others easily, but better yet, the secondary buds just below are much bigger as a result of now being closer to the light and no longer being "under" the cola. Also, some of the shorter branches shot up with the rest of the canopy. Win, win, win.

I don't see any down-side so far, and I've been really experimenting/watching. Most of the ones I did are now straightened back up with big strong looking knuckles where they were bent. Even the ones where it split a little bit look strong and healthy now. I'm glad I did it with no regrets. Hope that helps!

OK!!! That was the push I needed X!
Thanks bro, you just completely confirmed what I had been thinking too. So tonight I will be supercropping every plant at cage level, balls to the wall! I was thinking the same thing about the shorter colas fattening up as a result, and stretching up to complete a perfectly even canopy. It just makes perfect sense now, and I'm sure it will even more so, when a week from now I'm gazing at a perfectly even canopy of swelling buds!
Re: OG Kush Round 2- In Soil - 1000Watt HPS - GH utes - CO2- Flipped Now- Going For 1

Nope, but you're making me a bit jealous with all that wattage, co2 and space!!! I really like your set-up and that hood might be great. :)

If you could keep temps in line, the real "bees knees" are the Adjust-a-Wing reflectors. They are amazing at giving you more even coverage and spread the heat well too, almost enough to not need air-cooling in some situations (assuming you have a good fan/filter going in the tent with it). But, they ran just a little too hot for my smallish tent, so I had to go air-cooled. The difference was only about 5 degrees faranheit, but that was just enough to push me out of my comfort zone for temps.

Thanks X,
I was looking at those adjust a wing reflectors, but I pretty much "HAVE" to run a air cooled cooltube in my tent or it will just get too hot. Or hotter than I am comfortable with anyway. I have an AC on standby, but want to save it for emergency temps in the summer.
I'm going to try and source out one of those super wide Raptor hoods locally for maybe the end of this grow but definitely for the next one. I want to bump my units up to 15 OG's in 5 gal grow bags on the next grow, and just CRAM it to the max using high defoil and supercropping.
Getting excited for the next one already!
Re: OG Kush Round 2- In Soil - 1000Watt HPS - GH utes - CO2- Flipped Now- Going For 1

So I did it tonight!
I supercropped everything down to the top of tomato cages, and have a nice even canopy mapped out.
I'm hoping these shorter buds are really going to explode now.

I was able to drop the lights down almost 4 inches after. Now I wait and hope the bends knuckle up nicely..
Thanks X for the final push I needed to bend these ladies over.
Re: OG Kush Round 2- In Soil - 1000Watt HPS - GH utes - CO2- Flipped Now- Going For 1

So I did it tonight!
I supercropped everything down to the top of tomato cages, and have a nice even canopy mapped out.
I'm hoping these shorter buds are really going to explode now.

I was able to drop the lights down almost 4 inches after. Now I wait and hope the bends knuckle up nicely..
Thanks X for the final push I needed to bend these ladies over.

+ reps on that! You're going to see some nice bud explosion soon!

Who doesn't like their girls bent over a little bit anyways huh?
Re: OG Kush Round 2- In Soil - 1000Watt HPS - GH utes - CO2- Flipped Now- Going For 1

On another note, has anyone used or is using the new Raptor XXXL hood in their tent?
I'm thinking if I get one of those I'll have a more complete footprint that would better utilize the 1000 watt hps in my 5x5..
And if I got a smaller Charcoal filter, mounted it from the top corner of my tent, I'd have that whole corner to fill with colas.

I too have a 5x5 and am getting that hood Tuesday. So take a look at my journal update then and we'll see how it looks.
Re: OG Kush Round 2- In Soil - 1000Watt HPS - GH utes - CO2- Flipped Now- Going For 1

On another note, has anyone used or is using the new Raptor XXXL hood in their tent?
I'm thinking if I get one of those I'll have a more complete footprint that would better utilize the 1000 watt hps in my 5x5..
And if I got a smaller Charcoal filter, mounted it from the top corner of my tent, I'd have that whole corner to fill with colas.

Subbed. What brand are your og kush clones? I have two XXXL hoods that are similar to the raptors. I'm going to put both of them in a 5 X5 tent. I'll be using 600 watt bulbs instead of my normal 1000 watt bulbs. I'll keep ya posed on it,
Re: OG Kush Round 2- In Soil - 1000Watt HPS - GH utes - CO2- Flipped Now- Going For 1

Hi Sky,
Good to have ya.
I got the clones from a buddy that was working at a medicinal show.
He couldn't give me much info on the genetics. But I'm guessing it's a Sativa Indica hybrid of some sort.
It has very sativa qualities and appearance. But they like to stretch quite a lot. Had to feed them" Dr. No" to stop the stretch at 3 weeks after flip. My last grow with these gals stretched right til the end.
You can fit 2 of those XXXL's in a 5x5?? I thought one would be enough of a footprint to completely cover the tent corner to corner with a 1000 k HPS. I guess you'd just butt the collars up against each other and tape em up?
Re: OG Kush Round 2- In Soil - 1000Watt HPS - GH utes - CO2- Flipped Now- Going For 1

Hi Sky,
Good to have ya.
I got the clones from a buddy that was working at a medicinal show.
He couldn't give me much info on the genetics. But I'm guessing it's a Sativa Indica hybrid of some sort.
It has very sativa qualities and appearance. But they like to stretch quite a lot. Had to feed them" Dr. No" to stop the stretch at 3 weeks after flip. My last grow with these gals stretched right til the end.
You can fit 2 of those XXXL's in a 5x5?? I thought one would be enough of a footprint to completely cover the tent corner to corner with a 1000 k HPS. I guess you'd just butt the collars up against each other and tape em up?

Actually they will not be inline they will be actually be side by side to maximize the lighting. Sog style. So I will have some bends in my air cooled duct work.
Re: OG Kush Round 2- In Soil - 1000Watt HPS - GH utes - CO2- Flipped Now- Going For 1

Wow, that's pretty sick. I wish I had enough room to run 2 lights like that.
The room I'm growing in has slanted ceilings on both sides. I wanted to cram a 10x5x6.5 in it so I could run 2 lights side by side. Pretty much like the tent I have but double wide. But unfortunately I'm short in height by about 3 inches. And to run tentless, would be just too much work sealing the room up. (Old houses, Fak)
But I guess I can't complain, I'm having pretty good luck so far with just 1.
I gotta remember that I only need enough to keep me happy, I'm not sellin it so why go bigger?
It's easy to see all the BIG setups that other members are running on here, and get excited to go big too.
But until I build my own fortress with a grow basement? I'm happy to watch the bigguns go off.
I just read through your last journal.
Looks like you got some nice stanky KUSH on your first go.
Did you decide to go 2L hempie or sticking with your previous setup?
Re: OG Kush Round 2- In Soil - 1000Watt HPS - GH utes - CO2- Flipped Now- Going For 1

Looks, I mean smells, like my exhaust filter has expired.
Been smelling it a bit more in the house lately. And just today went outside and WHEW!!!!! Pure KUSH blowing out my exhaust port, shit. Now I have been thinking about getting a longer slimmer (not so heavy) filter to hang from the rafters in my 5x5x6ft tent anyway. Then I'd have more room for my next grow. The thing I have now is way too heavy and fat to hang from the rafters. That is why I had to stick it in the corner of the tent. Am I better off replacing the charcoal in my current filter to see me through this grow then upgrade to a new one at switchover? And if replacing charcoal is a better idea, is it pretty straight forward to do? I've never had to buy a new one before. Can anyone steer me in the right direction with picking out a new one or re packing my old one? I have a budget of about $200.00
Re: OG Kush Round 2- In Soil - 1000Watt HPS - GH utes - CO2- Flipped Now- Going For 1

Wow, that's pretty sick. I wish I had enough room to run 2 lights like that.
The room I'm growing in has slanted ceilings on both sides. I wanted to cram a 10x5x6.5 in it so I could run 2 lights side by side. Pretty much like the tent I have but double wide. But unfortunately I'm short in height by about 3 inches. And to run tentless, would be just too much work sealing the room up. (Old houses, Fak)
But I guess I can't complain, I'm having pretty good luck so far with just 1.
I gotta remember that I only need enough to keep me happy, I'm not sellin it so why go bigger?
It's easy to see all the BIG setups that other members are running on here, and get excited to go big too.
But until I build my own fortress with a grow basement? I'm happy to watch the bigguns go off.
I just read through your last journal.
Looks like you got some nice stanky KUSH on your first go.
Did you decide to go 2L hempie or sticking with your previous setup?

My last run over a year ago I ran with out a tent which was a pain so I'm going to use a tent this time. Some of these members on here go big but don't know how to maximize the space they have or don't really know what they are doing. Then you have some who know what they are doing. That's how I've learned over the years by watching journals from people who know what they are doing. I'm not going to go back to aero/nft for now but it is my favorite. I'm going to do the 2l sog style to maximize the use my space and lights. I just keep it simple to avoid any big mistakes.

Is your carbon filter inside your tent being pulled from a fan or is it on the floor in your tent recirculating the air.
Re: OG Kush Round 2- In Soil - 1000Watt HPS - GH utes - CO2- Flipped Now- Going For 1

I know what ya mean about the tent. My last grow was tentless in a small walk in closet and it was a bit of pain too.
You only get better watching people that are better than you. And I most definitely agree it's all about maximizing your space. And that is exactly what I am going to try to do in my grows.
So 2L sog, how many plants are you going to have going?

Carbon filter is currently in the tent pulling from a fan outside the tent in a DIY muffler box through a 6" duct muffler then outside. With a speed controller. It's stacked up on top of things in the far right corner. Seeing as it's buggered I thought I'd get a new one that is longer, lighter and would fit perfectly attached to the rafters of the tent. Again allowing me to maximize my space. Because I'm hoping to put 15 in the same tent next. This should give me plenty of room to fill it up once a new filter is hung.
Re: OG Kush Round 2- In Soil - 1000Watt HPS - GH utes - CO2- Flipped Now- Going For 1

I know what ya mean about the tent. My last grow was tentless in a small walk in closet and it was a bit of pain too.
You only get better watching people that are better than you. And I most definitely agree it's all about maximizing your space. And that is exactly what I am going to try to do in my grows.
So 2L sog, how many plants are you going to have going?

Carbon filter is currently in the tent pulling from a fan outside the tent in a DIY muffler box through a 6" duct muffler then outside. With a speed controller. It's stacked up on top of things in the far right corner. Seeing as it's buggered I thought I'd get a new one that is longer, lighter and would fit perfectly attached to the rafters of the tent. Again allowing me to maximize my space. Because I'm hoping to put 15 in the same tent next. This should give me plenty of room to fill it up once a new filter is hung.

I will have about 80 to 90 sog plants. The bad part is that I will have 4 different strains wich means uneven canopy. I should have just focused on one strain. But we will see. You are planning on putting 15 dwc buckets in your tent? I never rebuild a filter so maybe someone else should chime in other wise I would get a new filter to stop the smell.
Re: OG Kush Round 2- In Soil - 1000Watt HPS - GH utes - CO2- Flipped Now- Going For 1

No, not DWC, 15 5 gallon grow bags, with special soil mix..
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