Odin's 2nd Go - Pineapple Express In Soil

The tank may have not have filled on you, but until you are familiar with it. I thought I could help towards preventing a possible disaster.
What setting do you run yours on?

I have been running mine on auto and it's stayed around 75 and never produced a drop of water. Today wad the hottest is been by far here. When I got home it was 80 in the room and I couldn't keep it any lower. I switched it to cool now and it comes on at 76 turns off at 70.
I just set the temp to 65 and leave it on at night. It cools my bedroom to supplement my poor central air. It is usually very humid here, so the bucket may take a day or a few days to fill. Sometime the tank would fill a few times a night, so I started with the buckets. We may not have the same exact unit, though the pic looks identical. Mine is 10'000 btu, and the bucket is half full. I dumped it 2 days ago. It does get down to 65 in about 2 hours and then the compressor comes on when it needs to. :Namaste:
Still having some leaves curl, only leaves towards the center of the light. Maybe I'll start spinning my plants a little every day.

Here is a update.







Odin's 2nd Go - Pineapple Express In Soil
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