Nwgrower's Medical 10k Grow

Looking good!! Cant wait until you pull out the 10k of lights! This is going to be exciting to watch!

Nwgrower420, Also on the LED vs HID... Im kinda with you. I for sure love LED and actually may purchase one very soon. I have never grew with either but i have yet to see a yield from LED's that was as good as HID... Every LED grow i see the buds just dont swell like using a HID light.. COFinest is doing some great things with LED's and one plant. Im interested in seeing his final grow with the 1600 mars and dry weight! But i believe LED's possibly could be the future in growing all the way to flowering! Hopefully the price comes down and the technology gets better and better!

Keep up the good work!

Thank you! Yes I agree. One day they will be superior. I hope the prices come down soon! Im tempted to pick up 5 or 6 180w or bigger pannels for some cross spectrum! I already run a cross. Havent decied yet on this one! Yeah when all 10 get switched on they will love it! Im actually suprised at how well they have done. These clones sat in a bucket of Hydroton and water for quite some time until I could get to them. Poor babies. Haha.

Bloody Knife!!!
Is there's something you need to tell us?-

Uhhh... you werent supposed to see that... Hahaha no its this stuff called red guard. Its used for shower pans, also works great for sealing up a room!
Another thing about leds... I think they a bar none the best for a "stealth grow" I do like them and have seen some impressive grows with them.. but the price and quantity I would need just arent worth it yet in my flower room. Although I think im going to run my own side by side. Same everything beside lights. Ill make a journal for that aswell!
Thanks brother. I've been a caregiver the last 4 years and have loved every moment of it. My mom was diagnosed witj stage 4 cervical cancer and she would smoke pot to help with the chemo. And she would get complete shit pot, and didn't want here smoking that. I grew a little before but never got really serious about it til then.. along the way have met hundreds of patients that have benefited alot from cannabis. I honestly contribute my mom's remission to cannabis and rso my buddy made. Powerful stuff.

Congratulations to her on the remission! That RSO is amazing. I would definitely say that was a major factor for her remission.

Chemotherapy is one thing.. it can kinda work.. sometimes. But RSO is proving to be the total apocalypse for cancer.

I admire guys like you that have the space to grow a lot to help others. I would love to be able to grow like that in my spare time and offer help to people. Nothing can be more gratifying than helping positively affecting someones life like you do.
Congratulations to her on the remission! That RSO is amazing. I would definitely say that was a major factor for her remission.

Chemotherapy is one thing.. it can kinda work.. sometimes. But RSO is proving to be the total apocalypse for cancer.

I admire guys like you that have the space to grow a lot to help others. I would love to be able to grow like that in my spare time and offer help to people. Nothing can be more gratifying than helping positively affecting someones life like you do.

Thank you very much and I totally agree! Such a great feeling. Every patient puts a huge smile on my face. Yeah I am very blessed to be in a position to do what I do!

I had a friend of a friend who had pancreatic cancer. After 4 years he was given 30 days to live. My buddy got a phone call from the man who had just been told this.. he was in absolute tears asking for some rso.. he had exhausted every other method.. he started injecting it in a couple meals a day.. it kept him alive for over another year!!! It was amazing.. his energy levels raised, his apatite, and overall well-being. While it didnt totally save his life... it extended and improved it drastically. I have a lot of faith in good rso..
Some more photos! Started on the veg room today, will upload some pics of that soon.
These ladies are exploding with new growth. 11 of the 12 are right on schedule. One has some catching up to do!


you can see the one that slacking in the back

And these two products are a must when running unfiltered city(ish) water. Z7 is a must in any garden imho.
Z7 and flora extract.
Good Day Nwgrower. Great to see another northwest grower. Sounds like you have been at it for awhile. I started growing for my wife and I just retired a few months back so I'm grow for myself now also. Your set up is great also. Using a container is a very economical way to come up with a grow room. Nicely done. Our medical laws here are pretty nice now but if the liquor control board anything to do with it, it won't be as good. Oh well time will tell. I will be watching your babies grow. :volcano-smiley:
Good Day Nwgrower. Great to see another northwest grower. Sounds like you have been at it for awhile. I started growing for my wife and I just retired a few months back so I'm grow for myself now also. Your set up is great also. Using a container is a very economical way to come up with a grow room. Nicely done. Our medical laws here are pretty nice now but if the liquor control board anything to do with it, it won't be as good. Oh well time will tell. I will be watching your babies grow. :volcano-smiley:

Thank you. Yeah no doubts. Although there are alot of medical growers where I'm at! Yeah if/when they get involved with the medical side it won't be pretty. They want there money. They made that very clear. Haha
And yeah we were planning on building a shop but couldn't get a permit and already have an agricultural building so we decided on this! We already have three others for storage. They work fantastic.
This is an inspirational thread. If it wasn't so late I would make a proper reply. But it looks great! Here is my big question for you. Right now you have all your gear ya? Have you paid off your gear yet? If NO then stop thinking about spending money that isn't in you hands yet. Upgrade when you can and start slow. Crop out, sell one HPS and buy a 800n watt LED and see if it works for you. If it doesn't benefit the section its in, sell it.

Anyways looking forward to see the flower room! :)
This is an inspirational thread. If it wasn't so late I would make a proper reply. But it looks great! Here is my big question for you. Right now you have all your gear ya? Have you paid off your gear yet? If NO then stop thinking about spending money that isn't in you hands yet. Upgrade when you can and start slow. Crop out, sell one HPS and buy a 800n watt LED and see if it works for you. If it doesn't benefit the section its in, sell it.

Anyways looking forward to see the flower room! :)

Thank you! Yes everything is paid for. I plan on doing a side by side in a different room here at the end of the year.
Well good! A plan is a great thing to have :) I was wondering though why you have so much room and so little plants? You could maximize light by instaling some sort of "sliding" or temporary wall/door at the end so when you are vegging you don't lose all that light to the last half of the container. Just wondering whats going on. Is that the eventual flower room in the process?
Well good! A plan is a great thing to have--I was wondering though why you have so much room and so little plants? You could maximize light by instaling some sort of "sliding" or temporainesy wall/door at the end so when you are vegging you don't lose all that light to the last half of the container. Just wondering whats going on. Is that the eventual flower room in the process?

That is my flower room. We grow BIG GIRLS. This container will be a jungle week 4 of flower with just these twelve. MIGHT do 15 next roumd we will see. Its not about numbers. We grow fewer BIGGER plants fsther then abunch of small ones. If you read my jouranl you would know this is the only time I plan on vegging in this container as yes its far too big. I just started on my veg room a couple days ago. Which is 15x8. We will spread all the girls out in a week and turn on all 10k. Thanks for voicing your concern!
Thank you Hunternitro. We get more symmetrical bushes this way. When Jack frost (and most strains) touch a wall or eachother in veg they tend to shoot up versus out. Kinda like a fish not out growing there tank..

Room temp 70-78
Humidity 40-55%
Water temp 66-69
Ppm 510
Ph 5.9

Nothing to special to update. Day 25 since rooted. Gals are doing great and most of them are right on schedule. A couple are a little behind but no big deal. The girls got spread out some and I fired up 2 more lights for 6k total. I will turn on the other 4k within a week and a half or so and set them in there flowering spots. I was short one metal halide so I have one hps on. I might do a cross spectrum I havent decided yet! I dont flower until most/all the girls get up to my top handle. Usualy thats anywere from 4-5 weeks, but these were a little behind so they will go a tad longer. I knda fucked up when I put these buckets together and forgot to install screens on the 1 / 2 " male adapters feeding the buckets, so little Hydroton pebbles are getting lodged in there. Still draining great but could cause an issue later. So im thinking about going and buying more buckets, set them up, and swap them out. Other than that everything is kosher!
Thanks for looking! Enjoy!


ill upload some more pics later!
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