Noob’s First One: 2x2, 125W QB, Coco

Yo bro ! In fact i think im just too worried about temperature and i shouldn’t because only first noob day i had 35°C but since i put a fan outside in front of the 100mm passive inline, and one little fan in the tent blowing on the girls and/or the LED, the temperature is about 28°C and worst case about max max 29°C so i guess I’m just ok and need to stop worry about that right ? :snowboating:
Thé giiirls about a week after sprouted (and all the problems haha)
@Rexer Hey bro ! Btw im not sure i got it, it is normal that i make a new potion everyday ? Or can we make like one single « seedling For ex» potion for the week ? Then of course re AJUST before watering ?
Thanks bro ! Lights in about 1’30 hour :snowboating:
Hey @Marsella ,
I dont see any reason that you cant setup a reservoir where you have your nutes premixed and PH'd in advance. Just make a reservoir that is light proof and has an airstone in it to keep the water oxygenated, and ph the whole batch. Personally I'd still check each time to make sure the ph doesn't need readjusting right before feeding. A reservoir doesn't need to be a fancy container, mine is made from a plastic tote from home depot.

Forgot to mention...keep the reservoir from getting too hot or cold as well. Room temp is ok.
Ok and i just see that i fucked up with the timer but anyway girls still .... wet .... if i may say !! :headbanger:
So probably feed later or tomorrow yeeeesss (i know that i should water coco every day but so lazy and if still wet it wont deserve right ? ...:ganjamon:)
Ok and i just see that i fucked up with the timer but anyway girls still .... wet .... if i may say !! :headbanger:
So probably feed later or tomorrow yeeeesss (i know that i should water coco every day but so lazy and if still wet it wont deserve right ? ...:ganjamon:)

I'm not familiar enough with coco to answer that, but theres plenty of info on the forum on it. I'm using hydroton (clay pebbles) which has it's own drainage times/cycles.

Many grow systems have an external reservoir. I use an ebb and flow system and only change my reservoir weekly. I also check it twice a day and allow the ph to range/fluctuate between 5.8 to 6.5 before correcting, but again yours will differ since your using coco. Using an airstone will cause ph to slowly rise due to the cO2 being added into it (well, that's what I've read).

Follow the rules/recommendations of your grow medium. But dont be shy to borrow working ideas from others (as with any experimentation be preparedfor failure). For example I added airstones and sealed my flood trays to allow zero light in. Many ebb and flows that I've seen dont have that, many do (but I went a step further filling the trays with hydroton). This borrows from a rdwc (recirculating deep water culture), I also suspect come harvest I'm going to find an abundance of air roots (i hope!!) sitting ontop of the hydroton I've filled into my flood trays. This borrows from what ive learned doing a Kratky lettuce garden.

Kratky is a pretty cool concept of growing and is what I did to dip my toes into it when you've got some spare time.

So bottom line, your on the right path by looking at what others are doing and seeing what and how to incorporate it into your grow. If your having trouble with timing your watering you could look into automating fancy timer is a cheap smart power strip from Amazon that has wifi (40 bucks I think).

Sorry for the long rant....lots on the mind.

Thanks a lot for this complete answer bro ! For my next run im definitely gonna automatic it, first i have to understand how to water haha
And i was gonna ask about should i cover or not the bucket and i also checked and looks like its safer to cover it from light so right i guess bro ;)

For the Kratky method YESSS already found that long ago but my gf told me to stop because too many vegetables cutted on the balcony hahaha and she never wanted to try any ... onion was strong but good anyway i promess ! But im sure she will test my weed garden :snowboating:
Okokok broooz update i still feed my 2 ugly kids ... may i let them die to focus on my 2 beautiful daughters ? To be continued ...

Ps : @Rexer i made 3L potion so 1L/feed (200ML for the 2 ugly and 300ML for the good girls) so one potion for 3 feeding yayy (yes yes yes c
heck ec ph ik ik ik :ganjamon:) and it feels goooood:headbanger:

Ooookk broooos so i think some roots are at bottom but not sure may someone confirm or not if time to prepare for transplant please ? :ganjamon:
So one girls is still damned i think, the other ugly one (right up corner one)
i think she understood she has too push harder to be selected and she did so im very round of her so she may also be transplanted with the 2 beauties Into about 3,5L pots
Some piks
So about two weeks veg now so i guess tomorrow or after tomorrow max i will transplant if nobody sais the opposit ! I will keep the 2 best ones, maybe 3 to be able to try some on it as a cobaye hahahah

Ps : after transplant should i start the « second » feeding including some canna boost ? Thx broos :snowboating:
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