Lets try to measure run off pH next time. Usually not a very reliable indicator but not useless either. We want 10 - 15% run off every time.
Your plants are running very slow so you should have plenty of what you need in there by now. We need to maintain good temps and humidity and let things dry out.
I will post a chart below with all the info you need. I may have posted before. In your case lets keep temps in the 70's during the day and 60's at night if possible. Try to not let the Humidity drop below 50%.
Nutrient Lockout is when the pH is not in a range where the particular nutrient is mobile enough to be absorbed. So adding nutes to locked out soil does nothing it simply will just make the soil toxic. I will add a nute absorption chart below so you can see this. It is different in soil vs hydro. The whole point of soil water being pHd to 6.5 is to prevent lockout. The plant is happy as a clam in a huge range of pH...but the nutes will not be available so you get deficiencies and then the plant starts to cry "help me!!!!" Then people post stuff on here and I say "lets start a journal"
Hence why I wanted to back off to VF-11. This is a great all purpose pant food with everything you need and is not too strong and is formulated to aid in balance absorption and is great in a bad pH situation. When you get the soil fixed and things become mobile you may have too much in there. People tend to try and solve the wrong problem. They post a pic and someone says "That is Calmag deficiency". Neither the poster nor the helper realize that Calcium Deficiency and Magnesium deficiency look nothing alike. Then the Poster Dumps in a ton of Cal Mag and nothing changes. We talked about this before about understanding the symptoms being step 1 of many.
So when you have a whack pH the first thing we do is flush to remove any problems that may be built up. Some nutes will change into a salt and not be usable and just make the soil toxic.
So after we flush (preferably with pH'd water) we need to get that darn pH right by adding a good dose of properly pH'd water. Typically if you have a real bad situation I do the flush and pH separately. I learned a long time ago in a real bad situation you put it in the bathtub and run water through it until it is clear out the bottom and let it go 10 -15 min beyond that. If it is clear right away go not less than 15 min. We want to get everything out and turn it into a nearly soilless situation. A good soil blend will come right back. So that would be a lot of water to pH up front. So I do a 2 step process. Flush the hell out of it and then add pH'd water that is 2-3 times the pot size to really drive the pH to a correct spot.
so while it is flushing you make up a few buckets of pH'd water. let it sit and stabilize that pH for 10 min before use. Take the 3 or 4 buckets and use an extra one to keep mixing them back and forth to get a good even pH'd bath setup. When the flush is done do a pH'd rinse and run 2-3 times the pot through.
Now you have a clean and pH'd soil. You now just need to wait for it to dry out which will take a week.
So for that week we are low on nutes which isn't a big deal. Especially if the last batch of pH'd water has enzymes to clean up anything we couldn't get out.
A week later you can give my tea which is a total plant food concoction as well and a standard microb stuff. It has everything a plant needs. It will bring the soil back to life.
As you saw with the clones... the plant may be responsive to the tea in 24 hours. So in 2 weeks time you have a happy plant growing vigorously again. Then we add back Cal mag and silica and maybe light nutes.
Then depending on the situation (in yours in particular) we make decisions about whacking it back or training it to develop a bushy plant through recovery.
Right? That was our plan. I think you are not measuring the pH right as you are doing "everything" correctly. So we need to take some time and make sure we measure the fluids after they settle and wait for the pH pen to settle. You may have to sit there 5 min with you pen in the bucket. There are things you can do to speed it up but don't get impatient. pH is your problem I am almost certain of it. Maybe you soil is a mess? But I feel like you are doing things correctly so I feel like it is an issue with getting that darn pH spot on.
In the worst case we start this all over again...go back to step one and flush the hell out of it. But I think we can get by with a good pH dose. When they dry out dump a bucket of pH'd water though it 2 time the size of the pot. I bet your pH is too high so maybe try to get the pH of that water as close as you can to 6.2-6.3 pH. No less no more. Not 6.19. Not 6.31. 6.25 is good.