Nivana's Chrystal 11 Weeks Into Veg - Advice Welcome!

i'll be giving nutes with the next watering...the fulvic acid went in with the tea last has mycos as well, right? i'm sure the soil is empty...i think i'll give them the nutes tomorrow or sunday when they look thirsty and see how they react. i can up can them, but would like to try the nutes, first, to see how they react. you think a strong dose is the way to go?
no the fulvic acid is a highly refined mineral that has nothing else in it I think. Let me go look. People confuse it with Humic acid and Humic products all the time. Fulvic is derived from Humic but they are not the same. Fulvic is the best of the stuff in Humic when processed out and is also fantastic for people.

"Fulvic acid is an organic natural electrolyte that can balance and energize biological properties it comes into contact with"

Fulvic acid Benefits - A detailed overview of the benefits of Fulvic acid

As far as dose have lots of leaves and plenty of roots and stems. I think it can handle a full dose at this point if it is under a good light.
hey V! you are correct, it is humic acid that i have been using for the tea...i have the fulvic acid coming on it ok to combine the fulvic acid with the earth juice nutes? i think i can hold off on giving them the nutes until the fulvic acid gets here...
hi V...i've been searching for fulvic acid and not having much luck. local grow store carries green planet fulvic acid. i don't know anything about it...but i watched a youtube video from monster gardens and i know that i don't want to get the wrong stuff.

here's the link to the green planet fulvic acid...


i have bioag humic acid, but not fulvic acid. i ordered some safergro fulvic acid via amazon, but they sent me fulmag chelated magnesium for soil and foliar application, and then told me to just keep it and they would refund my money anyway...


when i ask for bioag fulvic acid, amazon comes up with bioag humic acid...which i already have...i cannot read the print on your pictures on your journal to see if it says bioag humic acid or fulvic acid...

what do you think? according to the video...using the wrong stuff can negatively impact the plants...i don't want to do that!

It is...again Fulvic is highly refined Humic. It is an extract that is made from Humic. That is why it is so confusing. And the process to refine it is expensive and not easy and most companies cheat and do it poorly. That stuff is good stuff. Add it with each watering at the bottle recommended concentration. That will make the plant absorb nutes more easily and utilize them more easily.
hiya V! i've been absent for awhile as my world is topsy turvy at the moment...but i wanted to let you know i am still taking care of the plants...i gave them a dose of food on wednesday and they are greening up nicely! if they keep looking better...i may post a picture! just wanted to let you know...i'm still here!
hello V! final post on this thread...i've kept the plants alive and have been feeding them they are starting to green up nicely, especially #3. however, i'm going to shut them down for a couple of reasons.

mostly, because i've learned a lot from messing with them, but i believe they are too far gone for a rookie like me to turn them into a worthwhile grow. in your hands, they probably would've done well, but that's not where they were.

in the process of working with them and you and reading this site, i have learned a great deal and my confidence is much stronger than it was...i am still growing 9 clones that i took from flowering clones....mostly to see what would happen and how they would grow and in working with them i still make mistakes, but i feel more empowered to diagnose and recover from those mistakes and my toolbox has expanded so much and i have you to thank for that! the time that you spent with me on this journal has made a huge difference in my knowledge base.

another consideration is that i need to have everything shut down and cleaned up in my attic by 20 june, so for the next two months i'm going to focus on these 9 clones that i just put into flower today, and let the 3 patients go.

seriously, i went from kindergarten to sixth grade in learning to speak cannabis over these past 3 or 4 months, so a big huge :thanks: and sincerely :Namaste:
oh would that i could, sejd2131!! we live in a small town and my husband teaches at the local alternative high school. it would jeopardize his job. but ya know...i was just checking them out...and i think i might stick #3 in the flowering room with the clones...just to see what she does...everything has to be wrapped up by 20 june...
I agree, its a fantastic learning experience. Too bad abt Outdoors, i think that would have stablized your babies.
I believe they`re almost back, and should prosper once again. However, I would add 1tsp of Epsom Salt the next 3 waterings to keep the sheen and avoid cal/def. Don`t give up...
hey have inspired me to try harder, so i called my son, who lives nearby, has a bigger lot and way more privacy!

he said, "sure, i'll take your 3 plants and let's see how they do outside!

so there you have it...he's going to dig 3 good sized holes and put in some compost and i'll carry these 3 girls over there and see how they do in the great outdoors!

thank you so much sejd2131, for chiming in and urging me to find an alternative... :thanks:
Great news. Thats an excellent idea....I suggest you use good potting soil and place it in a 3-5 gallon garbage bag. before you place plant in the the ground use a Pitch folk and place holes inside the bag, place compost or mulch on top and around the plant.
I`ll bet in one week you`ll see a tremendous difference. You`ll be shocked what the Outdoors will do for your babies... After that let Mother nature do her thing and just water and Nute when needed....
Hope all is well in your world.

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Sending you lots of love and positive energy.

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