Nick Hardy & Co Graduation: Coco Co2 High EC: Grown in Thailand: Perpetual

Didn’t mention they’re taking 75L a day to run off? During peak flower the last two grows it was about this. First grow was 18 plants. I think I under watered last grow. But still this is two days from flip. 100L a day means mixing nutes every other day. Gonna need a bigger taaaank!

They look like a religious cult convinced armageddon is nigh in there today. Bounced back from their shearing and had full blast 2.5 EC at them. The gas is back.

The 4 Red Hot Cookies are going in the morning but one is being up potted and flipped and staying. The biggest one has fans as big as I’ve ever seen - way bigger than my hands. She can stay and see how we go.

One goes in the Giant SIP grow and the other two I’ll veg a while longer downstairs. Get some clones maybe. Handsome plants.

Nick & Co



Brix Meter

@ReservoirDog wwre tou asking about one of these?

This is from a tropicanna poison. Going to retest later. Just barely there on enough liquid from one smaller fan it was 6.9% (it warns and doesn't read if not enough) and when I added the last drop it read 9.8% More leaf needed. Don’t imagine it will go up too much though.

Dunno how I’ll do the Solos - they seem to be living in a post fan world - they deal in buds only now!


Brix Meter

@ReservoirDog wwre tou asking about one of these?

This is from a tropicanna poison. Going to retest later. Just barely there on enough liquid from one smaller fan it was 6.9% (it warns and doesn't read if not enough) and when I added the last drop it read 9.8% More leaf needed. Don’t imagine it will go up too much though.

Dunno how I’ll do the Solos - they seem to be living in a post fan world - they deal in buds only now!

Looks very tidy how much was that one
Nice , it looks like a good bit of kit
$37USD - $59AUD It seems very decent. Made in Shenzhen but all documents and display in English, no typos and only mildly wrong grammar. (That stuff counts buying factory direct!)

Intell Instruments ST335A refractometer

Brix Meter

@ReservoirDog wwre tou asking about one of these?

This is from a tropicanna poison. Going to retest later. Just barely there on enough liquid from one smaller fan it was 6.9% (it warns and doesn't read if not enough) and when I added the last drop it read 9.8% More leaf needed. Don’t imagine it will go up too much though.

Dunno how I’ll do the Solos - they seem to be living in a post fan world - they deal in buds only now!

I never really understood all the sudden craze around Brix levels in Cannabis? It's typically a measurement of total solids in things you eat? I believe there's better and more important variables about growing than checking Brix levels. Dialing in input and output nutrient strength and keeping pH stable is way more important parameters in my book.

I believe people use it in the wrong context on here talking about "High Brix soil" which is a total BS statement and means absolutely nothing and indicates of a user believing sugar content in the medium translates to sugars in the plant which can't be further from the truth. A soil can't be "high Brix" it's a measurement for plants and food crops.

Another thing I've seen written is "Your Brix is low you need more Calcium" without even stating what plant food's being used and how much Calcium is in that and the source water from the get go? I don't think you're helping anyone with your own solutions on a problem if you don't have the patience to better understand someone else's growing situation? People are new and I understand that. I waited til 2014 before I became a member on any forums and started giving out advices, that's after 20 years of growing but I believe many on here believe they are experts on a subject after just a couple of years. I still see myself as a beginner in practice.

Dialing in input and output nutrient strength and keeping pH stable is way more important parameters in my book.
Temp/Rh/Ph/EC - all I really care about. PPM of Co2 maybe I guess. All calibrated by eyes.

For me I’m measuring for fun, whatever the reading is isn’t going to change my approach. Its a sugar thing so of some interest though?

I believe people use it in the wrong context on here talking about "High Brix soil"

100% - all the High Brix grows grouped are in soil. The distinction isn’t clear. You can get high brix in any medium - Res Dog was saying the same.

As I said when I ordered it - its a treat/reward for myself for some imagined success in the rest of my life! Its a bit of fun and knowledge accumulation is all!

We have a new permanent guest in here as of 10 minutes ago.

Red Hot Cookies sneaks in the day before flip. Totally untopped or trained. She’s a beast compared to the other three. About a month old.


Temp/Rh/Ph/EC - all I really care about. PPM of Co2 maybe I guess. All calibrated by eyes.

For me I’m measuring for fun, whatever the reading is isn’t going to change my approach. Its a sugar thing so of some interest though?

100% - all the High Brix grows grouped are in soil. The distinction isn’t clear. You can get high brix in any medium - Res Dog was saying the same.

As I said when I ordered it - its a treat/reward for myself for some imagined success in the rest of my life! Its a bit of fun and knowledge accumulation is all!

We have a new permanent guest in here as of 10 minutes ago.

Red Hot Cookies sneaks in the day before flip. Totally untopped or trained. She’s a beast compared to the other three. About a month old.


If you look what the most common uses for measuring Brix levels are in food crop production it's more of a proof of a seemingly nutrient rich food crop and a selling point toward investors and customers interested to buy. It's a crossover from other industries.

A refractometer is a good usable tool to measure other things than Brix! I've mostly used it to measure the amount of lubricants in coolant water doing metal milling.

Brix Meter

@ReservoirDog wwre tou asking about one of these?

This is from a tropicanna poison. Going to retest later. Just barely there on enough liquid from one smaller fan it was 6.9% (it warns and doesn't read if not enough) and when I added the last drop it read 9.8% More leaf needed. Don’t imagine it will go up too much though.

Dunno how I’ll do the Solos - they seem to be living in a post fan world - they deal in buds only now!

That’s your tester? How much? And how accurate? And how high will it read? Some cut off at 25%.
Didn’t mention they’re taking 75L a day to run off? During peak flower the last two grows it was about this. First grow was 18 plants. I think I under watered last grow. But still this is two days from flip. 100L a day means mixing nutes every other day. Gonna need a bigger taaaank!

They look like a religious cult convinced armageddon is nigh in there today. Bounced back from their shearing and had full blast 2.5 EC at them. The gas is back.

The 4 Red Hot Cookies are going in the morning but one is being up potted and flipped and staying. The biggest one has fans as big as I’ve ever seen - way bigger than my hands. She can stay and see how we go.

One goes in the Giant SIP grow and the other two I’ll veg a while longer downstairs. Get some clones maybe. Handsome plants.

Nick & Co


I can’t look. I get too jealous. :rofl:
You’re getting all the fun of a new build pretty soon!

Flip tomorrow. All 21 ready for it. Even the non cannabis looking cannabis plant has shaped up.

Nick & Co

You’re going to be up in the lights. Wow. Any raise space?

Yep. Minimum a meter+ and the left one will go even higher as it passes the ceiling fan. No crazy sativaness in there anyway. Height won’t get tested too much this time.
OMG!!! You have all the space in the world!!! Damn man, let’s see you grow fewer plants in the same space, but so big they go to the ceiling! There’s a challenge for you!
Dunno the solo grow seems to suggest more is more! This is stuff for sale and more plants yields more - the 15 solo tent is convincing me of it. Just top and let ‘em grow. Might do 6 classic mental sativas on that left side sometime though! From the top of the pots anything there has 2.3m (7’8”) to the ceiling.
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