Hey UltraNewb
Yeah sweet thats not too expensive for that light!! What exactly is it called so i can look it up? Also - do they throw off much heat mate??
Anyway your girls are looking nice mate, my girl is meant to have a 60-70 day flower period, i wasnt expecting to see any flowers for a few weeks due to this.. But on day 8, I HAD ME SOME FLOWERS!!
So given that, you should expect to see some within the next week for sure.. Have you given them a kick start of P&K nutes at start of flower or so?? I hit Cindy about day 2 or 3 i think?? Nothing crazy, just her usual Nitrosol nutes - 10N,6P,8K,2Calc. etc; @ 30ml p/13 Litres water, and the P&K @ 40ml p/13L..
Im still going to be giving Cindy some N, but minimal now, just trace elemtes P&K with maybe some molasses or similar in couple weeks..
Also she will be getting some Seasol - Seaweed xtract, again now for some help to feed her healthy and the soil.
Dont stress mate, youll be seeing some flowers soon, and its FRIGGIN AWSUM FROM THEN ON!! Youre not that far behind me!!
Goodluck and Happy Harvesting