New Room - New Medium - New Strains - 425 At It Again

Culled off the cuttings today, and put a dehumidifier in the garage today. We'll see if it helps. If not, I'll move it inside the grow and see how it goes. Here is the shot for today.

I'm getting there as well. Need to get a dehumidifier, possibly two of them. One for each building I grow in. I see the garage is almost 70% now. That's not cool.
So, I'm gonna have to flip to flower sooner than I guessed. These ladies are just exploding, and I'm only running my nutes at 400+ ppm and keeping the ph at 6. Excited to see what happens when I move em up to 800, then to 1200+. Switching to a different fertilizer regiment too. Gonna try this stuff for a few.

Anyone used it before? Advice before I start?

More pics from today.


The string bean in the middle is the NL auto, funny little girl:)

Second update of the

I have a 200/400/600 MH/HPS fixture that I have used a for end of veg and for flower

Wattage Totals-
Pre upgrade LED just shy of 600w of actual draw between the 3 lights I have.

New total-600w MH + 400w actual draw LED.

I really love the way the colors appear when you move from burple to MH.


This garden is going to become chaos over the next 2 months, and I can't wait!!


Think I'll have to flower a tent as well this week. Or else it's gonna get out of control. Have been waiting, hoping for some small clones to catch up with the rest of the plants, but I can't wait any longer now
Oh clones:). So the NL clones, that came from a plant that we didn't think was an auto, showed a new side today...Hermie flower! I'm not surprised by it at all, talk about a stressful go at life! Anyways they have been removed from the garden and will be dried and consumed one way or another. Lol.

All 3 literally didn't have any nanners 2 days ago, glad I got them now I guess. Keep that pollen out of the room!


These swollen calyx? Trying to help another member but I've never encountered a hermie I dont
Alright, advice needed my friends...I'm ready to flip to flower. I did a 20% defoliation just over a week ago. I know that I want to do one more defoliation, but I'm not sure about the timing, and am looking for some advice. I want to remove all the foliage in the box in the picture. Should I do it now, and flip the following day...should I do it now and wait a week to flip (things are getting tall), or do I flip now and trim in the future...or something different ?

Thank you homies!!
I'd do a hard defoliation and remove as much as you want now and wait a week to flip. The defoliation should slow the growth. If not, I chopped the bottom 1/3 of the plants in my tent 2 weeks in.
Saturday morning - lot to be done today.
Drained the waterfarm, not as quick as I though it would be. Refill with water, pH to correct range, use new nutes to get ppm to over 900, and filled reserve reservoir. I removed 2 of the plants from the farm, reducing it to 8 buckets for a couple reasons...I anticipate at least one of the bag seeds I used (total of 3) will become a male at flower time, and a couple of the plants plants I have are really heavy sativa, and are a little lanky already. Wether I get 2 males and keep the sativas, or one male and chop the lesser of the sativas, the end goal is an 8 plant farm. During the next water switch I'm gonna remove an replace the tubes that connect the buckets. I need to space things it to make he most of the space as these girls get bigger and stretch. I moved the reserve tank out of the grow room too, took up space and had a little algae in it from light exposure. I really surprised that GH didn't make their buckets and tanks light proof. Guess they all are gonna get colored/painted black before the next round, lol.

Here is this mornings shots. Not much has changed to the naked eye, but lots of progress!

Last thing was to install my remote heat sensor probe at the level of the canopy. Keeping a cool 75 is ideal there. Humidity a little high, but it's getting better.

Have a good day all!!
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