New Grow With PS500 LED

Quick update wit a few snaps my master kush responded great shes real wide but nice and flat on top

The the 2 x speeds r flower away i changed to flower nutes now so lets get the show on the rd for buds now

Happy growin 420
Hows all keepin bit of help needed if any1 can tryin to figure out how to get RH dwn without causong any heat . I have a dehumidifier in my grow space but its not takin it dwn past 60 % ,i no im ok while there only just flowerin but in the nxt wk or 2 il be lookin to try get it dwn abit any suggestions thanks
Hows all keepin bit of help needed if any1 can tryin to figure out how to get RH dwn without causong any heat . I have a dehumidifier in my grow space but its not takin it dwn past 60 % ,i no im ok while there only just flowerin but in the nxt wk or 2 il be lookin to try get it dwn abit any suggestions thanks

Try opening vents in tent or adding s bowl of rice ?
I have my tent right beside my window and everyday before i go to work i leave the window open so shes well vented . Il be tryin the rice thats for sure thanks joe
It brought it down a bit for me have to replace rice I think every few days though ?
Hows all keepin today havent been on much cos the app one phones not workin to great keeps freezin and not gettin notifications either. So ive a few snaps of the girls

Master kush
Few flowers from my x speed girls thwre slowly growin day by day

Happy growin
Bit of a concern about humidity cant get it dwn past 65 % tryed rice but still the same any suggestions . Ive a dehumidifier already and thats still the same . If i leave it on its grand but temps jump up alot so im at a cross rd here at the min
hey quinny plants are looking good,my grow space is a corner in a bedroom with curtains on two sides so i have a large dehumidifier in the room and it works good do you have a filter and fan set up in your tent you can turn the fan up move more air or if its in a dark room you could leave the flap open some and have a fan blowing into it I'm just guessing!
Ye i have a large dehumidifier myself but i only cums on every half hour cos of the temps goin to high if left on i was thinkin maybe leavin it outside the tent and leavin her on wit a window open to let out the hot air . Other than that ye everythin is goin great waterin every 2 to 3 days or so happy growin
Ye i have a large dehumidifier myself but i only cums on every half hour cos of the temps goin to high if left on i was thinkin maybe leavin it outside the tent and leavin her on wit a window open to let out the hot air . Other than that ye everythin is goin great waterin every 2 to 3 days or so happy growin

i would try that!
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